Have you ever considered the possibility that God doesn't believe in you?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Maybe she knows all about your problems. Maybe she sees that you suffer and hears your pleas. Maybe she just doesn't care. In fact, maybe she actively dislikes you.
... God doesn't believe in you?

the Almighty's role is to prevent evil from entering the Everlasting, nip it in the bud ... not necessarily to find adoration in whomever may seek Admission.

Maybe she knows all about your problems. Maybe she sees that you suffer and hears your pleas. Maybe she just doesn't care. In fact, maybe she actively dislikes you.

The Bible's God is a war god so I very much could give a shit what it thinks or cares about.

Whatever you do, don't cry out "God help me!" on your deathbed (tho', you still probably will....).

Admission will be denied!
Maybe she knows all about your problems. Maybe she sees that you suffer and hears your pleas. Maybe she just doesn't care. In fact, maybe she actively dislikes you.

I can see why you'd feel that way. If I were God I wouldn't like you either.

I can see why you'd feel that way. If I were God I wouldn't like you either.
That's pretty much what I'm saying. Assuming that there is some god or other form of higher power, and it is sentient and aware of us, then it would be reasonable to assume that it's disinterested in our well being at the absolute best. It would be hard to reconcile the state of the world with a powerful and benevolent deity.
I can see why you'd feel that way. If I were God I wouldn't like you either.
That's pretty much what I'm saying. Assuming that there is some god or other form of higher power, and it is sentient and aware of us, then it would be reasonable to assume that it's disinterested in our well being at the absolute best. It would be hard to reconcile the state of the world with a powerful and benevolent deity.
Sounds like the deity known as mother nature to me
God doesn't like blacks otherwise he wouldn't have put them at the bottom of the iq pile.
Maybe she knows all about your problems. Maybe she sees that you suffer and hears your pleas. Maybe she just doesn't care. In fact, maybe she actively dislikes you.

I have had such dark thoughts at times in my life but then I think about the extreme suffering of my Lord and Savior just to allow me to have forgiveness. This light of my Lord chases all the dark thoughts away and fills my soul with love and joy for having such a loving, kind, and merciful Father and Savior. I am humbled yet filled with joy and thankfulness for the hope he gives me. I know in my heart that they care for me and all mankind with a greater love than we have known on this earth.
He didn't believe in me until
I knocked down his mailbox.

Sure does now!
Maybe she knows all about your problems. Maybe she sees that you suffer and hears your pleas. Maybe she just doesn't care. In fact, maybe she actively dislikes you.

I have had such dark thoughts at times in my life but then I think about the extreme suffering of my Lord and Savior just to allow me to have forgiveness. This light of my Lord chases all the dark thoughts away and fills my soul with love and joy for having such a loving, kind, and merciful Father and Savior. I am humbled yet filled with joy and thankfulness for the hope he gives me. I know in my heart that they care for me and all mankind with a greater love than we have known on this earth.
But the question remains: Why did god make you such a loser in the first place?
Maybe she knows all about your problems. Maybe she sees that you suffer and hears your pleas. Maybe she just doesn't care. In fact, maybe she actively dislikes you.

I have had such dark thoughts at times in my life but then I think about the extreme suffering of my Lord and Savior just to allow me to have forgiveness. This light of my Lord chases all the dark thoughts away and fills my soul with love and joy for having such a loving, kind, and merciful Father and Savior. I am humbled yet filled with joy and thankfulness for the hope he gives me. I know in my heart that they care for me and all mankind with a greater love than we have known on this earth.
But the question remains: Why did god make you such a loser in the first place?

The biggest fallacy in all Christendom is the belief in ex nihilo creation. For under this false doctrine many believe that God created us out of nothing. This doctrine begs the question as to why God didn't simply create us all to be perfect. Certainly if God is All Powerful, All Knowing, and all Loving, then he most certainly should have. But the truth is that God nor any one else can create anything from nothing. It is a false concept. God took man's spirit and placed it into his body which was created from the dust of the earth. But where did man's spirit come from? Man's spirit is the literal offspring of God but the intelligence of man has always existed.

Acts 17:28-29
28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.
29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device.

Abraham 5:7
7 And the Gods formed man from the dust of the ground, and took his spirit (that is, the man’s spirit), and put it into him; and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

Doctrine and Covenants 93:29
29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.

