Hate crime?

On May 6, the body of Amancio Corrales, a Yuma, Ariz., female impersonator, was found in the Colorado River, bludgeoned to death.

On July 9, five days after St. John's Reformed United Church of Christ in Middlebrook, Va., endorsed same-sex marriages, someone wrote "UCC Sinners" and "Gays Lovers" in the church before setting it afire.

On July 24, the Heart Rock gay nightclub in Brownsville, Texas, was vandalized and set on fire.

On July 25, a gay couple returned to their home near Orlando, Fla., to find it in flames and the words "Die Fag" spray-painted on the steps.

"Gays have increasingly challenged the status quo, most recently with their support and encouragement of gay marriage statutes around the country," said Northeastern University Professor Jack Levin, an expert on hate crimes. "The result has been to infuriate homophobic Americans who believe that marriage is, by definition, a union of husband and wife and who are convinced that the legalization of gay marriage weakens the traditional marital bond." SPLCenter.org: Wave of Anti-Gay Hate Crimes Reported
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On May 6, the body of Amancio Corrales, a Yuma, Ariz., female impersonator, was found in the Colorado River, bludgeoned to death.

Frankly, I'd start with her boyfriend. Bludgeoning is a crime of passion, and I suspect it was a lover who did it.

What evidence do you have that this was a hate crime?

This is exactly my point. Just because a victim is gay doesn't mean that the motive was gender bias.
On May 6, the body of Amancio Corrales, a Yuma, Ariz., female impersonator, was found in the Colorado River, bludgeoned to death.

Frankly, I'd start with her boyfriend. Bludgeoning is a crime of passion, and I suspect it was a lover who did it.

What evidence do you have that this was a hate crime?

This is exactly my point. Just because a victim is gay doesn't mean that the motive was gender bias.

Bludgeoning is a crime of passion? What the fuck?
On May 6, the body of Amancio Corrales, a Yuma, Ariz., female impersonator, was found in the Colorado River, bludgeoned to death.

Frankly, I'd start with her boyfriend. Bludgeoning is a crime of passion, and I suspect it was a lover who did it.

What evidence do you have that this was a hate crime?

This is exactly my point. Just because a victim is gay doesn't mean that the motive was gender bias.

Bludgeoning is a crime of passion? What the fuck?

In the world according to catzmeow any gay or lesbian who is the victim of any crime of violence has only another gay or lesbian to blame.

I have provided a ton of evidence about the reality of hate crime and she still denies it. I suppose she thinks the killers of Matthew Shepard were a couple of lesbians.
All those gays and lesbians who die in hate crimes get what they ask for by daring to advocate for equal rights.

In a related story:

"Hate crime cases involving anti-gay sentiment shot up in Santa Clara County last year, a striking increase that a leading prosecutor attributes to controversy over Proposition 8, the voter-approved ban on gay marriage.

Anti-gay incidents accounted for more than half of hate-crime cases last year — 56 percent — a big jump from only 15 percent in 2007. There were 14 anti-gay cases out of 25 hate-crime cases in 2008, compared with only 3 out of 20 in 2007.

"My belief from having done this work for many years is that surges in types of hate incidents are linked to the headlines and controversies of the day,'' said Deputy District Attorney Jay Boyarsky, who is assigned to monitor hate crimes. "Marriage equality and Proposition 8 have been in the news, and we have seen an increase in gay-bashing.''

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On May 6, the body of Amancio Corrales, a Yuma, Ariz., female impersonator, was found in the Colorado River, bludgeoned to death.

Frankly, I'd start with her boyfriend. Bludgeoning is a crime of passion, and I suspect it was a lover who did it.

What evidence do you have that this was a hate crime?

This is exactly my point. Just because a victim is gay doesn't mean that the motive was gender bias.

So, I did my own research. IN this case, the defendant, Ruben Solorio Valenzuela, was sentenced to MANSLAUGHTER in this murder, and received 8 years.

Amancio Corrales solicited the perpetrator in a bar in 2005, posing as a woman, and then revealed his gender when he was en flagrante delicto with the perpetrator. The court found that Ruben Solorio Valenzuela never set out to beat a gay man, but was enraged by Corrales' actions, and beat him to death. This was a crime of passion, not a crime of gender bias *(at least, that was the finding of the court). An arrest wasn't made until late 2007, and the perpetrator wasn't sentenced until August, 2008.

Do you actually consider this a "hate crime"? And if so, why?

Interestingly enough, this was determined to be a "hate crime" by gay rights advocates before a suspect/motive were even established in the case, back in 2005.

Curiouser and curiouser.
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On May 6, the body of Amancio Corrales, a Yuma, Ariz., female impersonator, was found in the Colorado River, bludgeoned to death.

Frankly, I'd start with her boyfriend. Bludgeoning is a crime of passion, and I suspect it was a lover who did it.

What evidence do you have that this was a hate crime?

This is exactly my point. Just because a victim is gay doesn't mean that the motive was gender bias.

So, I did my own research. IN this case, the defendant, Ruben Solorio Valenzuela, was sentenced to MANSLAUGHTER in this murder, and received 8 years.

Amancio Corrales solicited him in a bar, posing as a woman, and then revealed his gender when he was en flagrante delicto with the perpetrator. The court found that Ruben Solorio Valenzuela never set out to beat a gay man, but was enraged by Corrales' actions, and beat him to death. This was a crime of passion, not a crime of gender bias *(at least, that was the finding of the court).

Do you actually consider this a "hate crime"? And if so, why?

