Have you encountered paid forum users from Israel posting about politics and Israel's defense?

Funny how American warmongers must go back 80 years to find a “good” war.
There's no such thing as a "Good War". There are necessary wars. The War in Korea was necessary. The Gulf War was probably necessary. The War in Afghanistan was initially necessary, but the politicians couldn't just declare victory and leave for some reason.
There's no such thing as a "Good War". There are necessary wars. The War in Korea was necessary. The Gulf War was probably necessary. The War in Afghanistan was initially necessary, but the politicians couldn't just declare victory and leave for some reason.
No. All wars are made up by the elite to enrich and empower themselves. This has been true for centuries. Stop accepting war propaganda.
The saw the first incident of this here:

The Prime Minister's office is reportedly spending around £540,000 recruiting more than 500 students to respond to social media posts calling for boycotts and sanctions against the country, the Jerusalem Post says. Those with foreign language skills who receive these "scholarships" would not identify themselves as being in the pay of the government. Instead, Israel's Ha'aretz newspaper says, the plan is to make the programme appear to be based on the activity of politically-neutral students, with the Prime Minister's Office also hoping to recruit from pro-Israel student groups from around the world.


More recently, this:

JERUSALEM (AP) — Days into Israel’s devastating war with Gaza militants in 2021, the Israeli army began deploying keyboard warriors to a second front: a covert social media operation to praise the military’s bombing campaign in the coastal enclave.

Have you encountered paid forum users from Israel posting about politics and Israel's defense?​

How would we know whether they are paid?

I’ve seen some retarded posting efforts from lots of people supporting lots of crazy shit. That isn’t proof that the posting member is getting paid to post the crap.
No. All wars are made up by the elite to enrich and empower themselves. This has been true for centuries. Stop accepting war propaganda.
okay, guy, whatever... not going to waste time on this exercise.
When I stop resisting tRump turning my country into the nazi germany of the west you will know that either he or I have died.
You’ve completely deluded yourself. I bet you watch MSNBC 24/7.
You may be one.
You aren’t even that significant, creep.

Poor Crapitus refuses to even bother trying to be topical.

Topic: a concern over paid posters that f the Jewish persuasion.

Well. Something like that.
Nope. They are not very reliable sources.

Better than gateway pundit, mind you, but not up to NPR or BBC standards
LMFAO! NPR and BBC!!!…LMFAO. Both are state controlled outlets. Wake up! Please!

As I thought.
Both are more honest than any outlet that exists for profit.
That’s patently absurd. Both outlets are well known state controlled propaganda organs.

It’s no wonder you think as you do, when you consume that shit.
The Palestinian Authority pays me in bubble gum to defend the Palestinian people.

I'd prefer cash, but bubble gum is better than nothing.

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