Have you been 'Trumped'?

Okay, Trump fans, if you read the GA indictment, it chronicles all of the false statements regarding election fraud, just about every claim of election fraud is listed in that indictment. The lies are 'acts in furtherance of a conspiracy to overthrow Biden's legitimate election'.

Now, the first amendment doesn't protect speech done in the furtherance of a criminal conspiracy, so, it seems to me, the only defense for Trump, et al, will be to prove that all of the false statements in the indictment alleged to be false, his defense will be to prove that they are actually true.

If he can prove his false statements as fact, there is no crime. All of this will come out in trial, and we shall find out if he was lying. I know that he was lying, because no proof of any kind has been produced. I've seen it all. Irregularities, isolated instances, sure, they exist in all elections, but a vast conspiracy to steal the election? No way. It's not even logistically possible, if you would take the time to scrutinize exactly what you are alleging.

See. what I think you Trump fans don't realize is that Trump, what he did was, first he planted the idea into the minds of his base by declaring, months before the first ballot was cast 'the only way Democrats can win is if they rig the election', and when the election came, given that all elections have irregularities, he exploited those irregularities, the kind of which occur in every election, the kind of which are not made a big stink about in past elections, but, alas, Trump could 'trump them up' so to speak, make them seem like the 'fraud' he was talking about when he first told the big lie.

And then the scheme (the conspiracy listed in the GA indictment) unfolded to bolster the lie.

Don't you see what Trump has done? You've been a victim of his treachery, all along, and you don't even know it.

Everything about Trump, his defrauding thousands out of millions for a fake university, his fake charity he was fined $2 million for 'illegal activities', I mean, his paying hush money to a porn star, I could go on and on about his crimes, frauds, all the folks in his entourage indicted, convicted, the man is rife with criminality, it oozes from every pore of his being, he poisons everyone he comes into contact with, and they wind up being indicted, convicted and now 6 more of his lawyer's are being indicted, all of the folks who tried to help in in GA, are being indicted, and trying to steal an election, while accusing dems of doing it, is consistent with who Trump is.

And who is Trump?

It's really simple.

He's the biggest criminal, con man America has ever experienced, and you've been Trumped.

Vote for someone else, Chris Christy, or someone like that, you know, someone who IS NOT A CRIMINAL. I mean, after the crimes of NIxon, Agnew, Reagan, you'd think you guys would have learned your lesson by now, but, I guess not . Oh, I know you think his popularity is rising, yes, with his hard core base. But, when the trials begin, your boy is going to be sitting in court, day after day, revelations, details of his crimes will come to light, the scheme will be front and center, that Biden actually won and that Trump is, indeed, who the prosecution claims him to be, the biggest con man criminal this country has ever seen in the White House and we shall see if his numbers hold during the general elections.

Its easier to fool people than convince them they've been fooled.

MAGA will go to their graves convinced they're victims in 2020. Its in their bones.
I, for one, am looking forward to the 19 mug shots.

They will make a great T-shirt. Trump on the front, his 18 co-conspirators on the back.

Sales will skyrocket.
This just in.

The woke judge in charge of Trump's Georgia trial was appointed by the fat affirmative action negress Stacey Abrams, and in 2021 he funneled five million dollars to Joe Biden through FTX and a shell company created by George Soros.

He is also known to throw live puppies into rush hour traffic for his personal amusement, and is a discount card carrying customer of Comet Pizza.
It is pretty clear that various parts of government engaged in some seriously shady acts regarding the 2020 election.

Nearly all the recent charge brought against Trump seem to be for making “false statements” truthfully calling out these various shady acts.

We have the outrageous hubris of these acts having been carried out in the open, in many cases not even trying to hide what they were doing; and now they are trying to criminally prosecute Trump for calling them out on it.

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Thanks for showing you have no idea about RICO.
I came here only to see if DumpHole had learned anything, yet, about being concise.

He hasn’t.
Has Trump & you MAGATS come to terms yet with Trump being bulldozed by Jack Smith & now, get this, a woman Fani Willis?