Interestingly enough, this was determined to be a "hate crime" by gay rights advocates before a suspect/motive were even established in the case, back in 2005.

Curiouser and curiouser.

No, it's not technically a hate crime. However, the sexual orientation of the victim of murder was a mitgating factor in Valenzuela's rage. Do you consider this crime justified? Maybe Valenzuela should have been freed in your opinion. After all, Corrales should never have been dressing as a woman.
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On May 6, the body of Amancio Corrales, a Yuma, Ariz., female impersonator, was found in the Colorado River, bludgeoned to death.

Frankly, I'd start with her boyfriend. Bludgeoning is a crime of passion, and I suspect it was a lover who did it.

What evidence do you have that this was a hate crime?

This is exactly my point. Just because a victim is gay doesn't mean that the motive was gender bias.

So, I did my own research. IN this case, the defendant, Ruben Solorio Valenzuela, was sentenced to MANSLAUGHTER in this murder, and received 8 years.

Amancio Corrales solicited the perpetrator in a bar in 2005, posing as a woman, and then revealed his gender when he was en flagrante delicto with the perpetrator. The court found that Ruben Solorio Valenzuela never set out to beat a gay man, but was enraged by Corrales' actions, and beat him to death. This was a crime of passion, not a crime of gender bias *(at least, that was the finding of the court). An arrest wasn't made until late 2007, and the perpetrator wasn't sentenced until August, 2008.

Do you actually consider this a "hate crime"? And if so, why?

Interestingly enough, this was determined to be a "hate crime" by gay rights advocates before a suspect/motive were even established in the case, back in 2005.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Link please.
No, it's not technically a hate crime.


You're so sloppy, Sky.

However, the sexual orientation of the victim of murder was a mitgating factor in Valenzuela's rage. Do you consider this crime justified? Maybe Valenzuela should have been freed in your opinion. After all, Corrales should never have been dressing as a woman.

No. IN fact, I consider this an egregious miscarriage of justice. Exactly why should Corrales's killer do less time than a suspect in a "hate crime"?

It's cases like this that illustrate, precisely, the stupidity of this act. Corrales DIED in a way that is every bit as tragic and traumatizing to his community as any so-called hate crime. ALL SERIOUS CRIMES HAVE A SERIOUS IMPACT. Pretending otherwise is simply absurd and sad.
No, it's not technically a hate crime.


You're so sloppy, Sky.

However, the sexual orientation of the victim of murder was a mitgating factor in Valenzuela's rage. Do you consider this crime justified? Maybe Valenzuela should have been freed in your opinion. After all, Corrales should never have been dressing as a woman.

No. IN fact, I consider this an egregious miscarriage of justice. Exactly why should Corrales's killer do less time than a suspect in a "hate crime"?

It's cases like this that illustrate, precisely, the stupidity of this act.

The link you provided was from a transgender site and it says that Corrales may have been the victim of a hate crime. My link was from the Southern Poverty Law Center who tracks crime with bias motivation. Clearly, the bias of the perpetrator caused him to kill the victim.

Legally, and technically this crime may have not made the bar as a hate crime. Testimony of the perpetrator is that when he learned that the victim was a man, that is what enraged him and caused him to beat the victim to death. He could have just said no thanks, I want to have sex with women. There is bias involved in this violent crime.

The perpetrator did not intend to pick up a woman, but he picked up a transvestite and that's what enraged him.

I'm sure you think this is a complete miscarriage of justice. You would prefer that killers of transvestites go free.

You're losing it catz. Now you're screaming. What's next? Slurs, threats of violence? Want to talk about kidney punching me and sending me to the hospital again? Get a grip. No wonder you support hate crime law.

Is this a miscarriage of justice because the perp should have been allowed free speech?

You continue to completely ignore other evidence I offered such as the wave of hate related arson in Sacramento. These are not just simple crimes. They are crimes of terror.
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Sky brought up Mr. Corrales's murder as evidence of ongoing hate crimes. It's Sky's job to prove that it WAS, in fact, a hate crime. It's not my job to support Sky's case for her, though when she makes it this easy, it is kind of fun.

I gave you plenty to go on. Feel free to use google.

As opposed to Nik and Sky, I use actual FACTS in my posts, enough so that someone can do a google and fact check me.

Perhaps Sky should consider checking her facts BEFORE posting.

Thanks for playing, though. ;)
Sky brought up Mr. Corrales's murder as evidence of ongoing hate crimes. It's Sky's job to prove that it WAS, in fact, a hate crime. It's not my job to support Sky's case for her, though when she makes it this easy, it is kind of fun.

Umm, no. I'm not asking you to support her case, I'm asking you to support YOUR assertion that it was NOT a hate crime.

I gave you plenty to go on. Feel free to use google.

With the dishonesty and frankly, just rampant stupidity in your posts I'm not confident that you would be able to interpret sites to come to a valid conclusion that it wasn't a hate crime, if thats in fact the case. So, no, I'm not going to do research to support YOUR assertion. Do it yourself you lazy fuck.

As opposed to Nik and Sky, I use actual FACTS in my posts, enough so that someone can do a google and fact check me.

Perhaps Sky should consider checking her facts BEFORE posting.

Thanks for playing, though. ;)

Right. Facts that you won't link too.
Legally, he may not have been. But testimony of the perpetrator is that when he learned that the victim was a man, that enraged him.

But that, strictly speaking, isn't a crime of gender bias, as defined by the hate crimes legislation, is it?

Thats why he wasn't charged under it. And why they tried to create it after he died. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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