Have we ever gotten the check from Mexico to pay for the wall?

When can we be excepting that check?

When did we say they would be cutting us a check?
April 2016 when he released his plan that Mexico would submit a one-time payment to the us for the wall.

Sure kid, sure.

Yup. Luckily they wrote it down. Calling for a one time payment from Mexico to pay for the wall. But dropped that idea as soon as he entered office and immedialy went to taxpayers paying for it instead.

When can we be excepting that check?


When Trump said “Mexico is paying for the Wall” a bunch of twisted whack-jobs thought that meant a broke, disgusting thirdworld shithole would cut America a check for $25 billion...haha...FUCKING IDIOTS. There’s just no way he meant that Mexico would pay in many different ways, directly and indirectly...haha
The truth is; nobody sane that can do third grade arithmetic ever gave two fucks about who would pay for the Wall since we all knew it would pay for itself.
When can we be excepting that check?

When did we say they would be cutting us a check?
April 2016 when he released his plan that Mexico would submit a one-time payment to the us for the wall.

Sure kid, sure.

Yup. Luckily they wrote it down. Calling for a one time payment from Mexico to pay for the wall. But dropped that idea as soon as he entered office and immedialy went to taxpayers paying for it instead.

Wow. Do you think that is an actual document from the President of the United States?

Dood, seek help.
When can we be excepting that check?

When did we say they would be cutting us a check?
April 2016 when he released his plan that Mexico would submit a one-time payment to the us for the wall.

Sure kid, sure.

Yup. Luckily they wrote it down. Calling for a one time payment from Mexico to pay for the wall. But dropped that idea as soon as he entered office and immedialy went to taxpayers paying for it instead.

Wow. Do you think that is an actual document from the President of the United States?

Dood, seek help.
Yes. His campaign sent that out and it matches his plan from his campaign website.


Don't you remember when he sent out that memo to the media? When even Obama chimed in "Good luck with that" on his idea?

Or do you just try and rewrite history?
When can we be excepting that check?

When did we say they would be cutting us a check?
April 2016 when he released his plan that Mexico would submit a one-time payment to the us for the wall.

Sure kid, sure.

Yup. Luckily they wrote it down. Calling for a one time payment from Mexico to pay for the wall. But dropped that idea as soon as he entered office and immedialy went to taxpayers paying for it instead.

Wow. Do you think that is an actual document from the President of the United States?

Dood, seek help.

I mean everyone was covering it.

Trump says he'll force Mexico to pay for border wall by freezing money transfers

Hmmm damn that fake Fox news. Lol

When can we be excepting that check?


When Trump said “Mexico is paying for the Wall” a bunch of twisted whack-jobs thought that meant a broke, disgusting thirdworld shithole would cut America a check for $25 billion...haha...FUCKING IDIOTS. There’s just no way he meant that Mexico would pay in many different ways, directly and indirectly...haha
The truth is; nobody sane that can do third grade arithmetic ever gave two fucks about who would pay for the Wall since we all knew it would pay for itself.
If that was the case, why didn’t Trump tell the voters he expected THEM to pay for a wall and there would be long term benefits?
When can we be excepting that check?


When Trump said “Mexico is paying for the Wall” a bunch of twisted whack-jobs thought that meant a broke, disgusting thirdworld shithole would cut America a check for $25 billion...haha...FUCKING IDIOTS. There’s just no way he meant that Mexico would pay in many different ways, directly and indirectly...haha
The truth is; nobody sane that can do third grade arithmetic ever gave two fucks about who would pay for the Wall since we all knew it would pay for itself.
Have you noticed that Ford and GM are coming back to open shop in the US. Little do the libtardo's realize that all that money that went to Mexico for their cars they build, isnt going to happen, but stay in the US? Shame most liberals have an IQ of 70.
When can we be excepting that check?


When Trump said “Mexico is paying for the Wall” a bunch of twisted whack-jobs thought that meant a broke, disgusting thirdworld shithole would cut America a check for $25 billion...haha...FUCKING IDIOTS. There’s just no way he meant that Mexico would pay in many different ways, directly and indirectly...haha
The truth is; nobody sane that can do third grade arithmetic ever gave two fucks about who would pay for the Wall since we all knew it would pay for itself.
Have you noticed that Ford and GM are coming back to open shop in the US. Little do the libtardo's realize that all that money that went to Mexico for their cars they build, isnt going to happen, but stay in the US? Shame most liberals have an IQ of 70.
You meant 07.
When can we be excepting that check?


When Trump said “Mexico is paying for the Wall” a bunch of twisted whack-jobs thought that meant a broke, disgusting thirdworld shithole would cut America a check for $25 billion...haha...FUCKING IDIOTS. There’s just no way he meant that Mexico would pay in many different ways, directly and indirectly...haha
The truth is; nobody sane that can do third grade arithmetic ever gave two fucks about who would pay for the Wall since we all knew it would pay for itself.
If that was the case, why didn’t Trump tell the voters he expected THEM to pay for a wall and there would be long term benefits?
Maybe we don’t care because everyone is making money and expanding their homes.
When can we be excepting that check?