From self-existent intelligence and spirit matter, God was able to procreate his spirit children. He then placed man's spirit into a mortal body which was made from the dust of the earth and given the power to procreate. Absolutely no ex nihilo creation. The intelligence of man has always existed. It is as self-existent as God himself, as is matter also. God does not create from nothing but he is the great organizer from things that already exist. But because our intelligence is as self-existent as God's, God could not create it to be perfect. You cannot create that which already exists. The intelligence or mind of man is eternal. We have always existed in one form or another as a conscious entity. Because God did not create our intelligence but only created a spirit body and then a physical body to house it, he could not make our characters into more than what we already were. So for God to help us become more like himself, he needs to instruct us and teach us how to become like him. It is the only way. And we cannot be forced to be like God without free will. If God, who is a being of free will chooses in and of himself to be a good being, we too need to learn to choose in and of ourselves to be good beings if we are to be like him. You cannot become like God without free will. It is impossible. But along with free will comes the freedom of choice. The freedom of choice leads to some bad choices if you are imperfect. For this reason God has also provided us a way to be forgiven of our bad choices if we repent and forsake our sins. As Gods spirit children, we lived with him in a pre-mortal existence. But the time finally arrived when God would put us on our own in this world and take our memory away of that pre-mortal existence to see if we, through faith in him, would learn to choose good outside of his presence. Thus here we are in this world of mortality, being tested to see if we will choose good over evil. God has given us sufficient evidence of his existence. He wants to know if we will believe in goodness and follow after him of our own volition. So in answer to your question, God did not make me a loser. I am simply on the path of becoming like him. If I follow after him and stay on the straight and narrow, I will be a winner. God has provided us all a way to be like him and be winners every one of us. We just need to choose to follow after him and repent of our mistakes.

For a detailed examination of ex nihilo creation, I recommend the following link: The Problem With Ex Nihilo Creation
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Maybe she knows all about your problems. Maybe she sees that you suffer and hears your pleas. Maybe she just doesn't care. In fact, maybe she actively dislikes you.

I have had such dark thoughts at times in my life but then I think about the extreme suffering of my Lord and Savior just to allow me to have forgiveness. This light of my Lord chases all the dark thoughts away and fills my soul with love and joy for having such a loving, kind, and merciful Father and Savior. I am humbled yet filled with joy and thankfulness for the hope he gives me. I know in my heart that they care for me and all mankind with a greater love than we have known on this earth.
But the question remains: Why did god make you such a loser in the first place?

The biggest fallacy in all Christendom is the belief in ex nihilo creation. For under this false doctrine many believe that God created us out of nothing. This doctrine begs the question as to why God didn't simply create us all to be perfect. Certainly if God is All Powerful, All Knowing, and all Loving, then he most certainly should have. But the truth is that God nor any one else can create anything from nothing. It is a false concept. God took man's spirit and placed it into his body which was created from the dust of the earth. But where did man's spirit come from? Man's spirit is the literal offspring of God but the intelligence of man has always existed.

Acts 17:28-29
28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.
29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device.

Abraham 5:7
7 And the Gods formed man from the dust of the ground, and took his spirit (that is, the man’s spirit), and put it into him; and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

Doctrine and Covenants 93:29
29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.

From self-existent intelligence and spirit matter, God was able to procreate his spirit children. He then placed man's spirit into a mortal body which was made from the dust of the earth and given the power to procreate. Absolutely no ex nihilo creation. The intelligence of man has always existed. It is as self-existent as God himself, as is matter also. God does not create from nothing but he is the great organizer from things that already exist. But because our intelligence is as self-existent as God's, God could not create it to be perfect. You cannot create that which already exists. The intelligence or mind of man is eternal. We have always existed in one form or another as a conscious entity. Because God did not create our intelligence but only created a spirit body and then a physical body to house it, he could not make our characters into more than what we already were. So for God to help us become more like himself, he needs to instruct us and teach us how to become like him. It is the only way. And we cannot be forced to be like God without free will. If God, who is a being of free will chooses in and of himself to be a good being, we too need to learn to choose in and of ourselves to be good beings if we are to be like him. You cannot become like God without free will. It is impossible. But along with free will comes the freedom of choice. The freedom of choice leads to some bad choices if you are imperfect. For this reason God has also provided us a way to be forgiven of our bad choices if we repent and forsake our sins. As Gods spirit children, we lived with him in a pre-mortal existence. But the time finally arrived when God would put us on our own in this world and take our memory away of that pre-mortal existence to see if we, through faith in him, would learn to choose good outside of his presence. Thus here we are in this world of mortality, being tested to see if we will choose good over evil. God has given us sufficient evidence of his existence. He wants to know if we will believe in goodness and follow after him of our own volition. So in answer to your question, God did not make me a loser. I am simply on the path of becoming like him. If I follow after him and stay on the straight and narrow, I will be a winner. God has provided us all a way to be like him and be winners every one of us. We just need to choose to follow after him and repent of our mistakes.

For a detailed examination of ex nihilo creation, I recommend the following link: The Problem With Ex Nihilo Creation
Okay. I get that Mormons believe that God didn't create everything but simply organized it. I can see how that would be a little easier to reconcile with current scientific understanding. My only question is how that squares with the other idea that God also has a god of his own. How does he have parents if he was the original being that put the universe in order?

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