Have we become a better nation by deviating from the intent of our founders?

Now I know why republicans are so nasty and mean They're over here while the market is soaring today and they're missing out again
Mostly taking them...

not really. After you hit the rank of Sgt you tend to give more than you take.

and of course the women can give orders to the children and what-not to follow your stupid analogy.

and now you equate adult women with children. What's next? First apes and now children.

As many people have already stated, acting like an assertive man or in short, a man, does not mean that you abuse women. That's retarded, and your specific error.

One can be assertive and not command their wife.

What is so bad about a marriage being an equal partnership?

Why do you have to think that you are superior to your spouse? What drives you to hold such a low view of someone you are supposed to love?
I see you more as a taker or catcher.

Just saying.

That is because you are a brain dead sheep.
Why the fixation with Sheep?

OH.... I get it.
Mostly taking them...

not really. After you hit the rank of Sgt you tend to give more than you take.

and of course the women can give orders to the children and what-not to follow your stupid analogy.

and now you equate adult women with children. What's next? First apes and now children.

As many people have already stated, acting like an assertive man or in short, a man, does not mean that you abuse women. That's retarded, and your specific error.

One can be assertive and not command their wife.

What is so bad about a marriage being an equal partnership?

Why do you have to think that you are superior to your spouse? What drives you to hold such a low view of someone you are supposed to love?
I see you more as a taker or catcher.

Just saying.

That is because you are a brain dead sheep.
Why the fixation with Sheep?

OH.... I get it.

Nice selfie.
Mostly taking them...

not really. After you hit the rank of Sgt you tend to give more than you take.

and of course the women can give orders to the children and what-not to follow your stupid analogy.

and now you equate adult women with children. What's next? First apes and now children.

As many people have already stated, acting like an assertive man or in short, a man, does not mean that you abuse women. That's retarded, and your specific error.

One can be assertive and not command their wife.

What is so bad about a marriage being an equal partnership?

Why do you have to think that you are superior to your spouse? What drives you to hold such a low view of someone you are supposed to love?
I see you more as a taker or catcher.

Just saying.

That is because you are a brain dead sheep.
Why the fixation with Sheep?

OH.... I get it.

Nice selfie.
Why would you think I am Gene Wilder?
I was pointing out your affinity for sheep, and your comment is, you like Gene Wilder's hairy chest, or is it the Sheep next to him in bed that is turning you on?
Over the years politicians have pushed their agendas and sold us on twisted bullshit and snake oil in order to amend our constitution....have these amendments made us a better nation as a whole?
Let’s be brutally honest and candid here...no pussified PC bullshit please.
We are supposed to take the Natural Laws that our founding leaders established in writing and Expand on that to achieve the goals, not reject rebel or water them down.

Similar to Mosaic law established in writing through the Bible that is later fulfilled and embodied in ALL people through Christ, not just the genealogical Jews but all tribes adopting and living by the universal laws of Peace and Justice for ALL humanity.

Spreading the spirit of the laws of Christianity to all people does not mean watering them down and losing the meaning or it defeats the purpose.

Expanding Constiturional commitment to equal protections and justice for all people also must be in keeping with the rule of law not breaking these laws or it isn't establishing the same principles but destroying them.

Jesus as Universal Justice for All came to fulfill the laws not abolish them.

The liberal left is correct that we should work for equal inclusion of diversity, but not at the expense of sacrificing rule of law. So the left is wrong where they preach to put inclusion of conflicting beliefs above or in violation of laws. That's going too far.

We need both rule of law and equal education empowerment and inclusion where all ppl participate in democratic govt. We get there by following and enforcing Constitutional laws process and principles not violating them. Both left and right are right so we need to seek where these agree and obey all laws while also enforcing inclusion in the Democratic process.
not really. After you hit the rank of Sgt you tend to give more than you take.

and now you equate adult women with children. What's next? First apes and now children.

One can be assertive and not command their wife.

What is so bad about a marriage being an equal partnership?

Why do you have to think that you are superior to your spouse? What drives you to hold such a low view of someone you are supposed to love?
I see you more as a taker or catcher.

Just saying.

That is because you are a brain dead sheep.
Why the fixation with Sheep?

