Have to speak candidly, I was assaulted by my wife and she was arrested. Advice please, even to those who disagree with me.

Firstly. Never call the police. But that's just my opinion.

Secondly. And not to sound insensitive or anything, but this is precisely why you hold out for one who is just as perfectly content as you are to say, okay, let's go out back and duke it out and then go back in and have supper.

But. Your situation is too far gone already. So don't listen to me. lol...
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I've been there a few times, I tried to stay strong by at least verbally standing up for myself. She definitely made me a more heigtened person, using the F word more often etc as she would rile me up often. She learned which buttons to push (such as calling me a pedophlle for example).

Here is another concern I have as I think back all of our interactions. She had to go to the doctors for some physical issue, I don't remember which specifically as she has had so many. Anyways, she told me the doctor asked her "were you pushed down the stairs by someone?"

She told me she laughed and said "no, but I'm sure my husband would like to".

When we were in one of our many arguments she said, "I should have lied to the doctor and told him you pushed me".

She says so many crazy outlandish things that I just brushed it off. But now with whats happened...

This is pernicious and toxic, in that particular way some women are--women who frankly destroy men. And seem to enjoy it.

I don't have any particular advice other than you don't deserve this. I'm sorry for your situation and will pray for you.
Firstly. Never call the police. But that's just my opinion.

Secondly. And not to sound insensitive or anything, but this is precisely why you hold out for one who is just as perfectly content as you are to say, okay, let's go out back and duke it out and then go back in and have supper.

But. Your situation is too far gone already. So don't listen to me. lol...

I should have listened to the signs. To be honest the worst decision I made was buying our home with her, as time went on and her debts began to mount, I believe she had a bee in her ear (family, friends) telling her how much the homes value had increased.

Her goal seemed to be to get me to leave so she could claim the home. She would assault me, verbally abuse me and tell ME to leave. It seemed more clear as time went out, now with her family around her, I suspect nothing but the worst from her in terms of her efforts, even as I've tried to be a loyal husband.

Yes, it's a frightening situation to be in. As I've always said, the worst sin is Bearing False Witness and she has no qualms at this point, her reaction when I shoved her to get out of the situation settled it in my mind.

I'm starting to consider that She may have had this planned or else why grab my groin while I am passively lying on the couch?
I've been there a few times, I tried to stay strong by at least verbally standing up for myself. She definitely made me a more heigtened person, using the F word more often etc as she would rile me up often. She learned which buttons to push (such as calling me a pedophlle for example).

Here is another concern I have as I think back all of our interactions. She had to go to the doctors for some physical issue, I don't remember which specifically as she has had so many. Anyways, she told me the doctor asked her "were you pushed down the stairs by someone?"

She told me she laughed and said "no, but I'm sure my husband would like to".

When we were in one of our many arguments she said, "I should have lied to the doctor and told him you pushed me".

She says so many crazy outlandish things that I just brushed it off. But now with whats happened...
Get out before you end up in jail.
she grabbed your groin cause she could and to show you how little of your manhood is left..i am gonna be hard and cold here...so i apologize in advance

my background: married to the same man for 41 years...we have fought to hell and back..i am a good size woman...5' 10"
175 lbs...my favorite threat...i am gonna set your ass on fire...while i flick my bic on his arm hair..no man scaping here lol

some day his furr will explode in flames....

with that said....i cant imagine his reaction if i grabbed his groin in anger....o if i called him a peddie but we

you are not in a marriage so leave this hell you are in..go today and get that restraining order...tell the judge the truth...keep her out of the house and sue her for desertion ...you need to move on....i am a 2nd wife...so there is hope for you to have a decent marriage or wife...

in a good relationship...you protect one another...when he is down with some damn joint replacement....i am here...
where i suffered from cancer...he was there...sure we still have fights and fusses...but we know that when push comes to shove...we have each others backs

and how does anyone just gamble thousands away....i love to gamble...we just got a new casino...well our only casino in bristol tn..about an hour from here....hubby took me to see it...even let me walk in and around....i didnt put a dime in anything...hubby hates gambling and it keys his raising to be s.b. minister...casting of lots and such...how does one tolerate a gambler who just tosses that money away?

stop saying you cant cause of marriage vows....for better or worse....means you stay when things are going wrong.....but it does not mean you stay to be mistreated...get out...get counseling for yourself....no joint ..that ship has sailed...she will never protect or respect you ...
Get out before you end up in jail.

