Have you been 'Trumped'?

I am not going to listen to what some half-assed, affirmative action politician (the DA), whose father was a Black Panther and whose campaign was funded by a Soro-linked entity, concludes that Trump did. We all know - ALL of us, including the Dem trash - that this is a political prosecution. She clearly made up her mind to indict long ago. She has spent the last 2 years wasting taxpayer money concocting this turd.

You have made up your mind that Trump is innocent before you even hear the evidence.

Taking the word of One Man over our electoral and judicial systems is not a healthy way for citizens of a democratic country to think.

How do you think it ends if the majority of our citizens only believe in elections when their side wins?
Okay, Trump fans, if you read the GA indictment, it chronicles all of the false statements regarding election fraud, just about every claim of election fraud is listed in that indictment. The lies are 'acts in furtherance of a conspiracy to overthrow Biden's legitimate election'.

Now, the first amendment doesn't protect speech done in the furtherance of a criminal conspiracy, so, it seems to me, the only defense for Trump, et al, will be to prove that all of the false statements in the indictment alleged to be false, his defense will be to prove that they are actually true.

If he can prove his false statements as fact, there is no crime. All of this will come out in trial, and we shall find out if he was lying. I know that he was lying, because no proof of any kind has been produced. I've seen it all. Irregularities, isolated instances, sure, they exist in all elections, but a vast conspiracy to steal the election? No way. It's not even logistically possible, if you would take the time to scrutinize exactly what you are alleging.

See. what I think you Trump fans don't realize is that Trump, what he did was, first he planted the idea into the minds of his base by declaring, months before the first ballot was cast 'the only way Democrats can win is if they rig the election', and when the election came, given that all elections have irregularities, he exploited those irregularities, the kind of which occur in every election, the kind of which are not made a big stink about in past elections, but, alas, Trump could 'trump them up' so to speak, make them seem like the 'fraud' he was talking about when he first told the big lie.

And then the scheme (the conspiracy listed in the GA indictment) unfolded to bolster the lie.

Don't you see what Trump has done? You've been a victim of his treachery, all along, and you don't even know it.

Everything about Trump, his defrauding thousands out of millions for a fake university, his fake charity he was fined $2 million for 'illegal activities', I mean, his paying hush money to a porn star, I could go on and on about his crimes, frauds, all the folks in his entourage indicted, convicted, the man is rife with criminality, it oozes from every pore of his being, he poisons everyone he comes into contact with, and they wind up being indicted, convicted and now 6 more of his lawyer's are being indicted, all of the folks who tried to help in in GA, are being indicted, and trying to steal an election, while accusing dems of doing it, is consistent with who Trump is.

And who is Trump?

It's really simple.

He's the biggest criminal, con man America has ever experienced, and you've been Trumped.

Vote for someone else, Chris Christy, or someone like that, you know, someone who IS NOT A CRIMINAL. I mean, after the crimes of NIxon, Agnew, Reagan, you'd think you guys would have learned your lesson by now, but, I guess not . Oh, I know you think his popularity is rising, yes, with his hard core base. But, when the trials begin, your boy is going to be sitting in court, day after day, revelations, details of his crimes will come to light, the scheme will be front and center, that Biden actually won and that Trump is, indeed, who the prosecution claims him to be, the biggest con man criminal this country has ever seen in the White House and we shall see if his numbers hold during the general elections.
I am full of that Devil Man Trump, Rumpy!

Lay hands upon me, as you’re the only thing between me and eternal damnation! :eek:

Read the indictment.

the false statements were part of a vast conspiracy, with some 49 participans, 30 who are unindicted co conspirators and 19 who are on the indictment, a scheme whose objective was to overthrow the election.

False statements are not protected by the first amendment when they are aligned with a criminal conspiracy.

Biden's misstatements of fact are neither lies, nor crimes. Getting facts wrong is not a 'lie' per se.

But, declaring that the only way Democrats can win is if they rig the election, and declare that lie months before the first ballot is cast, IS a lie, and a lie of the worst kind, because it is done via the largest megaphone on earth, but that isn't the bad part, the bad part is that it poisons democracy in the minds of some 75 million followers, a plight which makes Putin smile.

Read the indictment,.

this idea that Biden equals Trump is not a rational statement.

Ahhhh...another one of those "vast right-wing conspiracies" again? Lol
hahaha…you ignorant fucked in the head whacked out TDS’ers would have “indicted” Trump on Adam Schiff’s word….but you couldn’t indict a sitting POTUS so you impeached him instead. This is all more of the Twilight Zone same…it’s the dog and pony show that never ends for you loons. I fucking love it.
its not that he couldnt be indicted, its that Mueller chose not to due to OLC opinion, which is that doing so would undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its duties. But it still remains an opinion.

Have you been 'Trumped'?​

Fuck yes I’m Trumped….I love wetbacks stuck in Mexico, I love negroes lacing up workboots, I love low fuel costs, low interest rates, low income taxes, low inflation, less regulation…..I love a POTUS in command of the world, I love peace in the middle east….. I love degenerated lowlife whackos feeling like degenerate lowlife whackos.
Why aren’t you Trumped?

