Have the Ds thrown away the mid-terms?

Did Waters Sink the Ds

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 66.7%
  • no

    Votes: 9 33.3%

  • Total voters
I get the impression Trump's trade policies and decisions are getting the US closer and closer to a full-blown global trade war. Should that continue to escalate the GOP could find itself in a lot of trouble. So, we have here the Democratic Party that is blowing itself up, a dysfunctional GOP, and Donald J. Trump. Literally, anything can happen this summer.
Remains to be seen. The democrats are definitely moving harder and harder left thinking it'll help them when all it's doing is leaving undecided people going "fuck, are these psychos really going to make me vote republican?"

As long as the two authoritarian parties conduct themselves in this manner, i expect voter turnout to continue to decrease while 3rd party candidates slowly pick up a little more support. Larry Sharpe for New York!
The mid terms aren't sealed by any means.

If things continue as they have been, I.E. people continue to be prosperous, North Korea continues to co-operate, moonbats continue to be spoiled, despotic piss pots throwing temper tantrums in the street, you can bet the DNC gets crushed.

Man, I wish we had a reasonable 3rd alternative.
The Libertarian party, as messed up as it could be, is still a far better alternative to the D's and R's.

Considering we know all parties are going to fuck up, would you rather have them fuck up on the side of removing rights via taxes and government programs/spending, or fuck up on the side of enhancing your freedom? Easy choice.
Man, I wish we had a reasonable 3rd alternative.

You do.

Don't vote for democrooks. Libertarians would be a great option also.

The moonbats believe they hate GOP/Trumpers right now? Imagine if libertarians start slashing the budget.

The bed wetters would go full Jim Jones for us.

I doubt it, but the rage, hatred and insanity that have gripped the party may have cost a few seats.
Possibly in the house but It is the Senate they have to take and also the place where they are in trouble.
Man, I wish we had a reasonable 3rd alternative.
We have one now...Trump. Democrats despise him and Republican establishment does so too.

Right now, Trump is the head of the Repub Party, which I wouldn't say is exactly all that reasonable as a choice for who I want running my gov't. I don't think the Libertarians are either, with their positions on national security and defense and perhaps other issues.
Man, I wish we had a reasonable 3rd alternative.
We have one now...Trump. Democrats despise him and Republican establishment does so too.

Right now, Trump is the head of the Repub Party, which I wouldn't say is exactly all that reasonable as a choice for who I want running my gov't. I don't think the Libertarians are either, with their positions on national security and defense and perhaps other issues.
If they had their choice he wouldn’t be POTUS. Look at all the working class Democrats that crossed over to vote for. He is a third way and pisses off Washington DC establishment everyday.
Even with Pelosi rebuking Waters over her harassment comment has too much damage already been done?

Maxine is the primary mascot of the Democratic Party. They are inextricably linked.

The Democrats have nothing to offer this cycle.
I am confident that the Republicans will NOT use the past 12 months of rabid hatred perpetrated by the left in political advertising.

If even half of what they were spewing ever made it to the masses, moderate and actual thinking Democrat supporters would stay home rather than vote Democrat.

But never underestimate the GOP"s ability to snatch defeat from vicotry at a moments notice!

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