It was never about "getting a check". It was about renegotiating trade agreements in our favor that would supply a surplus of money to fund the wall.

I'm not surprised this is too complicated for you to understand. Basic economics is like kryptonite to leftists.

Okay, he’s been there for 2 years and 3 months…how much money have we gotten from his “renegotiations”. Just a ballpark figure...

I don't know and I don't care. I have never been a proponent of a border wall.

So you confess you don’t know what you were talking about this morning. We all already knew that but it’s good for you to admit it

In confessed nothing of the sort. Reading comprehension is your friend. But if you feel the need to pat yourself on the back for something - be my guest.
When can we be excepting that check?


When Trump said “Mexico is paying for the Wall” a bunch of twisted whack-jobs thought that meant a broke, disgusting thirdworld shithole would cut America a check for $25 billion...haha...FUCKING IDIOTS. There’s just no way he meant that Mexico would pay in many different ways, directly and indirectly...haha
The truth is; nobody sane that can do third grade arithmetic ever gave two fucks about who would pay for the Wall since we all knew it would pay for itself.

Well, its been 2 years and 3 months since your messiah has been elected, how much have we collected for the “many different ways” so far. Just a ballpark figure.
When can we be excepting that check?


It was never about "getting a check". It was about renegotiating trade agreements in our favor that would supply a surplus of money to fund the wall.

I'm not surprised this is too complicated for you to understand. Basic economics is like kryptonite to leftists.

Okay, he’s been there for 2 years and 3 months…how much money have we gotten from his “renegotiations”. Just a ballpark figure...

I don't know and I don't care. I have never been a proponent of a border wall.

So you confess you don’t know what you were talking about this morning. We all already knew that but it’s good for you to admit it

In confessed nothing of the sort. Reading comprehension is your friend. But if you feel the need to pat yourself on the back for something - be my guest.

Sure you did. You said it was about renegotiation and getting a surplus of money.
I asked you how much we’ve collected.
You said you don’t know.

So clearly it wasn’t about it..either that or your messiah has been ineffective in renegotiating trade agreements.
Trump is going to put pressure on Mexico about paying for the wall, but only after he locks Hillary up. He is not very good at multi-tasking.
It was never about "getting a check". It was about renegotiating trade agreements in our favor that would supply a surplus of money to fund the wall.

I'm not surprised this is too complicated for you to understand. Basic economics is like kryptonite to leftists.

Okay, he’s been there for 2 years and 3 months…how much money have we gotten from his “renegotiations”. Just a ballpark figure...

I don't know and I don't care. I have never been a proponent of a border wall.

So you confess you don’t know what you were talking about this morning. We all already knew that but it’s good for you to admit it

In confessed nothing of the sort. Reading comprehension is your friend. But if you feel the need to pat yourself on the back for something - be my guest.

Sure you did. You said it was about renegotiation and getting a surplus of money.
I asked you how much we’ve collected.
You said you don’t know.

So clearly it wasn’t about it..either that or your messiah has been ineffective in renegotiating trade agreements.

Wrong. You made the inference we were to be expecting "a check". I corrected you. You then asked what deals have been negotiated, to which I responded I don't know nor care.

Those are 2 entirely different topics, smoothbrain.
Democrats should remember that when Trump fails to keep a promise, there is always a Trumpette standing by ready to tell you what he REALLY meant when he made that promise.
Okay, he’s been there for 2 years and 3 months…how much money have we gotten from his “renegotiations”. Just a ballpark figure...

I don't know and I don't care. I have never been a proponent of a border wall.

So you confess you don’t know what you were talking about this morning. We all already knew that but it’s good for you to admit it

In confessed nothing of the sort. Reading comprehension is your friend. But if you feel the need to pat yourself on the back for something - be my guest.

Sure you did. You said it was about renegotiation and getting a surplus of money.
I asked you how much we’ve collected.
You said you don’t know.

So clearly it wasn’t about it..either that or your messiah has been ineffective in renegotiating trade agreements.

Wrong. You made the inference we were to be expecting "a check". I corrected you. You then asked what deals have been negotiated, to which I responded I don't know nor care.

Those are 2 entirely different topics, smoothbrain.

Too damn funny. You say there are trade deals in the works to pay for this wall. Over half way through the first term (and hopefully the only term), you can’t confirm that a single penny has been gotten from Mexico. And you don’t know what money will ever come from those supposed trade deals.

So I have to ask you now…at what point will you admit that we’re not going to see a dime? 3 years? 3 years and 11 months? LOL

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