Have Dems made it too easy for Republican’s to win the presidency?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
We now elect TV game show hosts with bad hair all because they promise a few simple things....
To put Americans first
To keep God as the pillar to America’s founding and societal construct
To preserve and protect American history, traditions, values and founding principles
To stop foreign invaders from robbing taxpayers and ruining American communities
To defend and protect the constitutional rights of Americans
To keep taxes reasonable for our best most productive
To maintain law and order and to keep the tail from wagging the dog
To keep our lowest common denominators from dictating policy
To protect blue collar trades from excessive regulation and foreign invaders
To reduce spending outside our borders

I’m thinking I could run against the Dem Party on the aforementioned platform and win the presidency. Think about it; the Dems stand completely against everything listed. Have they made it too easy?
We now elect TV game show hosts with bad hair all because they promise a few simple things....
To put Americans first
To keep God as the pillar to America’s founding and societal construct
To preserve and protect American history, traditions, values and founding principles
To stop foreign invaders from robbing taxpayers and ruining American communities
To defend and protect the constitutional rights of Americans
To keep taxes reasonable for our best most productive
To maintain law and order and to keep the tail from wagging the dog
To keep our lowest common denominators from dictating policy
To protect blue collar trades from excessive regulation and foreign invaders
To reduce spending outside our borders

I’m thinking I could run against the Dem Party on the aforementioned platform and win the presidency. Think about it; the Dems stand completely against everything listed. Have they made it too easy?
then why dont you run?....trump is to old anyway.....im sure you would easily win 2 terms....after all unlike trump you know how to talk to people ....
You could not win the Democrat primary though. If you are not part of the Dembot collective you have no chance to beat their super delegate system. And if it looks like you might beat that system they will cheat(Bernie Sanders can attest to this).
The party certainly appears to want to lose.

If they can't beat this childish, ignorant, petty, profoundly damaged buffoon, and with plenty of room to spare, they deserve to lose.

Face it Mac...they have absolutely nothing to offer good, legitimate, productive, normal, hard working, religious core Americans. They have simply rolled out their anti America platform 10 years too soon. They need more foreign invaders and more core Americans dead.
But if I was to run for office I would for sure run as a Democrat. They have some kind of super power that protects them from any accountability or crime. I mean I could destroy subpoenaed evidence. Use the FBI to investigate and even arrest my opponents without any kind of predication. I could lie straight to your face and be believed by roughly half the country. I could call every single Republican in a close race a racist for no reason and not be sued successfully for slander/liable a single time. Could receive the Nobel Peace Prize after 12 days in office for doing absolutely nothing. God I could go on all day but you get my point.
The democrat party has driven off the cliff....they are so out of touch with Americans as not to be believed.....the whacked out Trump hating media is steering them in the wrong direction.....
We now elect TV game show hosts with bad hair all because they promise a few simple things....
To put Americans first
To keep God as the pillar to America’s founding and societal construct
To preserve and protect American history, traditions, values and founding principles
To stop foreign invaders from robbing taxpayers and ruining American communities
To defend and protect the constitutional rights of Americans
To keep taxes reasonable for our best most productive
To maintain law and order and to keep the tail from wagging the dog
To keep our lowest common denominators from dictating policy
To protect blue collar trades from excessive regulation and foreign invaders
To reduce spending outside our borders

I’m thinking I could run against the Dem Party on the aforementioned platform and win the presidency. Think about it; the Dems stand completely against everything listed. Have they made it too easy?

It's easy enough to come up with a list of things most want, even though I question some of you definitions.
Who are our best and most productive? Those who strive to produce with very little compensation, or the rich who only invest when government subsidies guarantee a profit?
The key is how do you intend to accomplish all those goals. On the backs of the poor?
We now elect TV game show hosts with bad hair all because they promise a few simple things....
To put Americans first
To keep God as the pillar to America’s founding and societal construct
To preserve and protect American history, traditions, values and founding principles
To stop foreign invaders from robbing taxpayers and ruining American communities
To defend and protect the constitutional rights of Americans
To keep taxes reasonable for our best most productive
To maintain law and order and to keep the tail from wagging the dog
To keep our lowest common denominators from dictating policy
To protect blue collar trades from excessive regulation and foreign invaders
To reduce spending outside our borders

I’m thinking I could run against the Dem Party on the aforementioned platform and win the presidency. Think about it; the Dems stand completely against everything listed. Have they made it too easy?

It's easy enough to come up with a list of things most want, even though I question some of you definitions.
Who are our best and most productive? Those who strive to produce with very little compensation, or the rich who only invest when government subsidies guarantee a profit?
The key is how do you intend to accomplish all those goals. On the backs of the poor?
Do you not understand how the Democrat party works? It does not need to make sense or even be true. You just have to act. You do not need make good on promises you just need to make them with a straight face.
The democratic party hasn't had a real vision in a generation. "Hope and Change" was the closest thing they could come up with and even that didn't really translate into much different.
Trump is no angel, he just looks like one when he stands next to democrats.

