Have Dems moved far left or have the Reps moved far right?

LA Times columnist Jean Guerrero,
Studies show Republicans have moved farther to the right than Democrats have to the left, and right-wing extremists are the most likely to embrace violence. The GOP is engaged in an assault on the bodily autonomy of women, people of color and transgender people. There is no comparable assault on people’s rights from Democrats, although many Republicans would disagree.

In her LA Times piece Guerrero wallowed in her racist left-wing stereotyping of Republicans.
Whenever you read the phrase "studies show" you can be sure that what follows will be illegitimate tripe.
There is no doubt that the Democrat Party has moved far left.
A person would have to be delusional to not be able to see it.
It cannot be denied that every day there is a steady drum beat of Left-Wing animosity for mainstream Americans coming from the Left-Wing hate machine (Media/Hollywood).
The Democrats have moved far left and the Republicans are still the mainstream Americans who the Leftist vilifies.

I hope to God the Rs have moved more rightward. They were too much in collusion w/ the leftist trash in Congress. The RINOs likely will not move right much. They move to wherever the grass is "greener"

if you know what I mean by green
I hope to God the Rs have moved more rightward. They were too much in collusion w/ the leftist trash in Congress. The RINOs likely will not move right much. They move to wherever the grass is "greener"

if you know what I mean by green
I hope the left moves more left. Every time Clinton let the middle class down it was when he went along with the right. NAFTA, Deregulating the media, welfare reform, etc.
How does me getting an abortion effect your human rights bitch? As if you care about the seed in my womb.

And you guys are now going after the morning after pill. The seed is like 3 days old you weirdo.
you seem 2b a prime candidate for recommending this:

reading up on the Gosnell murders

yep, quite informative about the abortion industry in general
I hope the left moves more left. Every time Clinton let the middle class down it was when he went along with the right. NAFTA, Deregulating the media, welfare reform, etc.
you need a hefty dose of reality

I recommend not watching the fantasy channel aka CNN
And why are Democrats fighting for the right to give children puberty blockers and transition surgery? All while simultaneously trying to manipulate them to choose genders in grade school?
because if it is not sick, twisted, against nature

the left aren't interested
From where the Right was 20 years ago, I don't see a big policy difference, nowhere near how much the Left has changed to become more extreme. And I don't believe the Left can point any fingers when it comes to being more violent. I remember the ANTIFA attacks during the 2016 campaign against the Right, mostly Trump. And I have not forgotten the BLM riots in so many major cities in 2020.
From where the Right was 20 years ago, I don't see a big policy difference, nowhere near how much the Left has changed to become more extreme. And I don't believe the Left can point any fingers when it comes to being more violent. I remember the ANTIFA attacks during the 2016 campaign against the Right, mostly Trump. And I have not forgotten the BLM riots in so many major cities in 2020.
When populism gets derided as being "right wing extremist", you can get a gauge on how far left a lot of the republicans have drifted over the last few decades.
Why does it have to be mutually exclusive? Can't it be both?
It CAN be, but it isn't.

Republicans objecting to schools providing little boys with illustrations on how to give blow jobs doesn't mean the right has travelled rightward. It just means the gulf between right and left has widened.
Why does it have to be mutually exclusive? Can't it be both?

I ain't so sure that the Right has moved that much further Right. During the recent election for Speaker of the House, there were 20 Far Right people opposing 200 more moderate Repubs. I don't see that as a big movement away from what the GOP was 20, 30, or 40 years ago.
When populism gets derided as being "right wing extremist", you can get a gauge on how far left a lot of the republicans have drifted over the last few decades.

Midfield looks a long way away when you are at your own one yard line.
It CAN be, but it isn't.

Republicans objecting to schools providing little boys with illustrations on how to give blow jobs doesn't mean the right has travelled rightward. It just means the gulf between right and left has widened.
But republicans not strenuously objecting to this filth being foisted upon school children also gives us another indicator of how much they've drifted to the left.
But republicans not strenuously objecting to this filth being foisted upon school children also gives us another indicator of how much they've drifted to the left.

Do people think that the republican party was all about transvestite story hour in 1990 and now, somehow they aren't?

Were they demanding that white children apologize about their race back then?

Were they encouraging people to burn and loot small businesses back then, but don't any more because they have travelled right?
Idiot we just found out behind your back Fox thinks very lowly of you people. Worse than Deplorables. They call you cousin f'ers. Imbreds. Look it up.
Hey dipshit. You are just now figuring out the MSM lies? Get over yourself.
Idiot we just found out behind your back Fox thinks very lowly of you people. Worse than Deplorables. They call you cousin f'ers. Imbreds. Look it up.
The frequency with which you say "we" only indicates what a little prole you are.

You are a drone in a collective hive instead of being an adult human with a mind of your own.
LA Times columnist Jean Guerrero,
Studies show Republicans have moved farther to the right than Democrats have to the left, and right-wing extremists are the most likely to embrace violence. The GOP is engaged in an assault on the bodily autonomy of women, people of color and transgender people. There is no comparable assault on people’s rights from Democrats, although many Republicans would disagree.

In her LA Times piece Guerrero wallowed in her racist left-wing stereotyping of Republicans.
Whenever you read the phrase "studies show" you can be sure that what follows will be illegitimate tripe.
There is no doubt that the Democrat Party has moved far left.
A person would have to be delusional to not be able to see it.
It cannot be denied that every day there is a steady drum beat of Left-Wing animosity for mainstream Americans coming from the Left-Wing hate machine (Media/Hollywood).
The Democrats have moved far left and the Republicans are still the mainstream Americans who the Leftist vilifies.

Republicans are mainstream mostly in the bible belt, where men still wear mullets and call their friends Bubba. Just sayen.

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