Are you managing to get thru the day ok without pounding massive ammounts of tranquilizers at the thought of that albino ape going to jail?
I, for one, am looking forward to the 19 mug shots.

They will make a great T-shirt. Trump on the front, his 18 co-conspirators on the back.

Sales will skyrocket.

Mug shots would make great new NFT cards.
You Brits just don't understand US Law. Every indictment against Trump will be thrown out on appeal after the 2024 election.

They wouldn't care even if they did understand. They already know this is all about stopping him at any cost and they're all on board with that.
Was the “Russian Collusion” impeachment an “indictment”?
Impeachment: (1) The process of calling something into question, as in "impeaching the testimony of a witness." (2) The constitutional process whereby the House of Representatives may "impeach" (accuse of misconduct) high officers of the federal government for trial in the Senate.

Indictment: The formal charge issued by a grand jury stating that there is enough evidence that the defendant committed the crime to justify having a trial; it is used primarily for felonies.
What this boils down to is micromanaging the criminalizing "thought." So what if Trump thought the election was stolen. So what if he set his supporters up to believe it. So what if Trump wanted someone in charge to find enough votes to put him over the top.

I can't stand Trump. But what I can't stand even worse this micromanaging thinking, and then the state finding a way to prosecute it.

FFS, if anyone supports this crap, it's going to be used against your favorite candidate soon enough. Imagine, getting prosecuted for believing something wrong happened and trying to get to the proof you need. Regardless of what the proof is.

Trump and numerous co conspirators conspired a massive scheme to unlawfully deprive Joe Biden of his election win.

That's the indictment. You have a problem with it? Did you read it?
I don't have to read the indictment to know it is yet more abuse of power to get Trump. Kangaroo investigations lead to kangaroo indictments and kangaroo courts. We have turned into Russia just as Putin arrested Navalny on Trumped up charges where he was tried in kangaroo courts who found him guilty.

If you can't read the indictment, then any opinion you give on it is without merit
Impeachment: (1) The process of calling something into question, as in "impeaching the testimony of a witness." (2) The constitutional process whereby the House of Representatives may "impeach" (accuse of misconduct) high officers of the federal government for trial in the Senate.

Indictment: The formal charge issued by a grand jury stating that there is enough evidence that the defendant committed the crime to justify having a trial; it is used primarily for felonies.
hahaha…you ignorant fucked in the head whacked out TDS’ers would have “indicted” Trump on Adam Schiff’s word….but you couldn’t indict a sitting POTUS so you impeached him instead. This is all more of the Twilight Zone same…it’s the dog and pony show that never ends for you loons. I fucking love it.
The OP is a prime example of how liberal pukes can take the findings of a congressional committee and their investigators and denounce it as false. The liberal pukes here know everything and much more than committees and investigators. Why, they have the proof because that is what Jake Tripper and Rachel Mancow have revealed and that, by God is the Holy Word. I don't know why the liberal pukes here don't share their knowledge and advice with the Democrats in Congress.
Hossfly, you really think that throwing around derogatory names will strengthen your argument? Let's be real for a moment and take a hard look at what you're saying.

You're accusing liberals of dismissing the findings of committees and investigators, leaning only on media figures for their understanding of the situation. But have you considered that many are looking beyond partisan news sources and actually examining the evidence? I don't need Jake Tapper or Rachel Maddow to tell me what's happening; I can see it with my own eyes, just as I saw all the irregularities and outright deceit that characterized Trump's conduct.

You may want to reduce this to a simple left-right fight, but this is about more than political leanings. This is about our democracy, our elections, our country. When you resort to name-calling, you're not engaging with the serious issues at hand, you're just deflecting.

What I'm trying to say, Hossfly, is that the real 'puke' here isn't liberals or conservatives; it's the disregard for truth, the willingness to overlook crime, the refusal to hold our leaders accountable. And if you want to support someone who's been shown time and again to engage in shady, criminal behavior, then go ahead. But don't pretend that it's all a liberal conspiracy, don't pretend that you're standing on the moral high ground.