Because, after voting for Reagan in '80, I got tired of arguing with liberals, so I went down to the library ( no internet then) and looked up stats, you know economic stats under both republicans and democrat administration. I wanted to make copies of the stats, 'cause, of course, repubs being better for the economy clearly the repub administrations would blow the socks of dem administrations, right?

Wrong. And I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that over many decades, it turns out that the economy actually does better under Democratic administrations,.

What I also learned was this, you can't run a nation like a business. A nation is a public enterprise, and a business is a private enterprise. In a business, you reward the productive and penalize the nonproductive -- you have to do that or go out of business. But with a nation, if you suppress the lower classes long enough, hard enough, you wind up with revolutions, and the outcome of revolutions is never good. The point is, the dynamics of each are almost the opposite, which is why businemen make lousy presidents. Even William F Buckley, who once commented on Trump, wrote the following:

So what does Trump say? That he is a successful businessman and that that is what America needs in the Oval Office. There is some plausibility in this, though not much. The greatest deeds of American Presidents — midwifing the new republic; freeing the slaves; harnessing the energies and vision needed to win the Cold War — had little to do with a bottom line.

Thing is, if half of what republicans say about democrats were true, I'd still be a Republican, but l left that stinking white supremacist party years ago, and I sure am glad I did because, while Repubs used to have integrity, today, they are shit. I mean a whole trashcan full of grade AAA piled high fecal matter.

AS for 'conservativism' 'small government' what a joke, y'all pay lip service to your conservative values, but what does it mean in terms of policy?

1. Guns everywhere.
2. Corporate exploitation of workers running rampant,
3. Abortion nowhere., causing female deaths to increase.
4. Local municipalities/states get starved for cash because of tax cut revenue shortfalls and unable to fix roads, supply schools, etc.
5. Neoliberal/conservatism/libertarianism (it's pretty much the same) results in money and
power shifting to fewer and fewer hands (because of not enough regulation).
6. "small government'? Conservatives pay lip service to it, and they are responsible for as much deficits and debt as any other politician in power.
7. Tax cuts for the super rich who do not need it results in more deficits, which fuels deficit financing which fuels inflation, which is a tax on those who cannot hedge (the poor) to the profit of those who can (the affluent).

I could go on, but why bother?
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What I'm trying to say, Hossfly, is that the real 'puke' here isn't liberals or conservatives; it's the disregard for truth, the willingness to overlook crime, the refusal to hold our leaders accountable. And if you want to support someone who's been shown time and again to engage in shady, criminal behavior, then go ahead. But don't pretend that it's all a liberal conspiracy, don't pretend that you're standing on the moral high ground.
The problem here is that they don't appear to understand that this is what they're doing. This is what an ideology does to a person: It removes all critical thinking impulses, it renders them incapable of honestly examining any counter-argument or any evidence.

Perhaps the best example of this is the many here who have said "Trump committed no crimes", as if they're a little bird on his shoulder who knows every action he takes every waking moment. There is absolutely no way to know that, yet it is "The Truth" to them.

I swear, this is like some virus has come down on these people, and we have to just wait for it to pass through their systems. There is no communicating with this, just as there is no communicating with some wild-eyed teenaged jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
The problem here is that they don't appear to understand that this is what they're doing. This is what an ideology does to a person: It removes all critical thinking impulses, it renders them incapable of honestly examining any counter-argument or any evidence.

Perhaps the best example of this is the many here who have said "Trump committed no crimes", as if they're a little bird on his shoulder who knows every action he takes every waking moment. There is absolutely no way to know that, yet it is "The Truth" to them.

I swear, this is like some virus has come down on these people, and we have to just wait for it to pass through their systems. There is no communicating with this, just as there is no communicating with some wild-eyed teenaged jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

It's you Mac
You're the problem
It's you
I, for one, am looking forward to the 19 mug shots.
They will make a great T-shirt. Trump on the front, his 18 co-conspirators on the back.
Sales will skyrocket.
True. We'll wear it as motivation, and you can wear it as proof we're a banana republic.
You talk how you love people supporting and defending an individual .. I love it when people make baseless comments without any substance..

So tell us .. what rights did you have that were eroded?
him wanting to ban menthol cigs. Wanted to ban vaps. Banned bump stocks. He also supported red flag laws. Would you like more?
If you can't read the indictment, then any opinion you give on it is without merit
We already know what the indictment is, making false statements, denying election results. Same thing Democrats have done for decades. Navalny was also indicted by Putin, found guilty, and jailed. No difference.
Because, after voting for Reagan in '80, I got tired of arguing with liberals, so I went down to the library ( no internet then) and looked up stats, you know economic stats under both republicans and democrat administration. I wanted to make copies of the stats, 'cause, of course, repubs being better for the economy clearly the repub administrations would blow the socks of dem administrations, right?
1. Guns everywhere.
2. Corporate exploitation of workers running rampant,
3. Abortion nowhere., causing female deaths to increase.
4. Local municipalities/states get starved for cash because of tax cut revenue shortfalls and unable to fix roads, supply schools, etc.
5. Neoliberal/conservatism/libertarianism (it's pretty much the same) results in money and power shifting to fewer and fewer hands (because of not enough regulation).
6. "small government'? Conservatives pay lip service to it, and they are responsible for as much deficits and debt as any other politician in power.
7. Tax cuts for the super rich who do not need it results in more deficits, which fuels deficit financing which fuels inflation, which is a tax on those who cannot hedge (the poor) to the profit of those who can (the affluent). I could go on, but why bother?
1. The GOP protects the 2nd Amendment
2. The GOP passes "Right to Work" laws
3. Abortion is a state issue, you can still get a barbaric "partial birth abortion" in 8 democrat states.
4. As a Brit you probably don't know that local and gas taxes cover local needs
5. As a commie you support the democrat's policies
6/7. True. The GOP tax cuts without spending cuts was criminal

