Have any of you left the Democrat Party for them putting illegals / Mexico first?

We are witnessing Mexicrats using illegals as leverage against the American people; has that turned you away from the Party?
Why or why not?
Nah, I recognized long long ago that our "two" parties pretty much work in tandem to thwart the will of the people, which incidentally at this time is not for this silly wall, but that's coincidence. By the way, if Don's wall was not a stunt" Coulda been a done deal, he had majorities in both houses for two years. The people know that.
Nonsense. One is the party of white people. And the other party is everyone else. They don’t work together.

Yep, fuck those productive, law abiding, Christian White people...those bastards spoon fed us and built us the perfect nation...it’s time to take it from them and fuck it all up. LETS DO THIS!
Genocide, slavery, mass shootings, endless global wars of aggression and occupation, a predatory economic system which feudally redistributes societal wealth, intervening and disrupting other governments, nothing but hysteria and an anxiety stalks the land. Perfect? If you were spoon fed, thank your feeder personally, it was not america that spoon fed you.
And the other races were a hundred times worse by your words. You spout this and stay here. Africa as great potential. Go there and build it up if you are Black. Nahhh...Stay here for those who who built the foundation and carved a nation in this weary world.

I'm sorry, still unmoved buy the "exceptionalism" mantra. Stay here? I've stayed here and "there". I am a free human being on planet earth, does that anger you?

The world is no longer weary? Terrific news, I'm sure the world will be relieved once we are not involved in 8 ongoing generational wars with military occupations and interventions including Venezueala which we're trying to topple even as we type, along with Syria and others.

America is a nation state, not a race of people - which is also another concept we now know is fiction - there is no such thing as "race". The human genome has been sequenced. I can only guess that Africa does indeed have much potential, why our military is there to make sure it "develops" in the "right" way, as per usual.
We are witnessing Mexicrats using illegals as leverage against the American people; has that turned you away from the Party?
Why or why not?
Nah, I recognized long long ago that our "two" parties pretty much work in tandem to thwart the will of the people, which incidentally at this time is not for this silly wall, but that's coincidence. By the way, if Don's wall was not a stunt" Coulda been a done deal, he had majorities in both houses for two years. The people know that.

The same Houses with John McShitstain, Jeff Flake and the RINO whores?
If that is your party, I reckon so hon. Don need peoples making excuses for him now? Can't even get his shit done in his own party? Be sure to vote.

Look Baby Cakes....nobody sane thought a badass maverick like Donny T could get much done in two years...We knew he’d spend much of his time exposing the filth, stomping out the establishment pukes and bitchslapping the fuck out of filthy Liberals. You might be fucked for the next 72 months though...time has just about expired for you bottom feeders, lowlifes, degenerates and wetbacks.
"Badass Mavericks" don't get spanked by little old ladies my inebriated friend.
We are witnessing Mexicrats using illegals as leverage against the American people; has that turned you away from the Party?
Why or why not?
Nah, I recognized long long ago that our "two" parties pretty much work in tandem to thwart the will of the people, which incidentally at this time is not for this silly wall, but that's coincidence. By the way, if Don's wall was not a stunt" Coulda been a done deal, he had majorities in both houses for two years. The people know that.

The same Houses with John McShitstain, Jeff Flake and the RINO whores?
If that is your party, I reckon so hon. Don need peoples making excuses for him now? Can't even get his shit done in his own party? Be sure to vote.

Look Baby Cakes....nobody sane thought a badass maverick like Donny T could get much done in two years...We knew he’d spend much of his time exposing the filth, stomping out the establishment pukes and bitchslapping the fuck out of filthy Liberals. You might be fucked for the next 72 months though...time has just about expired for you bottom feeders, lowlifes, degenerates and wetbacks.
"Badass Mavericks" don't get spanked by little old ladies my inebriated friend.

"Badass" serially bankrupted trust fund baby.
Being a Trump is the same thing as being an American.

I like you, smoker. But that is not true. DJT is a traitor.

Dictionary result for traitor
plural noun: traitors
  1. a person who betrays a friend, country, principle,
Traitor and Democrat are synonyms.

Um, nope. Sling all the flying shit you want. Vote. And be held accountable. Who is our POTUS? Reprehensible.

Speaking of people who don’t drink....

I do.

Trump you dipshit. I was talking about Trump.

Republicans are often the most sober people period.
Which is why you were stupid to accuse Republicans of being drunk.
We are witnessing Mexicrats using illegals as leverage against the American people; has that turned you away from the Party?
Why or why not?
Nah, I recognized long long ago that our "two" parties pretty much work in tandem to thwart the will of the people, which incidentally at this time is not for this silly wall, but that's coincidence. By the way, if Don's wall was not a stunt" Coulda been a done deal, he had majorities in both houses for two years. The people know that.
Nonsense. One is the party of white people. And the other party is everyone else. They don’t work together.

Yep, fuck those productive, law abiding, Christian White people...those bastards spoon fed us and built us the perfect nation...it’s time to take it from them and fuck it all up. LETS DO THIS!
Genocide, slavery, mass shootings, endless global wars of aggression and occupation, a predatory economic system which feudally redistributes societal wealth, intervening and disrupting other governments, nothing but hysteria and an anxiety stalks the land. Perfect? If you were spoon fed, thank your feeder personally, it was not america that spoon fed you.
Wow if I were you...id feel like a hypocrite coward for staying in this place the way you describe it.... you better hurry and get into China before they lock their doors.....
If you cannot state otherwise just say so.
The Moon Bats want the Illegals to flood in to vote in Democrat to make this country a socialist shithole.
All the Dem's killed by illegals have left the Dem party.
And God willing there will be many more.