The more I think about her family and how vindictive they are the more this worries me. I swear that I am the victim, she and I both know it, so does her family. Doing what is principled isn't in their blood.

Her cousins husband is a cop and the family member they are staying with have resources and have lived in the community for decades. My love for her still exists, but the more I speak to you all on here the more I realize how much I have to focus on my life and not remain a victim.

Lawyers aren't cheap and I am not in a good place financially right now.
you are not in a good place cause she is gambling....take her off your accounts....all of them....start making calls now...you have to not waste your present and your future....

forget this praying crap...sorry yall but this is far from praying the problem away....get out...couch surf if you have too....stay in a coyote motel...get a 2nd job...do what ever in the hell you must do
The more I think about her family and how vindictive they are the more this worries me. I swear that I am the victim, she and I both know it, so does her family. Doing what is principled isn't in their blood.

Her cousins husband is a cop and the family member they are staying with have resources and have lived in the community for decades. My love for her still exists, but the more I speak to you all on here the more I realize how much I have to focus on my life and not remain a victim.

Lawyers aren't cheap and I am not in a good place financially right now.
A divorce attorney is much cheaper than a criminal defense attorney. It sounds like you’re gonna end up with an attorney, one way, or another. One is much better than the other. You know what you need to do…
you are not in a good place cause she is gambling....take her off your accounts....all of them....start making calls now...you have to not waste your present and your future....

forget this praying crap...sorry yall but this is far from praying the problem away....get out...couch surf if you have too....stay in a coyote motel...get a 2nd job...do what ever in the hell you must do

This is the problem, I need to get a first job. An educated, driven and corporate experienced citizen, seemingly not allowed to work (I've shared many of my exploits on here).

We need to sell the house, one way or another. We have $150k+ in equity.
I've been there a few times, I tried to stay strong by at least verbally standing up for myself. She definitely made me a more heigtened person, using the F word more often etc as she would rile me up often. She learned which buttons to push (such as calling me a pedophlle for example).

Here is another concern I have as I think back all of our interactions. She had to go to the doctors for some physical issue, I don't remember which specifically as she has had so many. Anyways, she told me the doctor asked her "were you pushed down the stairs by someone?"

She told me she laughed and said "no, but I'm sure my husband would like to".

When we were in one of our many arguments she said, "I should have lied to the doctor and told him you pushed me".

She says so many crazy outlandish things that I just brushed it off. But now with whats happened...
May G-d help you.

You should talk to a lawyer. I do not know what to say -- never been in such situation.
why arent you working? are you in an isolated place? disabled? work will help you mentally

Of course, this is a major issue. Trust me I have tried. This is part of the problem as I 've expressed on here, Canada is NOT like America. I hope I've made this abundantly clear on here over the years, human rights and civil liberties don't exist. Hence my heightened worry.
I disagree, because I made the call as I wanted them there, she even unplugged the phone on me so that I had to call back. I felt "I have nothing to hide", once she said her arm was in pain I had no choice.

Now I didn't expect them to charge her, I was expecting a warning but apparently they have no discretion which is absurd IMO.

She even admitted to going at me (she grabbed my crotch hard), but said the she "only attempted to", which is a lie. She didn't dispute the throwing of the tablet, the utensil nor the stabbing of me with her cane.
Buy a Dogo Argentine. Name him "Amigo".Never let her play with him.
He'll handle everything
These agencies may be extremely biased.

Canadian Association for Equality (CAFE) offers help for male victims of abuse.

CAFE are very balanced -- they would definitely view me as an extremist.

Thank you sir, I was given ONE resource for men who have been abused and most of it was based on sexual abuse etc. Even the intake lady was a bit taken aback by how few resources men have.

I contacted them and left a message. Typical I suppose.

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