Have we become a better nation by deviating from the intent of our founders?

We all know the superior effectiveness of the female armies during WWII. That's what everybody used.

Unfortunately Gator, women are not better marksmans and even if they were war is a lot more than being able to shoot straight. As someone who has been in the army, you should know all of this, yet for some reason refuse to accept it.

Again, I don't understand how any woman who is worth a shit tolerates this sort of obvious lies. No one believes the bullshit with a straight face.

In WWII brute strength was important. That is less so in today's world.

They are better marksmen, it is a fact. It is one that was told to me by my PMI in the Marine Corps.

I was not in the Army, I was in the Marines. Women made just as good a Marine as did the men.

Haha...you are so full of shit. Soldiers are men...you are probably half a man so your perspective would / should be exactly what it is...we totally get it.
For me, physical strength has little to do with a man leading his family...It has more to do with emotional strength, stability and control, courage / bravery, decisiveness, earning potential...etc etc

This gets better and better...in your mind men have better emotional strength, stability and control, courage / bravery, decisiveness, earning potential?

I guess this makes sense, the women in your life all have to be doormats that let you control them, so they would be lacking in these areas.

Too bad you do not know any real women.

My first two years of grad school I had two roommates...we made a pact and agreed to try to bang all the married women we possibly could…All we did was hang out at the gym and target married women wearing big rings… We smash the fuck out of a shit-ton...there were common denominators among all the dirty whores when we would exchange dialogue about why they are cheating…it was always the same shit....“My husband is too passive”.…”My husband isn’t assertive enough”...”My husband won’t take control.”...”My husband is a pussy.”

We all know the superior effectiveness of the female armies during WWII. That's what everybody used.

Unfortunately Gator, women are not better marksmans and even if they were war is a lot more than being able to shoot straight. As someone who has been in the army, you should know all of this, yet for some reason refuse to accept it.

Again, I don't understand how any woman who is worth a shit tolerates this sort of obvious lies. No one believes the bullshit with a straight face.

In WWII brute strength was important. That is less so in today's world.

They are better marksmen, it is a fact. It is one that was told to me by my PMI in the Marine Corps.

I was not in the Army, I was in the Marines. Women made just as good a Marine as did the men.

Haha...you are so full of shit. Soldiers are men...you are probably half a man so your perspective would / should be exactly what it is...we totally get it.
For me, physical strength has little to do with a man leading his family...It has more to do with emotional strength, stability and control, courage / bravery, decisiveness, earning potential...etc etc

This gets better and better...in your mind men have better emotional strength, stability and control, courage / bravery, decisiveness, earning potential?

I guess this makes sense, the women in your life all have to be doormats that let you control them, so they would be lacking in these areas.

Too bad you do not know any real women.

My first two years of grad school I had two roommates...we made a pact and agreed to try to bang all the married women we possibly could…All we did was hang out at the gym and target married women wearing big rings… We smash the fuck out of a shit-ton...there were common denominators among all the dirty whores when we would exchange dialogue about why they are cheating…it was always the same shit....“My husband is too passive”.…”My husband isn’t assertive enough”...”My husband won’t take control.”...”My husband is a pussy.”
Most DemNazi LibTard men have no clue that most of their children were fathered by Alpha Male Righties.
The intent of our founders?? Anyone know that 10 of our first 12 presidents were slave owners??
We all know the superior effectiveness of the female armies during WWII. That's what everybody used.

Unfortunately Gator, women are not better marksmans and even if they were war is a lot more than being able to shoot straight. As someone who has been in the army, you should know all of this, yet for some reason refuse to accept it.

Again, I don't understand how any woman who is worth a shit tolerates this sort of obvious lies. No one believes the bullshit with a straight face.

In WWII brute strength was important. That is less so in today's world.

They are better marksmen, it is a fact. It is one that was told to me by my PMI in the Marine Corps.

I was not in the Army, I was in the Marines. Women made just as good a Marine as did the men.

Haha...you are so full of shit. Soldiers are men...you are probably half a man so your perspective would / should be exactly what it is...we totally get it.
For me, physical strength has little to do with a man leading his family...It has more to do with emotional strength, stability and control, courage / bravery, decisiveness, earning potential...etc etc

This gets better and better...in your mind men have better emotional strength, stability and control, courage / bravery, decisiveness, earning potential?

I guess this makes sense, the women in your life all have to be doormats that let you control them, so they would be lacking in these areas.

Too bad you do not know any real women.

My first two years of grad school I had two roommates...we made a pact and agreed to try to bang all the married women we possibly could…All we did was hang out at the gym and target married women wearing big rings… We smash the fuck out of a shit-ton...there were common denominators among all the dirty whores when we would exchange dialogue about why they are cheating…it was always the same shit....“My husband is too passive”.…”My husband isn’t assertive enough”...”My husband won’t take control.”...”My husband is a pussy.”

Geigh Meme.
Not surprised.
Nobody is saying that women make better combat troops that men. What I am saying is that the fact men are better combat troops does not make women inferior to men, it just means that in that one area men are better suited.

The fact that men make better combat troops does not lead to people's wives being inferior to them which is what every one of these people are saying, that their wives are inferior to them only because they are women.

