Have the Ds thrown away the mid-terms?

Did Waters Sink the Ds

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 66.7%
  • no

    Votes: 9 33.3%

  • Total voters
Putting the decapitated burning bodies of animals on people's porches only adds to the democrat cachet.

Maxine Waters is the face of the democrats. The body is that level of violence born on college campuses. What result? The collapse of University of Missouri and Evergreen should be a huge clue about how people feel.
Remains to be seen. The democrats are definitely moving harder and harder left thinking it'll help them when all it's doing is leaving undecided people going "fuck, are these psychos really going to make me vote republican?"

As long as the two authoritarian parties conduct themselves in this manner, i expect voter turnout to continue to decrease while 3rd party candidates slowly pick up a little more support. Larry Sharpe for New York!

3rd party?

What color is the sky on your planet?
Remains to be seen. The democrats are definitely moving harder and harder left thinking it'll help them when all it's doing is leaving undecided people going "fuck, are these psychos really going to make me vote republican?"

As long as the two authoritarian parties conduct themselves in this manner, i expect voter turnout to continue to decrease while 3rd party candidates slowly pick up a little more support. Larry Sharpe for New York!

3rd party?

What color is the sky on your planet?

The Dems winning the house was a wrap. They just had to play it safe and it was theirs for the taking. Why couldn't they hold off on the crazy BS until after the elections were over? Now, I actually believe the R's could pick up a few seats in the House. It is amazing. I didn't think the GOP holding the House was possible. The Dems could still take it, a lot of time remains on the clock. But they are going to have to fight for it now, while they could have cruised into an easy win.

I have some more liberal friends talking up NAFTA now. I told them to call their Congressman and tell them to campaign on it. I wouldn't be surprised to see rust belt Dems come out with I love NAFTA hats on at this point. Its just crazy that they are letting it slip away.
Remains to be seen. The democrats are definitely moving harder and harder left thinking it'll help them when all it's doing is leaving undecided people going "fuck, are these psychos really going to make me vote republican?"

As long as the two authoritarian parties conduct themselves in this manner, i expect voter turnout to continue to decrease while 3rd party candidates slowly pick up a little more support. Larry Sharpe for New York!

3rd party?

What color is the sky on your planet?

The Dems winning the house was a wrap. They just had to play it safe and it was theirs for the taking. Why couldn't they hold off on the crazy BS until after the elections were over? Now, I actually believe the R's could pick up a few seats in the House. It is amazing. I didn't think the GOP holding the House was possible. The Dems could still take it, a lot of time remains on the clock. But they are going to have to fight for it now, while they could have cruised into an easy win.

I have some more liberal friends talking up NAFTA now. I told them to call their Congressman and tell them to campaign on it. I wouldn't be surprised to see rust belt Dems come out with I love NAFTA hats on at this point. Its just crazy that they are letting it slip away.

What does any of that have to do with 3rd party candidates?
Even with Pelosi rebuking Waters over her harassment comment has too much damage already been done?

They will be voting on the Democrat candidates that are running locally not Waters. I doubt that very many people even know who she is.
Even with Pelosi rebuking Waters over her harassment comment has too much damage already been done?
Waters didn't sink the dems. This is who they are.

Hello Meister... :beer:
Hey Lumpy, good to see you

Thanks, you remind me of a far more reasonable time and of a much higher quality of membership and moderation, glad to see you around as well old friend..
There was a time with a higher quality of membership, and more importantly, moderation?

That sounds fucking mythical, dude!

:lol:... Yup, I guess it does..
Even with Pelosi rebuking Waters over her harassment comment has too much damage already been done?

Despite Trump’s claim, Waters hasn’t “called for harm” against the President’s supporters, but urged attendants at a rally in Los Angeles on Saturday to speak out against his administration whenever an opportunity arises.

“If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd,” Waters, 79, told supporters. “You push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Then we have Trump

“Get him out! Try not to hurt him. If you do, I’ll defend you in court,”

“You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out in a stretcher, folks,” he said after a protester interrupted a Las Vegas rally in February 2016. “I’d like to punch him in the face, I tell ya.”
Even with Pelosi rebuking Waters over her harassment comment has too much damage already been done?
Because they act like crazed lunatics towards anyone who disagrees with them.
yeah right. okay.

“Trump is the one who is creating lies,” Waters told reporters. “Trying to have people believe that I talked about harming people. There’s nowhere in my statement, anytime, anyplace that we talked about harm.”

