Have You Caught On Yet?

June 27. A day of infamy for Donald J. Trump.

TRUMP: They've had 3 1/2 years to create jobs and all the things we talked about. Why hasn't she done it?

Five minutes earlier, on his Obamacare replacement: "I have concepts of a plan. I'm not president right now."

Hypocrite Trump WAS president, and he had promised the rubes he would repeal Obamacare and put up a replacement on Day One. Literally. On Day One. That promise was even prominently posted on his campaign web site. And he harped on it all through the 2016 campaign. It was second of his beefs, just behind his complaints about Mexicana and Muslims.

It was a hoax, and the rubes became full-fledged cucks for never holding him accountable for that lie as health care costs continue to skyrocket to this day.

It was only a couple months before Trump's hoax was erased from the web site. Erased! HOAX!

Trump owns that. Thoroughly. But the cucks give him a pass for reasons beyond understanding.

Trump reprised his hoax during the debate:

"I have concepts of a plan. I'm not president right now. But if we come up with something I would only change it if we come up with something better and less expensive. And there are concepts and options we have to do that. And you'll be hearing about it in the not-too-distant future."

"You'll be hearing about it in the not-too-distant future" is a really old and stale Trump setup for his hoaxes.

It's been three and a half months since then, and nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

And there never will be.


Page 2 and Trump's cucks are STILL unable to address his health care hoax!

They will obviously never catch on.

Take a look at the period 1970 to 2010.

That is why we have Obamacare. The American people were buckling under the cost of health care. The number one cause of personal bankruptcies is health care debt.

The Democrats have been advocating for single-payer health care since the 70s. They made no secret about it.

To counter this "soshulism", the Republicans countered with...


After Obamacare passed, I stated for years it was a bait-and-switch con and would not slow the rising cost of health care.

And it hasn't.

The Republicans said they would "repeal and replace Obamacare". Then Trump jumped on that bandwagon.

They were lying.

They had no replacement.

Once that acquired full power of the government, their lack of a replacement became blazingly obvious.

That might have something to do with them subsequently losing the House, the Senate, and the White House.

In fact, when the Republican House passed a "skinny repeal" in 2017, the Democrats broke out into song.

Government was involved in that era as it is now. And that is what sucks. Medicine became a business, and the taxpayers got the bill. Whole wings of hospitals became billing centers. Costs mushroomed with the government greasing the wheels. I am telling you with universal medical, we will end up with rationed medicine and there will be a pecking order for important operations with people suing as someone for one culture is put ahead of another for that operation.
It's pretty simple, four more years of the Biden/Harris disaster or change. That is what this whole election boils down too. How anyone can still be undecided is a mystery.
Government was involved in that era as it is now. And that is what sucks. Medicine became a business, and the taxpayers got the bill. Whole wings of hospitals became billing centers. Costs mushroomed with the government greasing the wheels. I am telling you with universal medical, we will end up with rationed medicine and there will be a pecking order for important operations with people suing as someone for one culture is put ahead of another for that operation.
Developed countries with socialized medicine have a much lower per capita cost for health care, and a longer lifespan for their people than we do.

Nevertheless, I am opposed to UHC. I have posted many times what we need to do to fix our health care costs.

If you think about it, the government is already heavily involved in health care, and they get to write the rules for their private sector competitors! Gee, how's that working out?

And believe me, Republicans are just as complicit as Democrats when it comes to hosing the American people's health care costs. They are completely owned by the insurance companies and hospital networks.

But UHC is inevitable since the GOP and their cuck followers have never come up with an alternative to the Democrats' plans.

The Democrats are winning by sheer inaction on the part of the GOP, and the willingness of their supporters to accept being hoaxed.
Government was involved in that era as it is now. And that is what sucks. Medicine became a business, and the taxpayers got the bill. Whole wings of hospitals became billing centers. Costs mushroomed with the government greasing the wheels. I am telling you with universal medical, we will end up with rationed medicine and there will be a pecking order for important operations with people suing as someone for one culture is put ahead of another for that operation.
Canada has UHC, but because of the rationed health care you mentioned, private supplemental insurance companies sprang up.