"The fact that men make better combat troops"'

MOST men make better combat troops than MOST women.

I am perfectly happy to allow any women capable of doing the job the right to go for it.

I was speaking in generalities, remember the issue that is at hand is the claim women are inferior to men solely on the basis of their sex. Each of these men have stated their wives are inferior to them

"Each of these men have stated their wives are inferior to them"

I didn't go that far back in the thread!

I am sure that THEIR WIVES really are inferior to them.

even though they, themselves, are the embarrassment of humanity......

you make a good point, anyone woman that would let their husband command them like they do the dog is an inferior human.

You just aren't a strong enough man to lead anyone, especially a woman.

Lead does not mean to Lord over or abuse, or treat like property, like your Mooslim allies do, and like your women do to you.

Precisely. The simple fact that he conflates the leadership role, with treating ones loved ones and charges like a dog; shows that he never has been fit for a leadership role. Which is almost certainly why his SO allows him to think it’s 50/50. When shit goes down, and shit gets real; there needs to be no debate as to who has the final say.
We all know the superior effectiveness of the female armies during WWII. That's what everybody used.

Unfortunately Gator, women are not better marksmans and even if they were war is a lot more than being able to shoot straight. As someone who has been in the army, you should know all of this, yet for some reason refuse to accept it.

Again, I don't understand how any woman who is worth a shit tolerates this sort of obvious lies. No one believes the bullshit with a straight face.

In WWII brute strength was important. That is less so in today's world.

They are better marksmen, it is a fact. It is one that was told to me by my PMI in the Marine Corps.

I was not in the Army, I was in the Marines. Women made just as good a Marine as did the men.

Haha...you are so full of shit. Soldiers are men...you are probably half a man so your perspective would / should be exactly what it is...we totally get it.
For me, physical strength has little to do with a man leading his family...It has more to do with emotional strength, stability and control, courage / bravery, decisiveness, earning potential...etc etc

This gets better and better...in your mind men have better emotional strength, stability and control, courage / bravery, decisiveness, earning potential?

I guess this makes sense, the women in your life all have to be doormats that let you control them, so they would be lacking in these areas.

Too bad you do not know any real women.

My first two years of grad school I had two roommates...we made a pact and agreed to try to bang all the married women we possibly could…All we did was hang out at the gym and target married women wearing big rings… We smash the fuck out of a shit-ton...there were common denominators among all the dirty whores when we would exchange dialogue about why they are cheating…it was always the same shit....“My husband is too passive”.…”My husband isn’t assertive enough”...”My husband won’t take control.”...”My husband is a pussy.”


Don’t snoop around too much… You might find out my story is spot on...haha
Precisely. The simple fact that he conflates the leadership role, with treating ones loved ones and charges like a dog; shows that he never has been fit for a leadership role. Which is almost certainly why his SO allows him to think it’s 50/50. When shit goes down, and shit gets real; there needs to be no debate as to who has the final say.

you are the fucks calling your spouses inferior, not me.

How can you claim to love your wife while calling her an inferior human being?
In WWII brute strength was important. That is less so in today's world.

They are better marksmen, it is a fact. It is one that was told to me by my PMI in the Marine Corps.

I was not in the Army, I was in the Marines. Women made just as good a Marine as did the men.

Haha...you are so full of shit. Soldiers are men...you are probably half a man so your perspective would / should be exactly what it is...we totally get it.
For me, physical strength has little to do with a man leading his family...It has more to do with emotional strength, stability and control, courage / bravery, decisiveness, earning potential...etc etc

This gets better and better...in your mind men have better emotional strength, stability and control, courage / bravery, decisiveness, earning potential?

I guess this makes sense, the women in your life all have to be doormats that let you control them, so they would be lacking in these areas.

Too bad you do not know any real women.

My first two years of grad school I had two roommates...we made a pact and agreed to try to bang all the married women we possibly could…All we did was hang out at the gym and target married women wearing big rings… We smash the fuck out of a shit-ton...there were common denominators among all the dirty whores when we would exchange dialogue about why they are cheating…it was always the same shit....“My husband is too passive”.…”My husband isn’t assertive enough”...”My husband won’t take control.”...”My husband is a pussy.”


Don’t snoop around too much… You might find out my story is spot on...haha

Your story is straight out of Penthouse Forums.

You do not fool anybody.
Haha...you are so full of shit. Soldiers are men...you are probably half a man so your perspective would / should be exactly what it is...we totally get it.
For me, physical strength has little to do with a man leading his family...It has more to do with emotional strength, stability and control, courage / bravery, decisiveness, earning potential...etc etc

This gets better and better...in your mind men have better emotional strength, stability and control, courage / bravery, decisiveness, earning potential?

I guess this makes sense, the women in your life all have to be doormats that let you control them, so they would be lacking in these areas.

Too bad you do not know any real women.

My first two years of grad school I had two roommates...we made a pact and agreed to try to bang all the married women we possibly could…All we did was hang out at the gym and target married women wearing big rings… We smash the fuck out of a shit-ton...there were common denominators among all the dirty whores when we would exchange dialogue about why they are cheating…it was always the same shit....“My husband is too passive”.…”My husband isn’t assertive enough”...”My husband won’t take control.”...”My husband is a pussy.”


