Have you ever considered the possibility that God doesn't believe in you?

Its not that creation and organization are two separate things. Its that creation out of nothing does not exist. Creation is the organization of things out of spirit, matter, energy, etc. that already exist.

I think the view of many who believe in God is that science needs to reconcile to the truth of God and not that God needs to reconcile to science.

We believe that we are all original beings and that there never was a time when any of us didn't exist. existence is an eternal principal. But reaching a state of perfection as an eternal being is the ultimate goal. We don't have much revealed to us about God the Father's past. Joseph Smith taught at a funeral of a man named King Follett a sermon that some consider his greatest sermon. It is probably the most in depth teaching of the subject in all our literature. It can be found at: King Follett Discourse

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