The reality of Trump's criminality doesn't change just because you want to hurl insults at those who point it out. It's there, clear as day, for anyone willing to look. You've been Trumped, my friend, and the sooner you recognize it, the sooner you can start standing up for what's right.

Vote for someone else, indeed, vote for anyone who's not a criminal, and let's get our country back on track. We've had enough of con men and charlatans. It's time for truth, justice, and integrity to take the stage once more. And if you ever want to have a real discussion about this, you know where to find me.
Okay, Trump fans, if you read the GA indictment, it chronicles all of the false statements regarding election fraud, just about every claim of election fraud is listed in that indictment. The lies are 'acts in furtherance of a conspiracy to overthrow Biden's legitimate election'.

Now, the first amendment doesn't protect speech done in the furtherance of a criminal conspiracy, so, it seems to me, the only defense for Trump, et al, will be to prove that all of the false statements in the indictment alleged to be false, his defense will be to prove that they are actually true.

If he can prove his false statements as fact, there is no crime. All of this will come out in trial, and we shall find out if he was lying. I know that he was lying, because no proof of any kind has been produced. I've seen it all. Irregularities, isolated instances, sure, they exist in all elections, but a vast conspiracy to steal the election? No way. It's not even logistically possible, if you would take the time to scrutinize exactly what you are alleging.

See. what I think you Trump fans don't realize is that Trump, what he did was, first he planted the idea into the minds of his base by declaring, months before the first ballot was cast 'the only way Democrats can win is if they rig the election', and when the election came, given that all elections have irregularities, he exploited those irregularities, the kind of which occur in every election, the kind of which are not made a big stink about in past elections, but, alas, Trump could 'trump them up' so to speak, make them seem like the 'fraud' he was talking about when he first told the big lie.

And then the scheme (the conspiracy listed in the GA indictment) unfolded to bolster the lie.

Don't you see what Trump has done? You've been a victim of his treachery, all along, and you don't even know it.

Everything about Trump, his defrauding thousands out of millions for a fake university, his fake charity he was fined $2 million for 'illegal activities', I mean, his paying hush money to a porn star, I could go on and on about his crimes, frauds, all the folks in his entourage indicted, convicted, the man is rife with criminality, it oozes from every pore of his being, he poisons everyone he comes into contact with, and they wind up being indicted, convicted and now 6 more of his lawyer's are being indicted, all of the folks who tried to help in in GA, are being indicted, and trying to steal an election, while accusing dems of doing it, is consistent with who Trump is.

And who is Trump?

It's really simple.

He's the biggest criminal, con man America has ever experienced, and you've been Trumped.

Vote for someone else, Chris Christy, or someone like that, you know, someone who IS NOT A CRIMINAL. I mean, after the crimes of NIxon, Agnew, Reagan, you'd think you guys would have learned your lesson by now, but, I guess not . Oh, I know you think his popularity is rising, yes, with his hard core base. But, when the trials begin, your boy is going to be sitting in court, day after day, revelations, details of his crimes will come to light, the scheme will be front and center, that Biden actually won and that Trump is, indeed, who the prosecution claims him to be, the biggest con man criminal this country has ever seen in the White House and we shall see if his numbers hold during the general elections.

Have you been 'Trumped'?​

Fuck yes I’m Trumped….I love wetbacks stuck in Mexico, I love negroes lacing up workboots, I love low fuel costs, low interest rates, low income taxes, low inflation, less regulation…..I love a POTUS in command of the world, I love peace in the middle east….. I love degenerate lowlife whackos feeling like degenerate lowlife whackos.
Why aren’t you Trumped?
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hahaha…you ignorant fucked in the head whacked out TDS’ers would have “indicted” Trump on Adam Schiff’s word….but you couldn’t indict a sitting POTUS so you impeached him instead. This is all more of the Twilight Zone same…it’s the dog and pony show that never ends for you loons. I fucking love it.

yeah, the jokes on you, bub. Read the indictment, then you can twilight your twaddle on that all you want.

You've been Trumped


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