Have Republicans forgiven America for Social Security and Medicare?



Budget Process Bill Would Result In Deep Cuts In Medicare and Medicaid Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Fixed Deficit Targets Would Force Deep Cuts in Entitlement Programs, Nearly Two-thirds of Which Would Come from Medicare and Medicaid

GOP House Budget Chair Tom Price Is Itching To Cut Social Security

The current Republican-dominated Congress wants to cut social security benefits. The GOP-controlled House signaled their intent to do just that, the very first day they were in session, when they modified the chamber’s rules to jeopardize social security disability payments. The Republican plan would imperil disabled Americans, who could see close to twenty percent reductions in their already meager incomes.


And now Obamacare is
permanent. Are Republicans angry? Will they forgive America for covering millions more with healthcare?
Have democrats forgiven America for the Civil Rights Law they fought against?
You have got to be kidding. So apologize for what? We were warned and now we pay the price for our, as a nations, stupidity so apologize for what? Read the CBO research reports on the financial impact it currently has and what they project the future has in store, then ask your stupid question again. Thank God I am too old to fear the financial repercussions and wont be around to have the opportunity to witness the fallout. We are just now getting a taste, wait, its going to be interesting to say the least. So once you raise taxes to the point that productivity grinds to a halt what will you and you fellow travelers do then? Who will you blame for your stupidity when your on the collective farm shoveling shit?
Have democrats forgiven America for the Civil Rights Law they fought against?

Not only have they forgiven it, the Democrats switched with the Republicans as owners of the racist south.

Now that is what I call reconciliation with ones past.
Democrats will always ignore and distance themselves from their past, its how they survive and always have. Need examples? maybe you need to take a closer look at the civil rights movement.
I wish republicans were more like dwight d eisenhower when it comes to "entitlement"
I see the left have started a fantasy thread suggesting we can go on borrowing trillions of dollars living beyond our means forever. Mark my words this borrowing and spending party WILL come to an end and then the poor and middle class will know real pain and suffering, courtesy of dumb ass liberals.
We might be better off using liberal and conservative rather than Republican and Democratic to identify parties. Using parties that have changed over the years invites confusion and some posters like to play around with that confusion.
The Democratic party claims to be the original liberal party going back to Jefferson, but they also used the name Republican at one time, and until the present day Democratic party eased the Southern Democrats out of the party, has also caused confusion.
These ignorant Right Wingers can't possibly still be insisting it was confederate conservatives who fought to free the slaves? It's not possible. Is it?
I see the left have started a fantasy thread suggesting we can go on borrowing trillions of dollars living beyond our means forever. Mark my words this borrowing and spending party WILL come to an end and then the poor and middle class will know real pain and suffering, courtesy of dumb ass liberals.
Hm.. maybe we should work with other countries to end tax evasion (I prefer a global corporate tax rate) Maybe we should have a fair tax rate, a progressive tax rate, a high tax rate, we should close loopholes, end corporate welfare, cut military spending, repair our infrastructure and create millions of jobs, raise the minimum wage to give consumers more to put back into the economy..
I see the left have started a fantasy thread suggesting we can go on borrowing trillions of dollars living beyond our means forever. Mark my words this borrowing and spending party WILL come to an end and then the poor and middle class will know real pain and suffering, courtesy of dumb ass liberals.
Hm.. maybe we should work with other countries to end tax evasion (I prefer a global corporate tax rate) Maybe we should have a fair tax rate, a progressive tax rate, a high tax rate, we should close loopholes, end corporate welfare, cut military spending, repair our infrastructure and create millions of jobs, raise the minimum wage to give consumers more to put back into the economy..

If only money grew on trees. Newsflash you could confiscate every dollar the 'rich' earn and it wouldn't be enough, using Obama's own numbers.
I see the left have started a fantasy thread suggesting we can go on borrowing trillions of dollars living beyond our means forever. Mark my words this borrowing and spending party WILL come to an end and then the poor and middle class will know real pain and suffering, courtesy of dumb ass liberals.
Hm.. maybe we should work with other countries to end tax evasion (I prefer a global corporate tax rate) Maybe we should have a fair tax rate, a progressive tax rate, a high tax rate, we should close loopholes, end corporate welfare, cut military spending, repair our infrastructure and create millions of jobs, raise the minimum wage to give consumers more to put back into the economy..

