Hate Heating Up: GOP Bill To Expel Palestinians From U.S.

^^^The Hamas supporters are angry. LOL!

Hamas is probably about the most honest and self sacrificing government in the world, since they know that like all Hamas leaders in the past, Mossad is going to murder them.
They are the only government not motivated by greed or any evil designs.
They simply are motivated by the obvious fact Israel is a criminal organization who has stolen almost their entire country.
There is no country more corrupt and evil than Israel.
Nope. It's THEIR fault. Wherever the pali's have been, they have sown unrest, misery, hatred, and violence.

They are nothing more than a human migratory locust infestation.
And that is being more than kind. ;)
Nope. It's THEIR fault. Wherever the pali's have been, they have sown unrest, misery, hatred, and violence.

They are nothing more than a human migratory locust infestation.

That is a lie.
Palestine was created in 1920, by the Treaty of San Remo, in return for their help to Lawrence of Arabia.
They were our allies in WWI, and totally peaceful, until the illegal armed Zionist immigration of the 1930s.
Since the Zionists stole their entire country, clearly there is nothing they are not justified in doing now.

And anyone claiming the Palestinians are not Canaanites, Chaldeans, Nabateans, Philistines, Phoenicians, etc., with heritage in Palestine that is over 10,000 year old, is a liar.
Hamas is probably about the most honest and self sacrificing government in the world, since they know that like all Hamas leaders in the past, Mossad is going to murder them.
They are the only government not motivated by greed or any evil designs.
They simply are motivated by the obvious fact Israel is a criminal organization who has stolen almost their entire country.
There is no country more corrupt and evil than Israel.

The fuckers live like kings in quatar and Monaco, while their "people" die.

You are a fucking moron.

Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.)

Republicans Introduce Bill To Expel Palestinians From The United States

Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.) and a group of far-right House Republicans want to revoke visas issued to Palestinians.

WASHINGTON — Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.) introduced legislation on Thursday to ban Palestinians from the United States in an echo of former President Donald Trump’s infamous “Muslim ban.”

The bill would pause visas for Palestinians and go a step further by revoking any visas issued since Oct. 1.

Zinke claimed the policy would protect Americans from the threat of Palestinian terrorists abusing the immigration system in the wake of the Hamas attack on Israel last month and Israel’s invasion of Gaza.

“I don’t trust the Biden Administration any more than I do the Palestinian Authority to screen who is allowed to come into the United States,” Zinke said in a release. “This is the most anti-Hamas immigration legislation I have seen and it’s well deserved.”

Though the legislation specifically targets Palestinians who obtained visas in the last month, the title of Zinke’s press release makes his broader sentiment clear: “Zinke Introduces Bill to Expel Palestinians from the United States.” The summary says the measure would direct the Department of Homeland Security to “identify and remove covered aliens without lawful status,” including those whose lawful status was just revoked.

One of the bill’s co-sponsors, Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), earlier this week forced the House to consider a censure resolution against Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), the sole Palestinian American serving in Congress. The House rejected the resolution, which falsely claimed that Tlaib had led an anti-Israel “insurrection” in a House office building last month.

“She’s literally a terrorist in the House of Representatives,” Greene told HuffPost this week.

More at the link below...


Sounds pretty radical to me! What do you think?
That bill or law may be argued to be unconstitutional. I can mention some examples of bills that have faced constitutional challenges in the past. Please note that these examples are not an endorsement or a comprehensive list.

They are provided to give you an idea of the issues that have been debated:

1. The Alien and Sedition Acts (1798): This set of laws limited the rights of immigrants and cracked down on free speech, leading to concerns about their constitutionality.

2. The Indian Removal Act (1830): This act authorized the forced removal of Native American tribes from their ancestral lands, which was later deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in Worcester v. Georgia.

3. The Fugitive Slave Act (1850): This bill required the return of escaped slaves to their owners, regardless of their location. It raised constitutional concerns related to due process and the rights of individuals.

4. The Chinese Exclusion Act (1882): This act restricted immigration of Chinese laborers, targeting a specific racial group and raising concerns about equal protection under the law.

5. The Sedition Act of 1918: Enacted during World War I, this act restricted freedom of speech by making it a crime to criticize the government, flag, military, or war effort. It was later repealed, and some of its provisions were found to be unconstitutional.

6. The National Security Act of 1947: This act, which established various intelligence agencies and reorganized the military, has faced constitutional challenges regarding warrantless surveillance and infringement on personal liberties.

Remember, this is not an exhaustive list, and the constitutionality of bills can change over time as new legal interpretations are made. 😊😊😊

That is a lie.
Palestine was created in 1920, by the Treaty of San Remo, in return for their help to Lawrence of Arabia.
They were our allies in WWI, and totally peaceful, until the illegal armed Zionist immigration of the 1930s.
Since the Zionists stole their entire country, clearly there is nothing they are not justified in doing now.

And anyone claiming the Palestinians are not Canaanites, Chaldeans, Nabateans, Philistines, Phoenicians, etc., with heritage in Palestine that is over 10,000 year old, is a liar.

They tried to take over Jordan. They supported Iraq when they invaded Kuwait, they sent Lebanon into a civil war that they still haven't recovered from.

Pali's are a virus.
Be careful what you ask for. Because you will surely get it.

Perhaps a bit more wisdom being placed into one's vote with regard to who gets sent to Washington might suffice, rather than turning the very fabric of representative government upside down?

It's what they've been trying to do for some time, but haven't yet found that single carrot on a stick or ''unifying crisis'' narrative to capitalize upon and to pave the way toward full spectrum dominance over a the American electorate.

Previously this year...

...Then they came for me...and there was no one left to speak for me.

Perhaps consider paying better attention to ongoing trends and the vision that seems to indicate what is driving them before/rather than voluntarily upsetting the apple cart. Idiots...
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And that is being more than kind. ;)

Sorry, but you are way uninformed.
Go read up on who blew up the King David hotel, killing the British peace keepers.
Who gunned down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte.
And why the Zionists did this was so no one would stop them when they started wiping out Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
Go compare a 1940 map of Palestine, with a 1950 one of Israel/Palestine.
Almost all the Arab villages are gone, massacred.
If that does not convince you, then look at how Israel violated the 1948 UN partition by invading Jerusalem and the West Bank in 1967.
That is pure evil.
Pausing or revoking visas issued to people from terrorist minded countries/areas is NOT a ban. But it is damn good common sense.

The main source of terrorism in the Mideast is Israel.
It is illegal to displace the native owners of property like Israel has been doing since the 1940s.
They clearly are in violation of international law, are murdering innocent civilians, so are the terrorists.

The US is second, mostly because we buy the arms for Israel, by giving them $5 billion a year.
How can all you people discuss a bill that is not quoted from or linked to????
Not one of those can take a hit from a .50 cal AP.

Since we gave the Zionists B-17 bombers and P-51 Mustangs, the Arab did not stand a chance in the 1948 war.
The war was started by Irgun massacring Arab villages like Deir Yassin, and not by the Arabs.
The Zionists were guilty of war crimes and the US was in violation of international laws by arming them.

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