Praise Allah?

Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

December 5, 201711:10 AM ET
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
Pure lies.
Democrats can lie with impunity because they have a Global Conglomerate that's willing to make their lies not really matter much.
The same media conglomerates that make the truth into racism.


Wow…if it’s not the media it’s the deep state, if it’s not the deep state, it’s the swamp, if it’s not the swamp, it’s RINOs, if it’s not RINOs, it’s the media.

Do you ever stop and read the bullshit you post?
All the Dem's killed by illegals have left the Dem party.
And God willing there will be many more.

Praise Allah?

Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

December 5, 201711:10 AM ET
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
Pure lies.
Democrats can lie with impunity because they have a Global Conglomerate that's willing to make their lies not really matter much.
The same media conglomerates that make the truth into racism.


Wow…if it’s not the media it’s the deep state, if it’s not the deep state, it’s the swamp, if it’s not the swamp, it’s RINOs, if it’s not RINOs, it’s the media.

Do you ever stop and read the bullshit you post?
It's tough on a victim out there.
We are witnessing Mexicrats using illegals as leverage against the American people; has that turned you away from the Party?
Why or why not?

The title should ask if any of us have left our homes to live under the bridge because employers prefer to hire slaves (illegals) with sanctuary loopholes, such that we citizens can’t find living wage employment anymore.
We are witnessing Mexicrats using illegals as leverage against the American people; has that turned you away from the Party?
Why or why not?

The title should ask if any of us have left our homes to live under the bridge because employers prefer to hire slaves (illegals) with sanctuary loopholes, such that we citizens can’t find living wage employment anymore.

What we should all recognize is that american style capitalism has never seen fit to wean itself off of a cheap source of labor it could brutally exploit extra-legally once slavery was "abolished". And it never will. Nor will it ever see any responsibility to alleviate or remediate the poverty it foments in the wealth extraction, redistribution, concentration paradigm.
We are witnessing Mexicrats using illegals as leverage against the American people; has that turned you away from the Party?
Why or why not?

The title should ask if any of us have left our homes to live under the bridge because employers prefer to hire slaves (illegals) with sanctuary loopholes, such that we citizens can’t find living wage employment anymore.

What we should all recognize is that american style capitalism has never seen fit to wean itself off of a cheap source of labor it could brutally exploit extra-legally once slavery was "abolished". And it never will. Nor will it ever see any responsibility to alleviate or remediate the poverty it foments in the wealth extraction, redistribution, concentration paradigm.
And all that at the extreme expense of the middle class whose jobs they steal, rendering the middle class & their consuming the products slaveowners produce to hamstrung status. Talk about the dragon eating it’s own tail.
I like you, smoker. But that is not true. DJT is a traitor.

Dictionary result for traitor
plural noun: traitors
  1. a person who betrays a friend, country, principle,
Traitor and Democrat are synonyms.

Um, nope. Sling all the flying shit you want. Vote. And be held accountable. Who is our POTUS? Reprehensible.

Speaking of people who don’t drink....

I do.

Trump you dipshit. I was talking about Trump.

Republicans are often the most sober people period.
Which is why you were stupid to accuse Republicans of being drunk.


When was the last time you've been to a convention? Gold band wedding rings, abound. Republicans espouse their dedication to their wives and family but are the first to drop to their knees and beg for some ass.
Traitor and Democrat are synonyms.

Um, nope. Sling all the flying shit you want. Vote. And be held accountable. Who is our POTUS? Reprehensible.

Speaking of people who don’t drink....

I do.

Trump you dipshit. I was talking about Trump.

Republicans are often the most sober people period.
Which is why you were stupid to accuse Republicans of being drunk.


When was the last time you've been to a convention? Gold band wedding rings, abound. Republicans espouse their dedication to their wives and family but are the first to drop to their knees and beg for some ass.
What the hell does that have to do with being drunk?

Republicans are the least likely to be alcoholics and the most likely to be completely sober. Literally everyone knows this.
Traitor and Democrat are synonyms.

Um, nope. Sling all the flying shit you want. Vote. And be held accountable. Who is our POTUS? Reprehensible.

Speaking of people who don’t drink....

I do.

Trump you dipshit. I was talking about Trump.

Republicans are often the most sober people period.
Which is why you were stupid to accuse Republicans of being drunk.


When was the last time you've been to a convention? Gold band wedding rings, abound. Republicans espouse their dedication to their wives and family but are the first to drop to their knees and beg for some ass.

ptbw forever Click Funny all you want. You know I'm right.
We are witnessing Mexicrats using illegals as leverage against the American people; has that turned you away from the Party?
Why or why not?
Nah, I recognized long long ago that our "two" parties pretty much work in tandem to thwart the will of the people, which incidentally at this time is not for this silly wall, but that's coincidence. By the way, if Don's wall was not a stunt" Coulda been a done deal, he had majorities in both houses for two years. The people know that.
Nonsense. One is the party of white people. And the other party is everyone else. They don’t work together.

So you are admitting all the "white" liberals are really just wearing white wash? Whites created and founded this country. They have always been the majority. Therefore, the Trump Party is the voice of America. Better start listening to it.

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