Have you encountered paid forum users from Israel posting about politics and Israel's defense?

Which is?
That you cannot tell by merely reading a post whether the author is paid or not.

Also, some folks claim to be painters but aren’t.

Others may be paid posters, but they can choose to deny it.
That you cannot tell by merely reading a post whether the author is paid or not.

Also, some folks claim to be painters but aren’t.

Others may be paid posters, but they can choose to deny it.
What does that have to do with the OP?
I’m thinking the opposite is going on 10-fold. Look at how there are posters all over social media, posting HAMAS and anti-Israel propaganda. I bet they get paid extra every time they work the word “genocide” into a sentence!
10 fold? Where is your evidence?
I don't know who the paid posters are on USMB, but if I were paying for any posters on this forum, I'd want my money back.
Back to the topic.

Israel has acknowledged paying social media posters. They are posting somewhere. Have you encountered them?
For example, the poster named "Sixties Fan" bumps his own threads that well over two years old. He/she is virtually the only one reading/clicking his own threads. Sixties fan has done this multiple times.

So who does that? Why would anyone do such research for a thread virtually no one reads? Why would someone spend the time pasting hundreds of articles, tweets, etc. that no is going to read?

For example, the poster named "Sixties Fan" bumps his own threads that well over two years old. He/she is virtually the only one reading/clicking his own threads. Sixties fan has done this multiple times.

So who does that? Why would anyone do such research for a thread virtually no one reads? Why would someone spend the time pasting hundreds of articles, tweets, etc. that no is going to read?

Sixties Fan


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