If you look at democrat policies, most Americans are opposed to them:

From their MSM propaganda networks and hi-tech oligarchs
to the FBI orchestrating cover ups and fake Russian disinformation claims
to their university leftist programming centers
to their CRT propaganda teachings in schools
to their "deep state" hold on the government
to their creeping attacks on family values & religious beliefs
to their lawless prosecutors
to their drug culture
to their "great replacement" operation
to their grip on school boards, calling parents “domestic terrorists”
to their tranny bullshit getting little kids butchered
to their warped views of the US military
to their vicious attacks on parental rights
to their voter fraud networks
to their hatred of religions, calling Catholics “domestic terrorists”
to their war on Christmas
to their hatred of the Founding Fathers
to their fake history and racism
to their drag shows in grade schools
to their late term abortions
To the FBI spying on Catholics
to their hatred of Patriotism, the American flag, and THE 4TH OF JULY
to the Marxists pushing for the US military to use EV vehicles
You have made up your mind that Trump is innocent before you even hear the evidence.

Taking the word of One Man over our electoral and judicial systems is not a healthy way for citizens of a democratic country to think.

How do you think it ends if the majority of our citizens only believe in elections when their side wins?
Thank you for your comment. Believe it or not, I am actually going to pay you a compliment. See, I do not actually believe that you are as stupid as you pretend to be online. I even have my suspicions that you do not even believe the ridiculous nonsense you espouse to others on a regular basis. I know it is fun to act stupid and be snarky. Thanks to the advent of the internet you can now do this with little to no consequence.

A virtuous man, or woman, of honor knows that there are a number of things that must be collectively valued highly in order to maintain a civil society. These things consist of matters such as honesty, having a strong work ethic, being productive, and tolerance of diversity of opinions and ideas. Too many people today choose to live without virtue and a sense of honor. But it is our duty to seek a virtuous life if we are to effectively live in peace with one another. This requires, inter alia, education on a myriad of topics fueled by a natural curiosity and drive to better oneself and, therefore, society in general.

Such a heightened and enlightened consciousness cannot be found on the internet. Cyberspace is a dark, virtueless morass of social toxicity that is the antithesis to virtue. I acknowledge this, and I have some some time now. Therefore, I begrudge nobody their words and thoughts in the cyber world. I expect nothing from them. They are nothing, and they are of no consequence to me. Their value, if any, is what you choose it to be.

In order to stave off the inevitable nihilism associated with internet socializing, I choose to accept faith in the belief that nobody can really be as stupid and ignorant as you appear to be from the comments you publicly make. Most assuredly you are merely saying what you say in order to derive some sort of pleasure from a deviant fetish you harbor based on watching people respond to your bullshit.
Thank you for your comment. Believe it or not, I am actually going to pay you a compliment. See, I do not actually believe that you are as stupid as you pretend to be online. I even have my suspicions that you do not even believe the ridiculous nonsense you espouse to others on a regular basis. I know it is fun to act stupid and be snarky. Thanks to the advent of the internet you can now do this with little to no consequence.

A virtuous man, or woman, of honor knows that there are a number of things that must be collectively valued highly in order to maintain a civil society. These things consist of matters such as honesty, having a strong work ethic, being productive, and tolerance of diversity of opinions and ideas. Too many people today choose to live without virtue and a sense of honor. But it is our duty to seek a virtuous life if we are to effectively live in peace with one another. This requires, inter alia, education on a myriad of topics fueled by a natural curiosity and drive to better oneself and, therefore, society in general.

Such a heightened and enlightened consciousness cannot be found on the internet. Cyberspace is a dark, virtueless morass of social toxicity that is the antithesis to virtue. I acknowledge this, and I have some some time now. Therefore, I begrudge nobody their words and thoughts in the cyber world. I expect nothing from them. They are nothing, and they are of no consequence to me. Their value, if any, is what you choose it to be.

In order to stave off the inevitable nihilism associated with internet socializing, I choose to accept faith in the belief that nobody can really be as stupid and ignorant as you appear to be from the comments you publicly make. Most assuredly you are merely saying what you say in order to derive some sort of pleasure from a deviant fetish you harbor based on watching people respond to your bullshit.

Ah, so you don't have an answer to my question. Just insults. Not the usual childish insults that are usually thrown out around here, I'll give you that, but insults nonetheless.

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