Don’t snoop around too much… You might find out my story is spot on...haha

Your story is straight out of Penthouse Forums.

You do not fool anybody.

That’s exactly what all metrosexual pussies think
This gets better and better...in your mind men have better emotional strength, stability and control, courage / bravery, decisiveness, earning potential?

I guess this makes sense, the women in your life all have to be doormats that let you control them, so they would be lacking in these areas.

Too bad you do not know any real women.

My first two years of grad school I had two roommates...we made a pact and agreed to try to bang all the married women we possibly could…All we did was hang out at the gym and target married women wearing big rings… We smash the fuck out of a shit-ton...there were common denominators among all the dirty whores when we would exchange dialogue about why they are cheating…it was always the same shit....“My husband is too passive”.…”My husband isn’t assertive enough”...”My husband won’t take control.”...”My husband is a pussy.”


Don’t snoop around too much… You might find out my story is spot on...haha

Your story is straight out of Penthouse Forums.

You do not fool anybody.

That’s exactly what all metrosexual pussies think

Such a tough little guy on the internet you are!
My first two years of grad school I had two roommates...we made a pact and agreed to try to bang all the married women we possibly could…All we did was hang out at the gym and target married women wearing big rings… We smash the fuck out of a shit-ton...there were common denominators among all the dirty whores when we would exchange dialogue about why they are cheating…it was always the same shit....“My husband is too passive”.…”My husband isn’t assertive enough”...”My husband won’t take control.”...”My husband is a pussy.”


Don’t snoop around too much… You might find out my story is spot on...haha

Your story is straight out of Penthouse Forums.

You do not fool anybody.

That’s exactly what all metrosexual pussies think

Such a tough little guy on the internet you are!

My first two years of grad school I had two roommates...we made a pact and agreed to try to bang all the married women we possibly could…All we did was hang out at the gym and target married women wearing big rings… We smash the fuck out of a shit-ton...there were common denominators among all the dirty whores when we would exchange dialogue about why they are cheating…it was always the same shit....“My husband is too passive”.…”My husband isn’t assertive enough”...”My husband won’t take control.”...”My husband is a pussy.”


Don’t snoop around too much… You might find out my story is spot on...haha

Your story is straight out of Penthouse Forums.

You do not fool anybody.

That’s exactly what all metrosexual pussies think

Such a tough little guy on the internet you are!

You aren't tough even in the internet... Mr. Beta Bucks in real life?
Precisely. The simple fact that he conflates the leadership role, with treating ones loved ones and charges like a dog; shows that he never has been fit for a leadership role. Which is almost certainly why his SO allows him to think it’s 50/50. When shit goes down, and shit gets real; there needs to be no debate as to who has the final say.

you are the fucks calling your spouses inferior, not me.

How can you claim to love your wife while calling her an inferior human being?
In never labeled my spouse inferior.
Precisely. The simple fact that he conflates the leadership role, with treating ones loved ones and charges like a dog; shows that he never has been fit for a leadership role. Which is almost certainly why his SO allows him to think it’s 50/50. When shit goes down, and shit gets real; there needs to be no debate as to who has the final say.

you are the fucks calling your spouses inferior, not me.

How can you claim to love your wife while calling her an inferior human being?
In never labeled my spouse inferior.

That is what this whole discussion is about. The claim is that women are inferior and thus need the man to command them.
Precisely. The simple fact that he conflates the leadership role, with treating ones loved ones and charges like a dog; shows that he never has been fit for a leadership role. Which is almost certainly why his SO allows him to think it’s 50/50. When shit goes down, and shit gets real; there needs to be no debate as to who has the final say.

you are the fucks calling your spouses inferior, not me.

How can you claim to love your wife while calling her an inferior human being?
In never labeled my spouse inferior.

That is what this whole discussion is about. The claim is that women are inferior and thus need the man to command them.
A family needs the father/husband to command it.
Our founders had no concept of how to run a modern superpower of over 330 million people.

The society we have created is vastly superior to the one they envisioned

Don’t snoop around too much… You might find out my story is spot on...haha

Your story is straight out of Penthouse Forums.

You do not fool anybody.

That’s exactly what all metrosexual pussies think

Such a tough little guy on the internet you are!

You aren't tough even in the internet... Mr. Beta Bucks in real life?
You called??...
+$137,120.42 (2.04%)
Day Change
Precisely. The simple fact that he conflates the leadership role, with treating ones loved ones and charges like a dog; shows that he never has been fit for a leadership role. Which is almost certainly why his SO allows him to think it’s 50/50. When shit goes down, and shit gets real; there needs to be no debate as to who has the final say.

you are the fucks calling your spouses inferior, not me.

How can you claim to love your wife while calling her an inferior human being?
In never labeled my spouse inferior.

That is what this whole discussion is about. The claim is that women are inferior and thus need the man to command them.
A family needs the father/husband to command it.

Children need parents to raise them and guide them to adulthood. A wife does not need a husband to command her unless you view her as inferior to you.

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