Hate Heating Up: GOP Bill To Expel Palestinians From U.S.

Hamas is probably about the most honest and self sacrificing government in the world, since they know that like all Hamas leaders in the past, Mossad is going to murder them.
They are the only government not motivated by greed or any evil designs.
They simply are motivated by the obvious fact Israel is a criminal organization who has stolen almost their entire country.
There is no country more corrupt and evil than Israel.

You're a good DemoKKKrat.
The main source of terrorism in the Mideast is Israel.
It is illegal to displace the native owners of property like Israel has been doing since the 1940s.
They clearly are in violation of international law, are murdering innocent civilians, so are the terrorists.

The US is second, mostly because we buy the arms for Israel, by giving them $5 billion a year.
Spoken like a true leftist illiterate and bigot. Israel was perfectly willing to live in peace with their Palestinian neighbors and were doing so until the Islamic world made war on the Jews almost immediately after the establishment of Israel as a nation. Most of the Palestinians in Israel left to get out of the way of the attacking armies. Those still living who stayed and their progeny are still in Israel living peacefully as citizens with all rights of Israeli citizens including representation on the Knesset.

Those who left expecting the Arabs to kill all the Jews were rightfully not allowed to return.

And it was not the Israelis who divided up the land but the U.N. Had the Palestinians determined to live at peace with the Jews, if the other Islamic nations had not had genocidal motives toward the Jews, there would be amicable peace in the region now.

That there is not is by no means the doing of the Israelis who have every right to defend themselves from those who intend to murder them.
Spoken like a true leftist illiterate and bigot. Israel was perfectly willing to live in peace with their Palestinian neighbors and were doing so until the Islamic world made war on the Jews almost immediately after the establishment of Israel as a nation. Most of the Palestinians in Israel left to get out of the way of the attacking armies. Those still living who stayed and their progeny are still in Israel living peacefully as citizens with all rights of Israeli citizens including representation on the Knesset.

Those who left expecting the Arabs to kill all the Jews were rightfully not allowed to return.

And it was not the Israelis who divided up the land but the U.N. Had the Palestinians determined to live at peace with the Jews, if the other Islamic nations had not had genocidal motives toward the Jews, there would be amicable peace in the region now.

That there is not is by no means the doing of the Israelis who have every right to defend themselves from those who intend to murder them.

That is incredibly uninformed.

In 1920 there not only was no Israel, but the Jewish population of Palestine was fewer than 5%.
And the Jews who were in Palestine did not want to create an Israel because it violates their religious belief they are supposed to be waiting for the coming of the Messiah.

The Jewish immigration in the 1930s was totally illegal, over 10 times the legal quota, and with smuggled weapons used to murder natives and steal their properties.

Look at the facts.
Who blew up the King David Hotel in order to make the British peace keepers leave?
Who gunned down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, so there would be no one to stop the massacres of the natives?
Then look up the massacres, like at Deir Yassin.

While it is true the UN did finally partition Palestine to create Israel in 1948, look who violated that UN partition by invading Jerusalem and the West Bank in 1967?

Anyone claiming Moslem hate or have ever attacked Jews for being Jewish, is just a liar.
Not only does the Quaran forbid it, and Mohammed allied with the Jewish tribes as his soldiers, but there is not a single incident of Moslems ever harming Jews over religion.
That is easy to prove.
First of all, historically Jews preferred to live in Moslem countries, like they went to Spain following the Moors.
Second is that Moslems ruled Palestine for over 1400 years, so if there was animosity, there would have been no Jews there at all by 1920.
And in fact, if there was religious animosity, then the Palestinians would not have invited them start immigrating, and the Jews would have gone somewhere safer.

So clearly your "genocidal" claims are not just wrong, but ridiculous.
You clearly have never read about what really happened.

Just do some research.
Look up "King David Hotel bombing", "Folke Bernadotte assassination", "Deir Yassin massacre", etc.

And if you read that the Zionist called in a warning at the King David Hotel, imagine the bomb being placed in the basement kitchen by Menachim Begin, in 12, 50 gallon milk containers?
In order to do that, they had to tie up the Arab kitchen staff next to the bomb they wired together.
So if they had "called in a warning" as claimed, the kitchen staff would have been discovered, untied, and the bomb then easily dismantled and prevented from going off.
So any claim of a phone warning has to be a lie.
That is incredibly uninformed.

In 1920 there not only was no Israel, but the Jewish population of Palestine was fewer than 5%.
And the Jews who were in Palestine did not want to create an Israel because it violates their religious belief they are supposed to be waiting for the coming of the Messiah.

The Jewish immigration in the 1930s was totally illegal, over 10 times the legal quota, and with smuggled weapons used to murder natives and steal their properties.

Look at the facts.
Who blew up the King David Hotel in order to make the British peace keepers leave?
Who gunned down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, so there would be no one to stop the massacres of the natives?
Then look up the massacres, like at Deir Yassin.

While it is true the UN did finally partition Palestine to create Israel in 1948, look who violated that UN partition by invading Jerusalem and the West Bank in 1967?

