Have to speak candidly, I was assaulted by my wife and she was arrested. Advice please, even to those who disagree with me.

My advice would be to talk to somebody who specializes in attachment issues to help sort out WHY you are staying with somebody who is so abusive.

You may have come codependency issues to work through as well as legal.
I've been there a few times, I tried to stay strong by at least verbally standing up for myself. She definitely made me a more heigtened person, using the F word more often etc as she would rile me up often. She learned which buttons to push (such as calling me a pedophlle for example).

Here is another concern I have as I think back all of our interactions. She had to go to the doctors for some physical issue, I don't remember which specifically as she has had so many. Anyways, she told me the doctor asked her "were you pushed down the stairs by someone?"

She told me she laughed and said "no, but I'm sure my husband would like to".

When we were in one of our many arguments she said, "I should have lied to the doctor and told him you pushed me".

She says so many crazy outlandish things that I just brushed it off. But now with whats happened...
There is no love in this relationship, at least not on her end. This won't go well if you stay
The level of abuse she has used against me would flatten some people. I tried to hang on, hoping she might get better, hoping my life might be allowed to go forward with a career, but it's not the case obviously.

It's weird, because it's almost a "trauma bond" with her. If not for her gambling, we wouldn't be in this spot.

If she is charged, I will still come to her defense, I am loyal that way. I've been with her 16 years, that's a long time.

Either way I need to consider that we might be finished. If they apply a peace bond we will be finished as well since I don't think she could even see me. Even the time to go to court is apparently a year or so.

It is true, we are all just humans, emotions, hopes, dreams and souls. Unforeseen situations occur.
Unless minor children are involved in which case you hang till last graduates, any one that brings the government into my life gets the boot.
You should talk to CAFE and a legal expert.

Thank G-d, I have never experienced such situation. I do not know what to say.

They didn't email me back.

I still care for her but I am angry at myself for letting it go on as long as it did, she basically trapped me, wouldn't allow me to call the police as she said she would accuse me of being the assaulter. I should have seen it coming.
They didn't email me back.

I still care for her but I am angry at myself for letting it go on as long as it did, she basically trapped me, wouldn't allow me to call the police as she said she would accuse me of being the assaulter. I should have seen it coming.
I think some resources and telephone numbers are available Here.

You should find an expert who is friendly to male victims of Domestic Violence.
We've both been under a great deal of stress of late, she has been worse due to her gambling addiction, The assaults against me have been going on for years and even though she warned me a number of times if I ever called the police that she would accuse me of beating her, I was forced to call them this time.

I don't want her charged as I believe even after so many attacks on me over the years that, "I married her and took a vow to God" and I try to see it through (my grandfather was the same way). The police said that they are now mandated to charge someone with assault even if they just break a phone!

Due to her extreme reaction when I pushed her away, giving myself some space as I didn't want to be punched by her, I am weary of the aftermath as she came by to pick up her stuff, with police escort and her arm was in a sling. How is it possible for her to be in a sling when all I did was push her?

She stated to the cops that I damaged her arm when they came, but it seems REALLY far-fetched and she attacked me twice while I was lying passively on the couch. Unless it is just inflammation, my suspicions will be firm that it was a screw job at the hospital. There is no way I dislocated her arm for instance, not even if I punched someone am I that strong.

It's ironic too, because after I pushed her away from me, she went around into the kitchen and blocked my way to leaving for downstairs to get away from the situation. She threw a utensil at me and used TWO arms to stab me hard with her cane, which lead to pain to this day (it happened Thurs).

She did not want me to call and pulled the phone out so that I had to recall.

What would one do if the police decide that i am the aggressor and charge me? I am in our home, she is removed. With my bad experienced with the covert ops here, I am never calm even when I know I am in the right,
just hit the bitch one time real damn hard and she will think twice about getting physical again....its worth going to jail for...then you can lie and say she pulled a knife on you
We've both been under a great deal of stress of late, she has been worse due to her gambling addiction, The assaults against me have been going on for years and even though she warned me a number of times if I ever called the police that she would accuse me of beating her, I was forced to call them this time.

I don't want her charged as I believe even after so many attacks on me over the years that, "I married her and took a vow to God" and I try to see it through (my grandfather was the same way). The police said that they are now mandated to charge someone with assault even if they just break a phone!

Due to her extreme reaction when I pushed her away, giving myself some space as I didn't want to be punched by her, I am weary of the aftermath as she came by to pick up her stuff, with police escort and her arm was in a sling. How is it possible for her to be in a sling when all I did was push her?

She stated to the cops that I damaged her arm when they came, but it seems REALLY far-fetched and she attacked me twice while I was lying passively on the couch. Unless it is just inflammation, my suspicions will be firm that it was a screw job at the hospital. There is no way I dislocated her arm for instance, not even if I punched someone am I that strong.

It's ironic too, because after I pushed her away from me, she went around into the kitchen and blocked my way to leaving for downstairs to get away from the situation. She threw a utensil at me and used TWO arms to stab me hard with her cane, which lead to pain to this day (it happened Thurs).

She did not want me to call and pulled the phone out so that I had to recall.

What would one do if the police decide that i am the aggressor and charge me? I am in our home, she is removed. With my bad experienced with the covert ops here, I am never calm even when I know I am in the right,
Do you have the means to live apart? If so, then live apart. Why spend your life in such turmoil? Get the hell out and get peace of mind and environment....
Proverbs 21:9 — ‘Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.’ Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife.’
Do you have the means to live apart? If so, then live apart. Why spend your life in such turmoil? Get the hell out and get peace of mind and environment....
Proverbs 21:9 — ‘Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.’ Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife.’

I don't have the means Irish, or I probably would. After talking to Americans I get it. I still love her, but I know she has ruined me for years as much as we had some good memories.
Most severe abuse survivors feel hopeless at the time.

The vast majority of people in such situations do escape and return to normal life.

I feel so many emotions though. Being a man in Canada, the deck is stacked, and she has support, I don't.

I know the truth, which is why she didn't want me to call.
The level of abuse she has used against me would flatten some people. I tried to hang on, hoping she might get better, hoping my life might be allowed to go forward with a career, but it's not the case obviously.

It's weird, because it's almost a "trauma bond" with her. If not for her gambling, we wouldn't be in this spot.

If she is charged, I will still come to her defense, I am loyal that way. I've been with her 16 years, that's a long time.

Either way I need to consider that we might be finished. If they apply a peace bond we will be finished as well since I don't think she could even see me. Even the time to go to court is apparently a year or so.

It is true, we are all just humans, emotions, hopes, dreams and souls. Unforeseen situations occur.
Have you ever heard of Hedda Nussbaum? It's a name you should know. You have a lot in common.
My advice would be to talk to somebody who specializes in attachment issues to help sort out WHY you are staying with somebody who is so abusive.

You may have come codependency issues to work through as well as legal.
Or maybe he needs to get to a gym and learn some useful things.
Or maybe he needs to get to a gym and learn some useful things.

Useful things? I'm not an aggressive person, I will stand up for myself but I'm not looking for trouble. Going to the gym or not doesn't address this, it's an emotional issue with many conflicting feelings.

By the way, coming from where I came from and how I was raised, I'm proud to be a fairly passive man. I will stand up for principle. It seems I may be tested on the harm it does to me.
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