OH.... I get it.

Nice selfie.
Why would you think I am Gene Wilder?
I was pointing out your affinity for sheep, and your comment is, you like Gene Wilder's hairy chest, or is it the Sheep next to him in bed that is turning you on?

With all the other lies you have told today you claiming to be a star would be right in line
I see you more as a taker or catcher.

Just saying.

That is because you are a brain dead sheep.
Why the fixation with Sheep?

OH.... I get it.

Nice selfie.
Why would you think I am Gene Wilder?
I was pointing out your affinity for sheep, and your comment is, you like Gene Wilder's hairy chest, or is it the Sheep next to him in bed that is turning you on?

With all the other lies you have told today you claiming to be a star would be right in line
I'm not the one fixated on Sheep, a Man's Hairy Chest or being Dominated by Women.
That is because you are a brain dead sheep.
Why the fixation with Sheep?

OH.... I get it.

Nice selfie.
Why would you think I am Gene Wilder?
I was pointing out your affinity for sheep, and your comment is, you like Gene Wilder's hairy chest, or is it the Sheep next to him in bed that is turning you on?

With all the other lies you have told today you claiming to be a star would be right in line
I'm not the one fixated on Sheep, a Man's Hairy Chest or being Dominated by Women.

You claim to have graduated college yet do not know that being equal partner means that neither dominates the other. More proof of your lies.

You have a very large supply of fetish photos...what is it you are hiding from us?
Why the fixation with Sheep?

OH.... I get it.

Nice selfie.
Why would you think I am Gene Wilder?
I was pointing out your affinity for sheep, and your comment is, you like Gene Wilder's hairy chest, or is it the Sheep next to him in bed that is turning you on?

With all the other lies you have told today you claiming to be a star would be right in line
I'm not the one fixated on Sheep, a Man's Hairy Chest or being Dominated by Women.

You claim to have graduated college yet do not know that being equal partner means that neither dominates the other. More proof of your lies.

You have a very large supply of fetish photos...what is it you are hiding from us?

Being equal... is that the part where you take equal amounts of strap on?
Why the fixation with Sheep?

OH.... I get it.

Nice selfie.
Why would you think I am Gene Wilder?
I was pointing out your affinity for sheep, and your comment is, you like Gene Wilder's hairy chest, or is it the Sheep next to him in bed that is turning you on?

With all the other lies you have told today you claiming to be a star would be right in line
I'm not the one fixated on Sheep, a Man's Hairy Chest or being Dominated by Women.

You claim to have graduated college yet do not know that being equal partner means that neither dominates the other. More proof of your lies.

You have a very large supply of fetish photos...what is it you are hiding from us?
So you have convinced yourself that your life of submission is not being dominated?

Well, they do say ignorance is bliss, so you must be happy.
Nice selfie.
Why would you think I am Gene Wilder?
I was pointing out your affinity for sheep, and your comment is, you like Gene Wilder's hairy chest, or is it the Sheep next to him in bed that is turning you on?

With all the other lies you have told today you claiming to be a star would be right in line
I'm not the one fixated on Sheep, a Man's Hairy Chest or being Dominated by Women.

You claim to have graduated college yet do not know that being equal partner means that neither dominates the other. More proof of your lies.

You have a very large supply of fetish photos...what is it you are hiding from us?

Being equal... is that the part where you take equal amounts of strap on?

With each post you expose yourself more and more. The very concept of an equal partnership in marriage is so foreign to you that you cannot even picture what it might look like. No doubt the idea of a equal fulfillment and enjoyment from your sex life is also something you would never begin to imagine.
Nice selfie.
Why would you think I am Gene Wilder?
I was pointing out your affinity for sheep, and your comment is, you like Gene Wilder's hairy chest, or is it the Sheep next to him in bed that is turning you on?

With all the other lies you have told today you claiming to be a star would be right in line
I'm not the one fixated on Sheep, a Man's Hairy Chest or being Dominated by Women.

You claim to have graduated college yet do not know that being equal partner means that neither dominates the other. More proof of your lies.

You have a very large supply of fetish photos...what is it you are hiding from us?
So you have convinced yourself that your life of submission is not being dominated?