Anyone claiming Moslem hate or have ever attacked Jews for being Jewish, is just a liar.
Not only does the Quaran forbid it, and Mohammed allied with the Jewish tribes as his soldiers, but there is not a single incident of Moslems ever harming Jews over religion.
That is easy to prove.
First of all, historically Jews preferred to live in Moslem countries, like they went to Spain following the Moors.
Second is that Moslems ruled Palestine for over 1400 years, so if there was animosity, there would have been no Jews there at all by 1920.
And in fact, if there was religious animosity, then the Palestinians would not have invited them start immigrating, and the Jews would have gone somewhere safer.

So clearly your "genocidal" claims are not just wrong, but ridiculous.
You clearly have never read about what really happened.

Just do some research.
Look up "King David Hotel bombing", "Folke Bernadotte assassination", "Deir Yassin massacre", etc.

And if you read that the Zionist called in a warning at the King David Hotel, imagine the bomb being placed in the basement kitchen by Menachim Begin, in 12, 50 gallon milk containers?
In order to do that, they had to tie up the Arab kitchen staff next to the bomb they wired together.
So if they had "called in a warning" as claimed, the kitchen staff would have been discovered, untied, and the bomb then easily dismantled and prevented from going off.
So any claim of a phone warning has to be a lie.
When you have actually read the history--the real history of the area that wasn't written by an antisemitic bigot--and correct your paper here, get back to me. Until then I'll stand by my understanding of the actual history.
I do not hate Indians. What is wrong with you?

All highly competitive cultures always hate the more relaxed and natural cultures.
It is a glaring reminder of the contradiction we are brainwashed into believing and living according to.

Watch the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy".
Here is a synopsis:
The Gods Must Be Crazy is a 1980 comedy film written, produced, edited and directed by Jamie Uys. An international co-production of South Africa and Botswana, it is the first film in The Gods Must Be Crazy series. Set in Southern Africa, the film stars Namibian San farmer Nǃxau ǂToma as Xi, a hunter-gatherer of the Kalahari Desert whose tribe discovers a glass Coca-Cola bottle dropped from an aeroplane, and believe it to be a gift from their gods. When Xi sets out to return the bottle to the gods, his journey becomes intertwined with that of a biologist (Marius Weyers), a newly hired village school teacher (Sandra Prinsloo), and a band of guerrilla terrorists.

The point is natives tend to only need to work about 2 hours a day on survival, while in our culture, we have to put in about 10 hours a day just on survival.
All highly competitive cultures always hate the more relaxed and natural cultures.
It is a glaring reminder of the contradiction we are brainwashed into believing and living according to.

Watch the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy".
Here is a synopsis:
The Gods Must Be Crazy is a 1980 comedy film written, produced, edited and directed by Jamie Uys. An international co-production of South Africa and Botswana, it is the first film in The Gods Must Be Crazy series. Set in Southern Africa, the film stars Namibian San farmer Nǃxau ǂToma as Xi, a hunter-gatherer of the Kalahari Desert whose tribe discovers a glass Coca-Cola bottle dropped from an aeroplane, and believe it to be a gift from their gods. When Xi sets out to return the bottle to the gods, his journey becomes intertwined with that of a biologist (Marius Weyers), a newly hired village school teacher (Sandra Prinsloo), and a band of guerrilla terrorists.

The point is natives tend to only need to work about 2 hours a day on survival, while in our culture, we have to put in about 10 hours a day just on survival.
That is a generalization and those usually fall apart after closer scrutiny. Not that completely nonsensical things pass for facts, because they do.
When you have actually read the history--the real history of the area that wasn't written by an antisemitic bigot--and correct your paper here, get back to me. Until then I'll stand by my understanding of the actual history.

Fact 1, the Jews are not native to Palestine and are almost all essentially illegal immigrants from the 1930s on.
Fact 2, the Jews in Israel never paid for almost any of the land. They took it by murder or terrorism of the rightful native owners.

Again, ask yourself why the Zionists had to blow up the British peace keepers in the King David Hotel and gun down the UN moderator, if it was not so they could continue murdering natives without any interference?

Why would the British, Swedish, UN, etc., be so biased against the Zionists, if they were not murdering the innocent natives?
That is a generalization and those usually fall apart after closer scrutiny. Not that completely nonsensical things pass for facts, because they do.

But clearly highly competitive cultures are not happier and are far more violent.
The US is constantly starting illegal wars for example.
Like we tried to install Chaing Kai Shek as dictator in China, Syngman Rhee as dictator in Korea, Diem as dictator in Vietnam, Samosa as dictator in Nicaragua, Pinochet as dictator in Chile, Batista as dictator in Cuba, etc.
What the US does ever since the Spanish American war, was based on lies and war profits for the Miliary Industrial Complex.
When a society glorifies profits above all else, like the US does, then morality and quality of life greatly drops.

When it comes to Israel, there is nothing remotely positive about the country other than they are very good at killing people.

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