Have to speak candidly, I was assaulted by my wife and she was arrested. Advice please, even to those who disagree with me.

We've both been under a great deal of stress of late, she has been worse due to her gambling addiction, The assaults against me have been going on for years and even though she warned me a number of times if I ever called the police that she would accuse me of beating her, I was forced to call them this time.

I don't want her charged as I believe even after so many attacks on me over the years that, "I married her and took a vow to God" and I try to see it through (my grandfather was the same way). The police said that they are now mandated to charge someone with assault even if they just break a phone!

Due to her extreme reaction when I pushed her away, giving myself some space as I didn't want to be punched by her, I am weary of the aftermath as she came by to pick up her stuff, with police escort and her arm was in a sling. How is it possible for her to be in a sling when all I did was push her?

She stated to the cops that I damaged her arm when they came, but it seems REALLY far-fetched and she attacked me twice while I was lying passively on the couch. Unless it is just inflammation, my suspicions will be firm that it was a screw job at the hospital. There is no way I dislocated her arm for instance, not even if I punched someone am I that strong.

It's ironic too, because after I pushed her away from me, she went around into the kitchen and blocked my way to leaving for downstairs to get away from the situation. She threw a utensil at me and used TWO arms to stab me hard with her cane, which lead to pain to this day (it happened Thurs).

She did not want me to call and pulled the phone out so that I had to recall.

What would one do if the police decide that i am the aggressor and charge me? I am in our home, she is removed. With my bad experienced with the covert ops here, I am never calm even when I know I am in the right,
Did you photograph your injuries?
If you guys knew the abuse she has laid on me you would be shocked and angry at me.

She threw her cane like a javelin at the back of my head once as I was walking down the stairs, caused it to bleed. She punched me hard on the side of the head while I was driving on the highway.

My fear, as always, was calling the police and her making something up. It took a long time and I still somehow care for her. I know it's insane.
In NY state they deal with this in family court and the family court judges a
Been there. It cost me nearly everything to cut all ties and it was worth every penny to rid myself of that bipolar, soul sucking, piece of shit. Somewhat later I met the nicest kindest woman in the world and I treat her like a queen.
Good for you.
If you guys knew the abuse she has laid on me you would be shocked and angry at me.

She threw her cane like a javelin at the back of my head once as I was walking down the stairs, caused it to bleed. She punched me hard on the side of the head while I was driving on the highway.

My fear, as always, was calling the police and her making something up. It took a long time and I still somehow care for her. I know it's insane.
It's not insane at all. The heart wants what it wants. You love her.

But heroin addicts love heroin... the insane part of addiction is being willing to trade off everything else for the heroin...

Many heroin addicts will say its worth the trade. To them I say, enjoy your heroin, then. What else? Torture them?
Been there. It cost me nearly everything to cut all ties and it was worth every penny to rid myself of that bipolar, soul sucking, piece of shit. Somewhat later I met the nicest kindest woman in the world and I treat her like a queen.

Recently heard that women watch certain shows to see women who are crazier than themselves. Explains The View.
Recently heard that women watch certain shows to see women who are crazier than themselves. Explains The View.
Don't really care what women do. I swore off dating for three years until a good one finally came along. I had finally been with a woman so unbalanced that loneliness was preferable.
Some yes.
Good, that is part of your defense just in case. She is an abuser and, as someone else noted, it typically runs in cycles. Abuse, regret, make up, honeymoon then it starts all over. The abused typically thinks that 'this time it will be different' but it never is. Good luck my friend. I have had similar problems with my wife. She tried to commit suicide one time, I stopped her and took her to the ER. They pumped her stomach and carted her off to a 72 hour hold. She was screaming and yelling and fighting the whole time trying to blame me. It was truly unreal. Found out later she was suffering from end stage liver disease that made her act crazy.
We've both been under a great deal of stress of late, she has been worse due to her gambling addiction, The assaults against me have been going on for years and even though she warned me a number of times if I ever called the police that she would accuse me of beating her, I was forced to call them this time.

I don't want her charged as I believe even after so many attacks on me over the years that, "I married her and took a vow to God" and I try to see it through (my grandfather was the same way). The police said that they are now mandated to charge someone with assault even if they just break a phone!

Due to her extreme reaction when I pushed her away, giving myself some space as I didn't want to be punched by her, I am weary of the aftermath as she came by to pick up her stuff, with police escort and her arm was in a sling. How is it possible for her to be in a sling when all I did was push her?

She stated to the cops that I damaged her arm when they came, but it seems REALLY far-fetched and she attacked me twice while I was lying passively on the couch. Unless it is just inflammation, my suspicions will be firm that it was a screw job at the hospital. There is no way I dislocated her arm for instance, not even if I punched someone am I that strong.

It's ironic too, because after I pushed her away from me, she went around into the kitchen and blocked my way to leaving for downstairs to get away from the situation. She threw a utensil at me and used TWO arms to stab me hard with her cane, which lead to pain to this day (it happened Thurs).

She did not want me to call and pulled the phone out so that I had to recall.

What would one do if the police decide that i am the aggressor and charge me? I am in our home, she is removed. With my bad experienced with the covert ops here, I am never calm even when I know I am in the right,

No idea what the laws in Canada are, but here in my state pretty much the same thing would have happened except they wouldn't have brought her back to get her stuff as she would be under court order to have no contact as a condition of her bond.

As for what you should do, no idea. sounds like you escalated it with a police call not because of what she was doing but to cover yourself. Not saying that is right or wrong, but when it comes to domestic situations, you can't unring the bell. Part of that is a public policy decision basically couched in the fact that the police don't want to be parenting grown ups every time the fight because once they start, they will be there every damned day
No idea what the laws in Canada are, but here in my state pretty much the same thing would have happened except they wouldn't have brought her back to get her stuff as she would be under court order to have no contact as a condition of her bond.

As for what you should do, no idea. sounds like you escalated it with a police call not because of what she was doing but to cover yourself. Not saying that is right or wrong, but when it comes to domestic situations, you can't unring the bell. Part of that is a public policy decision basically couched in the fact that the police don't want to be parenting grown ups every time the fight because once they start, they will be there every damned day

That's a reasonable point. Once she suggested I had hurt her in self defense I was forced to call. It honestly was a combindation of protecting myself but also hoping their presence would force her to get better. I didn't believe she would face a charge.
That's a reasonable point. Once she suggested I had hurt her in self defense I was forced to call. It honestly was a combindation of protecting myself but also hoping their presence would force her to get better. I didn't believe she would face a charge.

Well best of luck to you at this point. I have known a couple who wormed their way out of it by giving such diamretically opposed sets of facts, the judge didn't know what to believe, but I can't encourage you to lie to the court. Maybe this will be her wake up call (and yours too)
Well best of luck to you at this point. I have known a couple who wormed their way out of it by giving such diamretically opposed sets of facts, the judge didn't know what to believe, but I can't encourage you to lie to the court. Maybe this will be her wake up call (and yours too)

I won't lie to the court, honestly I don't need to. SHE may need to, but I won't. Some of the chat on here has woken me up a bit, though I am still very torn.

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