He dare not stand in front of democrats...
The only thing democrats have going for them (for the last 100 years) is the unrelenting support of the media which includes Hollywood. As we have seen time and time again, the media is willing to lie, spin the truth, promote skewed polling results and even ignore evidence of a political coup to keep democrats in power. It used to work when Cronkite was king of the airwaves but Americans are smarter than they were back then. Everyone is aware that democrats have nominated a thoroughly flawed candidate so let's see how it works out.
We now elect TV game show hosts with bad hair all because they promise a few simple things....
To put Americans first
To keep God as the pillar to America’s founding and societal construct
To preserve and protect American history, traditions, values and founding principles
To stop foreign invaders from robbing taxpayers and ruining American communities
To defend and protect the constitutional rights of Americans
To keep taxes reasonable for our best most productive
To maintain law and order and to keep the tail from wagging the dog
To keep our lowest common denominators from dictating policy
To protect blue collar trades from excessive regulation and foreign invaders
To reduce spending outside our borders

I’m thinking I could run against the Dem Party on the aforementioned platform and win the presidency. Think about it; the Dems stand completely against everything listed. Have they made it too easy?

It's easy enough to come up with a list of things most want, even though I question some of you definitions.
Who are our best and most productive? Those who strive to produce with very little compensation, or the rich who only invest when government subsidies guarantee a profit?
The key is how do you intend to accomplish all those goals. On the backs of the poor?
Do you not understand how the Democrat party works? It does not need to make sense or even be true. You just have to act. You do not need make good on promises you just need to make them with a straight face.

I see you believe all that bullshit. How long have you been brainwashed?
We now elect TV game show hosts with bad hair all because they promise a few simple things....
To put Americans first
To keep God as the pillar to America’s founding and societal construct
To preserve and protect American history, traditions, values and founding principles
To stop foreign invaders from robbing taxpayers and ruining American communities
To defend and protect the constitutional rights of Americans
To keep taxes reasonable for our best most productive
To maintain law and order and to keep the tail from wagging the dog
To keep our lowest common denominators from dictating policy
To protect blue collar trades from excessive regulation and foreign invaders
To reduce spending outside our borders

I’m thinking I could run against the Dem Party on the aforementioned platform and win the presidency. Think about it; the Dems stand completely against everything listed. Have they made it too easy?

It's easy enough to come up with a list of things most want, even though I question some of you definitions.
Who are our best and most productive? Those who strive to produce with very little compensation, or the rich who only invest when government subsidies guarantee a profit?
The key is how do you intend to accomplish all those goals. On the backs of the poor?
Haha...that’s funny shit.
You really don’t know who are best most productive are?
I’ll give you a clue; they aren’t wetbacks and they aren’t DaShawn and ShaQuita.
They are the folks paying for that highway you drive on without contributing shit.
“The poor” have never built shit, they are America’s greatest liability.
But if I was to run for office I would for sure run as a Democrat. They have some kind of super power that protects them from any accountability or crime. I mean I could destroy subpoenaed evidence. Use the FBI to investigate and even arrest my opponents without any kind of predication. I could lie straight to your face and be believed by roughly half the country. I could call every single Republican in a close race a racist for no reason and not be sued successfully for slander/liable a single time. Could receive the Nobel Peace Prize after 12 days in office for doing absolutely nothing. God I could go on all day but you get my point.
54 messages in one day.


But get some sleep.
The party certainly appears to want to lose.

If they can't beat this childish, ignorant, petty, profoundly damaged buffoon, and with plenty of room to spare, they deserve to lose.
Its the racism stupid.

And Trump knows exactly how to trigger white fear and resentment to get them to respond exactly how he wants them to.
The party certainly appears to want to lose.

If they can't beat this childish, ignorant, petty, profoundly damaged buffoon, and with plenty of room to spare, they deserve to lose.
Its the racism stupid.

And Trump knows exactly how to trigger white fears and resentment to get them to respond exactly how he wants.
That's definitely part of it.

The rest of it is the behaviors of the hardcore Left.

Just like 2016, and the Left never admitted it. And here we are.
The party certainly appears to want to lose.

If they can't beat this childish, ignorant, petty, profoundly damaged buffoon, and with plenty of room to spare, they deserve to lose.
Its the racism stupid.

And Trump knows exactly how to trigger white fears and resentment to get them to respond exactly how he wants.
Look how racist this guy is.

He believes trump knows how to control white people and how to appeal to their inner racist.

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