Well, they do say ignorance is bliss, so you must be happy.

Were our founders slave owners too ? In Aug of 1619 the first of the slaves entered jamestown Va with 30 slaves kidnapped from Africa The beginning
Going on 27 years together as equals, the way it should be.

Once again, it is the Trump worshipers that hold this view that women are inferior to men. And once again, nobody is surprised to see such a view from Trump worshipers.
Except Kelly Ann Conway She's superior,,,,,the alternate truth lady

They all look down on her as well, she is just Trump's property in their eyes.

This has been a very productive thread. First we get the white supremacist to come out and say they think that only white people should be allowed to vote and then we get the misogynist to out themselves by pronouncing that women are inferior and need to be commanded.

I am not sure what is left for them to expose themselves over next.

You’re right, this has been productive; we’ve learned that Gator doesn’t have the balls to lead, guide and COMMAND his family like real men do...I’ll bet the pistol is in the wife’s nightstand and not yours...huh?
We’ve also learned that Gator doesn’t give two fucks about this nation as a WHOLE....he’s just piss himself happy that Negroes are free to rape and kill and women can vote....”fuck the whole”.
Haha...I always knew the dude was nutless...probably drives a Prius and has a three inch penis.

Thank you!

you dig your own holes so much better than I ever could.

I do truly appreciate how you are so proud of your racism and your misogyny. Most people try and hide these feelings, but you put yours on display for everyone to see. I have to give you credit for that.

You’re giving too much credit though. It doesn’t take courage to display your views- as pernicious as they may be- from the comforts of your computer using an anonymous handle on a message board.

Act that way in inner-city Baltimore, Oakland, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland or Philadelphia and that is definitely venerable.
We all know the superior effectiveness of the female armies during WWII. That's what everybody used.

Unfortunately Gator, women are not better marksmans and even if they were war is a lot more than being able to shoot straight. As someone who has been in the army, you should know all of this, yet for some reason refuse to accept it.

Again, I don't understand how any woman who is worth a shit tolerates this sort of obvious lies. No one believes the bullshit with a straight face.

In WWII brute strength was important. That is less so in today's world.

They are better marksmen, it is a fact. It is one that was told to me by my PMI in the Marine Corps.

I was not in the Army, I was in the Marines. Women made just as good a Marine as did the men.

We all know the superior effectiveness of the female armies during WWII. That's what everybody used.

Unfortunately Gator, women are not better marksmans and even if they were war is a lot more than being able to shoot straight. As someone who has been in the army, you should know all of this, yet for some reason refuse to accept it.

Again, I don't understand how any woman who is worth a shit tolerates this sort of obvious lies. No one believes the bullshit with a straight face.

In WWII brute strength was important. That is less so in today's world.

They are better marksmen, it is a fact. It is one that was told to me by my PMI in the Marine Corps.

I was not in the Army, I was in the Marines. Women made just as good a Marine as did the men.

Haha...you are so full of shit. Soldiers are men...you are probably half a man so your perspective would / should be exactly what it is...we totally get it.
For me, physical strength has little to do with a man leading his family...It has more to do with emotional strength, stability and control, courage / bravery, decisiveness, earning potential...etc etc

This gets better and better...in your mind men have better emotional strength, stability and control, courage / bravery, decisiveness, earning potential?

I guess this makes sense, the women in your life all have to be doormats that let you control them, so they would be lacking in these areas.

Too bad you do not know any real women.

My first two years of grad school I had two roommates...we made a pact and agreed to try to bang all the married women we possibly could…All we did was hang out at the gym and target married women wearing big rings… We smash the fuck out of a shit-ton...there were common denominators among all the dirty whores when we would exchange dialogue about why they are cheating…it was always the same shit....“My husband is too passive”.…”My husband isn’t assertive enough”...”My husband won’t take control.”...”My husband is a pussy.”
Commie Leftist Fascist Pinko Liberal Democrats Ruin Everything.


What's up with all the pink in your meme, pinko?
And why does your girlfriend have a beard?

damn - that is freakin ridiculous on soooooooooo many levels :auiqs.jpg:

He has a talent for the ridiculous, to say the least.

I think it has to do with the translations between Russian and English

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