Have the Ds thrown away the mid-terms?

Did Waters Sink the Ds

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 66.7%
  • no

    Votes: 9 33.3%

  • Total voters
Man, I wish we had a reasonable 3rd alternative.
We have one now...Trump. Democrats despise him and Republican establishment does so too.
Precisely. All the people who have wanted a 3rd party need look no further than Trump.

I said reasonable. There are those who say that Trump does not fit that description, and I am among them even though I am a conservative person. I think we can do better without him.
Many numbers say otherwise...

Everybody has numbers, sometimes they don't mean much. You didn't say what in particular you disagreed with, speak up or shut up.
Man, I wish we had a reasonable 3rd alternative.
We have one now...Trump. Democrats despise him and Republican establishment does so too.
Precisely. All the people who have wanted a 3rd party need look no further than Trump.

I said reasonable. There are those who say that Trump does not fit that description, and I am among them even though I am a conservative person. I think we can do better without him.
Many numbers say otherwise...

Everybody has numbers, sometimes they don't mean much. You didn't say what in particular you disagreed with, speak up or shut up.
Or your going to do what about it exactly...? Nothing. That's what.
Even with Pelosi rebuking Waters over her harassment comment has too much damage already been done?
What are the Dems running on besides "We don't suck as much as those guys?"
I think the dems may be saying, what happened to all those Reagan republicans? Of course I may be projecting because that's certainly what I'm asking. LOL
Dems promise to

Raise taxes

Eliminate jobs, higher wages, bonuses

More people on Welfare / Food Stamps

More violent Illegals / Open Borders

Impeach Trump

Stalk, harass, kidnap, cage, beat, & rape anyone AND THEIR CHILDREN who have different opinions...

Who wouldn't love that platform?

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We have one now...Trump. Democrats despise him and Republican establishment does so too.
Precisely. All the people who have wanted a 3rd party need look no further than Trump.

I said reasonable. There are those who say that Trump does not fit that description, and I am among them even though I am a conservative person. I think we can do better without him.
Many numbers say otherwise...

Everybody has numbers, sometimes they don't mean much. You didn't say what in particular you disagreed with, speak up or shut up.
Or your going to do what about it exactly...? Nothing. That's what.

Well, I suppose I can put you on ignore, since you're acting like a jerk. Look dude, you want to disagree, that's fine. But have the guts to spell out what your disagreement is, or shut the fuck up. You got a point to make, make it. But one line hit and runs with nothing else is kind of a waste of time. Everybody's time, including your own.
Precisely. All the people who have wanted a 3rd party need look no further than Trump.

I said reasonable. There are those who say that Trump does not fit that description, and I am among them even though I am a conservative person. I think we can do better without him.
Many numbers say otherwise...

Everybody has numbers, sometimes they don't mean much. You didn't say what in particular you disagreed with, speak up or shut up.
Or your going to do what about it exactly...? Nothing. That's what.

Well, I suppose I can put you on ignore, since you're acting like a jerk. Look dude, you want to disagree, that's fine. But have the guts to spell out what your disagreement is, or shut the fuck up. You got a point to make, make it. But one line hit and runs with nothing else is kind of a waste of time. Everybody's time, including your own.
God no!!! Anything but that!!! Lol....
Even with Pelosi rebuking Waters over her harassment comment has too much damage already been done?

They will be voting on the Democrat candidates that are running locally not Waters. I doubt that very many people even know who she is.

So, you are saying that liberals are uninformed and stupid. That's what we have been saying all along.

You are the stupid one. Voters will be voting on their local candidates. If you want a montage real, Trump is equally offensive and insane.
Lots of cons are gonna be really surprised on election day.
Numbers here on this very site suggest 2 to 1 we hold the house.
Then will come the riots.

The numbers from actual primary voting suggest Democrats could take over the House. The suburbs are a problem for Republicans. Connor Lamb won because he won the suburbs.

Same polls that showed Hillary beating Trump in 2016?

Primaries are actual votes taken in conjunction with polls. In midterms, the candidate who gets the most votes win. The polls got Clinton's popular vote win right.
Lots of cons are gonna be really surprised on election day.
Numbers here on this very site suggest 2 to 1 we hold the house.
Then will come the riots.

The numbers from actual primary voting suggest Democrats could take over the House. The suburbs are a problem for Republicans. Connor Lamb won because he won the suburbs.

Same polls that showed Hillary beating Trump in 2016?

No, those numbers assumed Hillary would sober up enough to do some last minute campaigning. These numbers are less accurate due to Waters and Pelosi campaigning.
Even with Pelosi rebuking Waters over her harassment comment has too much damage already been done?
What are the Dems running on besides "We don't suck as much as those guys?"
I think the dems may be saying, what happened to all those Reagan republicans? Of course I may be projecting because that's certainly what I'm asking. LOL

There are a number of things Democrats could run on. Fixing Obamacare and reforming the Republican tax reform are a couple of things. Republicans have moved too far to the right and there is room for centrist candidates. Democrats have done a good job of candidate recruitment and most of their candidates have survived primaries. The Tennessee Senate race is wide open because they recruited the only Democrat who could win the seat.
Even with Pelosi rebuking Waters over her harassment comment has too much damage already been done?
What are the Dems running on besides "We don't suck as much as those guys?"
I think the dems may be saying, what happened to all those Reagan republicans? Of course I may be projecting because that's certainly what I'm asking. LOL

There are a number of things Democrats could run on. Fixing Obamacare and reforming the Republican tax reform are a couple of things. Republicans have moved too far to the right and there is room for centrist candidates. Democrats have done a good job of candidate recruitment and most of their candidates have survived primaries. The Tennessee Senate race is wide open because they recruited the only Democrat who could win the seat.

There aren't many centrist democrat candidates, your party is definitely moving further Left.
The only thing democrats have left is the total support of the MSM. You have to search alternate sources of information to get perspective on the hatred that drives democrats these days. The media forgot about the democrat activist that opened fire on a Republican baseball team last year but somehow we still get old Nixon movies on cable from time to time. The nut case has-been H'wood celebs who routinely threaten the President and his family are dismissed as "quirky" and hypocrite lefties enjoy the thriving economy but hate the administration to such an extent that they are encouraged by the likes of Ms. Maxine to disrespect every republican. If the media ever becomes honest again the democrat party is finished.
If the Democrats would only give us a Watters/Pelosi ticket!

And if only your teenaged male lovers would give themselves more willingly to you, eh?

Why are you a Trumpbot when you love teenaged males? Isn't that something Democrats would be more accepting of?

Ohhhh...that's why you want a Watters/Pelosi ticket. Gotcha.

Hang in their gay, old man.
Trump has taken a play from the Bill Clinton playbook.
"It's the economy stupid". And he blended that with a play out of the Reagan playbook. "Make America Great".

Okay old Trumpbot who said he loves sex with teenaged 'men'?

Tell us all EXACTLY what it is the Trump has done to make the economy better....AND INCLUDE UNBIASED, FACTUAL PROOF WITH UNBIASED LINKS?

But you cannot - can you - you stupid, uneducated, old, gay hick?

You don't even begin to understand macroeconomics...all you understand is teenaged 'men'. Well...their anal canals...hence your handle 'Dark Fury'.
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Even with Pelosi rebuking Waters over her harassment comment has too much damage already been done?

They will be voting on the Democrat candidates that are running locally not Waters. I doubt that very many people even know who she is.

So, you are saying that liberals are uninformed and stupid. That's what we have been saying all along.

You are the stupid one. Voters will be voting on their local candidates. If you want a montage real, Trump is equally offensive and insane.

Only to libtards with TDS!

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