Waters added she was referring to acts of “peaceful protests” while talking about pushing back against Trump.

then we have Trump

“You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out in a stretcher, folks,” he said after a protester interrupted a Las Vegas rally in February 2016. “I’d like to punch him in the face, I tell ya.”
Man, I wish we had a reasonable 3rd alternative.
We have one now...Trump. Democrats despise him and Republican establishment does so too.
Precisely. All the people who have wanted a 3rd party need look no further than Trump.

I said reasonable. There are those who say that Trump does not fit that description, and I am among them even though I am a conservative person. I think we can do better without him.
Many numbers say otherwise...
I get the impression Trump's trade policies and decisions are getting the US closer and closer to a full-blown global trade war. Should that continue to escalate the GOP could find itself in a lot of trouble. So, we have here the Democratic Party that is blowing itself up, a dysfunctional GOP, and Donald J. Trump. Literally, anything can happen this summer.
It's not going to be the problem everyone (the left) thinks it will be no other country on earth has the consumer purchasing power the US does. There will be deals made the US will still get screwed just not as hard as in the past.
Even with Pelosi rebuking Waters over her harassment comment has too much damage already been done?

They will be voting on the Democrat candidates that are running locally not Waters. I doubt that very many people even know who she is.

So, you are saying that liberals are uninformed and stupid. That's what we have been saying all along.
Lots of cons are gonna be really surprised on election day.
Numbers here on this very site suggest 2 to 1 we hold the house.
Then will come the riots.

The riots will hit when either the tax base of the blue state shrinks too much to maintain essential services or contagion hits and I was wrong on this one. There has already been an accusation of arson in another wine country fire this year. The riots could easily start and burn out prior to the election. That would be crazy but Maxine Waters likely has more crazy talk coming to speed up the process.
Lots of cons are gonna be really surprised on election day.
Numbers here on this very site suggest 2 to 1 we hold the house.
Then will come the riots.

The riots will hit when either the tax base of the blue state shrinks too much to maintain essential services or contagion hits and I was wrong on this one. There has already been an accusation of arson in another wine country fire this year. The riots could easily start and burn out prior to the election. That would be crazy but Maxine Waters likely has more crazy talk coming to speed up the process.
As you may recall I said not to long ago arson was a sign of failure. Suburb wise I would be looking for an increase of title loans and pawn shops.
The only thing democrats have left is the total support of the MSM. You have to search alternate sources of information to get perspective on the hatred that drives democrats these days. The media forgot about the democrat activist that opened fire on a Republican baseball team last year but somehow we still get old Nixon movies on cable from time to time. The nut case has-been H'wood celebs who routinely threaten the President and his family are dismissed as "quirky" and hypocrite lefties enjoy the thriving economy but hate the administration to such an extent that they are encouraged by the likes of Ms. Maxine to disrespect every republican. If the media ever becomes honest again the democrat party is finished.
The only thing democrats have left is the total support of the MSM. You have to search alternate sources of information to get perspective on the hatred that drives democrats these days. The media forgot about the democrat activist that opened fire on a Republican baseball team last year but somehow we still get old Nixon movies on cable from time to time. The nut case has-been H'wood celebs who routinely threaten the President and his family are dismissed as "quirky" and hypocrite lefties enjoy the thriving economy but hate the administration to such an extent that they are encouraged by the likes of Ms. Maxine to disrespect every republican. If the media ever becomes honest again the democrat party is finished.
Do you follow alternative sources, yourself?
The only thing democrats have left is the total support of the MSM. You have to search alternate sources of information to get perspective on the hatred that drives democrats these days. The media forgot about the democrat activist that opened fire on a Republican baseball team last year but somehow we still get old Nixon movies on cable from time to time. The nut case has-been H'wood celebs who routinely threaten the President and his family are dismissed as "quirky" and hypocrite lefties enjoy the thriving economy but hate the administration to such an extent that they are encouraged by the likes of Ms. Maxine to disrespect every republican. If the media ever becomes honest again the democrat party is finished.
If the Democrats would only give us a Watters/Pelosi ticket!
I get the impression Trump's trade policies and decisions are getting the US closer and closer to a full-blown global trade war. Should that continue to escalate the GOP could find itself in a lot of trouble. So, we have here the Democratic Party that is blowing itself up, a dysfunctional GOP, and Donald J. Trump. Literally, anything can happen this summer.
It's not going to be the problem everyone (the left) thinks it will be no other country on earth has the consumer purchasing power the US does. There will be deals made the US will still get screwed just not as hard as in the past.

I think you are right, but the other countries and gov'ts around the world are going to test our resolve bigly. They know we've got the midterms coming up, and they'll ratchet up the pressure on us, and on Trump in particular. As will the Dems. Will we stand firm, or ratchet up the pressure on other countries? Gonna be an interesting summer.

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