Have you ever been duped by the media into liking a candidate with negative publicity

Have you ever been duped by the media into liking a candidate with negative publicity

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Nov 17, 2011
Be honest - have you ever started liking a candidate you saw on television because that candidate was attacked by the media negatively? I believe that is how most candidates became popular, because no one TRUSTS establishment media any more, but when the media says "look at this idiot helping an old lady" or "look at this idiot wanting to force Americans on welfare to work" then you stop and say to yourself: "Damit, screw this media, I like this candidate!"

Only this candidate is in the same circus

Have you ever been duped by the media into liking a candidate with negative publicity

When Walter Cronkite lied about the Tet Offensive, that was pretty much it for trusting the media.
Clinton's approval ratings were in the 60s while he was defending himself from Monica-gate.
Anyone ‘duped by the media’ (if there even is such a thing) has only himself to blame.

It’s understood that conservatives and republicans blame ‘the media’ for whole host of misfortunes that befall the right, however irrational. But it’s ultimately the personal responsibility of each citizen to research the candidates himself to ascertain the truth of a given matter.

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