The Canadian government then banned the private sector health insurance companies.


But those companies took the matter all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada, and in that decision they wrote one of my favorite condemnations of UHC of all time.

"Access to a waiting list is not access to health care."


The private companies were allowed to return.

England also has a two-tier system, where the rich get private health care and the common people have to deal with public health care which is buckling under the strain.

There's a hilarious Benny Hill sketch about it.
June 27. A day of infamy for Donald J. Trump.

TRUMP: They've had 3 1/2 years to create jobs and all the things we talked about. Why hasn't she done it?

Five minutes earlier, on his Obamacare replacement: "I have concepts of a plan. I'm not president right now."

Hypocrite Trump WAS president, and he had promised the rubes he would repeal Obamacare and put up a replacement on Day One. Literally. On Day One. That promise was even prominently posted on his campaign web site. And he harped on it all through the 2016 campaign. It was second of his beefs, just behind his complaints about Mexicana and Muslims.

It was a hoax, and the rubes became full-fledged cucks for never holding him accountable for that lie as health care costs continue to skyrocket to this day.

It was only a couple months before Trump's hoax was erased from the web site. Erased! HOAX!

Trump owns that. Thoroughly. But the cucks give him a pass for reasons beyond understanding.

Trump reprised his hoax during the debate:

"I have concepts of a plan. I'm not president right now. But if we come up with something I would only change it if we come up with something better and less expensive. And there are concepts and options we have to do that. And you'll be hearing about it in the not-too-distant future."

"You'll be hearing about it in the not-too-distant future" is a really old and stale Trump setup for his hoaxes.

It's been three and a half months since then, and nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

And there never will be.



If you can't make a thread point in 3 sentences or fewer, then check your underpants for ball bearings.

If you can't make a thread point in 3 sentences or fewer, then check your underpants for ball bearings.
And there's that dumbed down intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker I spoke of. :lol:

Anything longer than a tweet is beyond the concentration capacity of the rubes.

This has been done deliberately. They cannot be allowed to THINK!
And there's that dumbed down intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker I spoke of. :lol:

Anything longer than a tweet is beyond the concentration capacity of the rubes.

This has been done deliberately. They cannot be allowed to THINK!
It's called marketing. Familiarize yourself.
Vote Trump/Vance 2024!!!

Thanks to Kamala Harris gas prices and food prices are WAY to high. Gas is STILL way above $3 in my area. Kamala opened the border to 18 million illegals that Americans are paying for. 2 Wars started under Kamala. Kamala Harris is on video saying she wants us all to go WOKE and saying she wants to BAN FRACKING.
PITTSBURGH — A clear majority of Pennsylvania voters (55 percent) say they upport the immediate or eventual end of natural gas drilling, also known as fracking, in the commonwealth, according to a recent poll commissioned by the sustainably minded think tank Ohio River Valley Institute.

A quarter of the respondents (25 percent) to the poll conducted by the progressive polling firm Data for Progress say that fracking should end as soon as possible, and another 30% of Pennsylvanians say it should be phased out over time. Only 31% of Pennsylvania voters support maintaining fracking in the state, according to the poll.

We all caught on to the fact that you’re a dolt. Long ago.
I'm not the one who missed there is a question in the topic title, genius. :lol:

Care to actually address the topic?

It has GOT to hurt to know you've been hoaxed by Trump and are being hoaxed by him AGAIN, cuck. :lol:

You cucks BEG to be lied to. You DESERVE to be lied to.
I'm not the one who missed there is a question in the topic title, genius. :lol:

Care to actually address the topic?

It has GOT to hurt to know you've been hoaxed by Trump and are being hoaxed by him AGAIN, cuck. :lol:

You cucks BEG to be lied to. You DESERVE to be lied to.
By definition, libs are cucks.

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