If only money grew on trees. Newsflash you could confiscate every dollar the 'rich' earn and it wouldn't be enough, using Obama's own numbers.
No one wants to confiscate money, it's called taxation, all industrialized countries do it, some better then others. Yes, we can't eliminate trillions in debt, this is a fact, it will never go away, tough shit.
I see the left have started a fantasy thread suggesting we can go on borrowing trillions of dollars living beyond our means forever. Mark my words this borrowing and spending party WILL come to an end and then the poor and middle class will know real pain and suffering, courtesy of dumb ass liberals.
Hm.. maybe we should work with other countries to end tax evasion (I prefer a global corporate tax rate) Maybe we should have a fair tax rate, a progressive tax rate, a high tax rate, we should close loopholes, end corporate welfare, cut military spending, repair our infrastructure and create millions of jobs, raise the minimum wage to give consumers more to put back into the economy..

If only money grew on trees. Newsflash you could confiscate every dollar the 'rich' earn and it wouldn't be enough, using Obama's own numbers.
No one wants to confiscate money, it's called taxation, all industrialized countries do it, some better then others. Yes, we can't eliminate trillions in debt, this is a fact, it will never go away, tough shit.

Ahahaha that's some funny shit dude :laugh:
Have democrats forgiven America for the Civil Rights Law they fought against?

What year was that? Before or after the southern racist democrats became republicans?

No it was right after the democrats invented the lie that they switched parties. The racists stayed with the party of slavery why in the hell would the go to the party of Lincoln.
Have democrats forgiven America for the Civil Rights Law they fought against?

Not only have they forgiven it, the Democrats switched with the Republicans as owners of the racist south.

Now that is what I call reconciliation with ones past.

Except none changed party, or at least more then one that you can name. What really happened, and it really pisses of the democrats, is that as the south became less racist it turned red.
Budget Process Bill Would Result In Deep Cuts In Medicare and Medicaid Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Fixed Deficit Targets Would Force Deep Cuts in Entitlement Programs, Nearly Two-thirds of Which Would Come from Medicare and Medicaid

GOP House Budget Chair Tom Price Is Itching To Cut Social Security

The current Republican-dominated Congress wants to cut social security benefits. The GOP-controlled House signaled their intent to do just that, the very first day they were in session, when they modified the chamber’s rules to jeopardize social security disability payments. The Republican plan would imperil disabled Americans, who could see close to twenty percent reductions in their already meager incomes.


And now Obamacare is
permanent. Are Republicans angry? Will they forgive America for covering millions more with healthcare?

If nothing else, today should have taught you no law is safe, not matter how much you want it to be, the president, congress or a court can change or destroy it with the stroke of a pen. And you've been applauding the whole way. We'll see what you have to say when the pendulum swings the other way, and it will.
Budget Process Bill Would Result In Deep Cuts In Medicare and Medicaid Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Fixed Deficit Targets Would Force Deep Cuts in Entitlement Programs, Nearly Two-thirds of Which Would Come from Medicare and Medicaid

GOP House Budget Chair Tom Price Is Itching To Cut Social Security

The current Republican-dominated Congress wants to cut social security benefits. The GOP-controlled House signaled their intent to do just that, the very first day they were in session, when they modified the chamber’s rules to jeopardize social security disability payments. The Republican plan would imperil disabled Americans, who could see close to twenty percent reductions in their already meager incomes.


And now Obamacare is
permanent. Are Republicans angry? Will they forgive America for covering millions more with healthcare?

If nothing else, today should have taught you no law is safe, not matter how much you want it to be, the president, congress or a court can change or destroy it with the stroke of a pen. And you've been applauding the whole way. We'll see what you have to say when the pendulum swings the other way, and it will.

Oh don't worry. It will be the fault of the Reps or Buuuusssshhhh.
Budget Process Bill Would Result In Deep Cuts In Medicare and Medicaid Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Fixed Deficit Targets Would Force Deep Cuts in Entitlement Programs, Nearly Two-thirds of Which Would Come from Medicare and Medicaid

GOP House Budget Chair Tom Price Is Itching To Cut Social Security

The current Republican-dominated Congress wants to cut social security benefits. The GOP-controlled House signaled their intent to do just that, the very first day they were in session, when they modified the chamber’s rules to jeopardize social security disability payments. The Republican plan would imperil disabled Americans, who could see close to twenty percent reductions in their already meager incomes.


And now Obamacare is
permanent. Are Republicans angry? Will they forgive America for covering millions more with healthcare?

So let me ask

By "deep cuts" do you mean smaller than planned increases?

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