Have you encountered paid forum users from Israel posting about politics and Israel's defense?

We had three members become active here on November 7 , 13 and 20 respectively .

All post almost exclusively on the one subject and appear to me to be novice Hasbara Trolls .Their posts look like mass produced hand-outs and likely provided to them by a support team .
Fortunately the propaganda level is low grade and easy to spot .
I didn't know my exact join date, but know it was right before txgiving. I checked and sure enough--November 20!
I believe I just spotted another one. Thomas is not Zionist, but a shill nonetheless.
The saw the first incident of this here:

The Prime Minister's office is reportedly spending around £540,000 recruiting more than 500 students to respond to social media posts calling for boycotts and sanctions against the country, the Jerusalem Post says. Those with foreign language skills who receive these "scholarships" would not identify themselves as being in the pay of the government. Instead, Israel's Ha'aretz newspaper says, the plan is to make the programme appear to be based on the activity of politically-neutral students, with the Prime Minister's Office also hoping to recruit from pro-Israel student groups from around the world.


More recently, this:

JERUSALEM (AP) — Days into Israel’s devastating war with Gaza militants in 2021, the Israeli army began deploying keyboard warriors to a second front: a covert social media operation to praise the military’s bombing campaign in the coastal enclave.

So suppose you found some one who was being paid by Israel or some other country to promote certain ideas, what difference would it make?
So suppose you found some one who was being paid by Israel or some other country to promote certain ideas, what difference would it make?
And it’s MORE likely that Qatar is paying posters on this forum to smear Israel with the genocide lie. It’s similar to what they are doing with the unversities.

The Islamics plan is obvious, and they are carrying it out: infilitrate the schools, the government, even message boards like this to smear and defame Israel, and the Jews. After that, they’ll go after the Christians.
And it’s MORE likely that Qatar is paying posters on this forum to smear Israel with the genocide lie. It’s similar to what they are doing with the unversities.

The Islamics plan is obvious, and they are carrying it out: infilitrate the schools, the government, even message boards like this to smear and defame Israel, and the Jews. After that, they’ll go after the Christians.

that would be kind of pointless.

Here's the better question. Why should American Christians sacrifice blood and treasure because of the Jews and their religious fantasies?

Strategic Value? They have none. In fact, the existence of the Zionist Entity probably hurts America strategically in the Middle East.

Moral Stance? While that might have sounded awesome when Jews were fleeing Europe after Hitler turned their relatives into lampshades, the continued oppression, apartheid, and genocide being committed by the Zionists against the Palestinians are hard for people to really rationalize. No matter how many times you shrilly scream about imaginary "beheaded babies", the fact is, the Zionists have killed 15,000 children, with tens of thousands more on the brink of starvation.

Economic Value? Imports and exports to Israel only represent 0.7% of US trade.
The saw the first incident of this here:

The Prime Minister's office is reportedly spending around £540,000 recruiting more than 500 students to respond to social media posts calling for boycotts and sanctions against the country, the Jerusalem Post says. Those with foreign language skills who receive these "scholarships" would not identify themselves as being in the pay of the government. Instead, Israel's Ha'aretz newspaper says, the plan is to make the programme appear to be based on the activity of politically-neutral students, with the Prime Minister's Office also hoping to recruit from pro-Israel student groups from around the world.


More recently, this:

JERUSALEM (AP) — Days into Israel’s devastating war with Gaza militants in 2021, the Israeli army began deploying keyboard warriors to a second front: a covert social media operation to praise the military’s bombing campaign in the coastal enclave.

This is a tactic first used by progressives in russia and china

We have quite a few subversives posting on this forum from all over the world trying to promote gun control, grooming children, censorship, walking around money for black people, abortion, and many other liberal causes

When are libs going to learn that any game you can think of the other side can learn to play?
I’m thinking the opposite is going on 10-fold. Look at how there are posters all over social media, posting HAMAS and anti-Israel propaganda. I bet they get paid extra every time they work the word “genocide” into a sentence!
Anyone who opposes Israel’s genocide is an antisemite!!!

Anyone who opposes Israel’s genocide is an antisemite!!!

Anyone who slurs Israel with the lie aboit “genocide” is driven by antisemitism, no doubt.

P.S. Not sure who’s paying you to demonize Isrsel with false accusations.
This is a tactic first used by progressives in russia and china

We have quite a few subversives posting on this forum from all over the world trying to promote gun control, grooming children, censorship, walking around money for black people, abortion, and many other liberal causes

When are libs going to learn that any game you can think of the other side can learn to play?

Actually, the only people I see here I am pretty sure are foreign trolls are Russians on the right, namely FranklinRoosevelt_FTW , Ringo and a few others.

Anyone who slurs Israel with the lie aboit “genocide” is driven by antisemitism, no doubt.

P.S. Not sure who’s paying you to demonize Isrsel with false accusations.

Or maybe the Jews really are committing genocide. They are engaged in the same kind of Ethnic Cleansing we saw in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990's, and people in those cases were in fact charged with genocide.

If what Serbia did in Bonsia is Genocide, then what Israel is doing in Gaza is.
Long forgotten by most Americans. Now imperialism and foreign intervention is expected by Americans.
Which isn't a bad thing. The world would be a much worse place if we hadn't intervened in World War II.
Actually, the only people I see here I am pretty sure are foreign trolls are Russians on the right, namely FranklinRoosevelt_FTW , Ringo and a few others.
they could be russians

Just as you might be dedicated to serving china

We may suspect the worst but have no way to prove it

One thing is for sure though, the internet and this forum are wide open for foreign nationals (or white monkeys) to exploit
Wrong. It would be a much better place.
Um, how would that be?

Do you really think Europe would be better off if the Nazis had won? Do you think that Asia would be better off if the Japanese had won?
they could be russians

Just as you might be dedicated to serving china

We may suspect the worst but have no way to prove it

One thing is for sure though, the internet and this forum are wide open for foreign nationals (or white monkeys) to exploit

Except I've been here for 13 years now and everyone knows who I am. A couple of you little scamps have even tracked me down on social media.
Um, how would that be?

Do you really think Europe would be better off if the Nazis had won? Do you think that Asia would be better off if the Japanese had won?
Not my country’s problem. WWII like all wars, was a scam to enrich the rich.
Except I've been here for 13 years now and everyone knows who I am. A couple of you little scamps have even tracked me down on social media.
If so it wasnt me

I dont waste my time trying to ferret out internet impostors

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