Have you ever had a dead person contact you?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
I never had :(

I am actually curious , I am talking about close family members who died ...not weirdo ghost and stuff..
I need more people posting this question of mine ...my grandmother's died, my grandfather's died , my cousin, wife, best man at my wedding died, five other great friends died..

No contact nothing..

Houndi once said if there is an after life I will escape and contact you ..
me either which always bounces me into why not? i have lost some close loved ones.....and you wonder do they just not want to contact me? and to be honest.....some enemies that i think would have haunted me if they could....
Maybe they never liked me ?

And they contacted others and they are to scared to tell?
he promised his wife that....if there was any way possible...he also debunked pyshics who claimed to contact the dead...the great randi is carrying that on
I always feel like I am getting ripped off in life, all these people claim to see ghost, trolls, UFOs , Bigfoot and everything else..

I never see a damn thing except normal life ...
I met a channel who could get messages from the other side. I got a few messages from my Dad through her.
me either which always bounces me into why not? i have lost some close loved ones.....and you wonder do they just not want to contact me? and to be honest.....some enemies that i think would have haunted me if they could....

See this is what I don't get strolling (I know you don't like me)

But come on so many people claim this and this ...i feel left out .
I want to see ghost , I want to see UFOs.

And it never happens ..
now my grandfather claims a witch showed up one night at a timbering camp to tell one of the men he was needed at home.....he believe what he saw

are there guardian angels or merely ones self taking over?

are there visual and audio visions or hallucinations?
he promised his wife that....if there was any way possible...he also debunked pyshics who claimed to contact the dead...the great randi is carrying that on

Thanks you know the legend as much as I do, if anyone could of done it , well it would of been him.
why do you assume i dont care for you? i dont think we have much of a history?

seeing things aint that great...the other day i swore that someone walked up our drive way and stopped at the duck house....i was sure of it..sure enough to make hubby go out in minus what ever wind chill and check.... no one there....no foot prints....my vision had a green jacket on
I want to see ghost, ..

No you don't. Take it from someone who has, it's not the great experience the tv shows make it out to be. Positive energy doesn't trap things between planes of existence, only negative energy does. Even the ones who aren't VIOLENT leave you drained of everything positive for periods of time.
why do you assume i dont care for you? i dont think we have much of a history?

seeing things aint that great...the other day i swore that someone walked up our drive way and stopped at the duck house....i was sure of it..sure enough to make hubby go out in minus what ever wind chill and check.... no one there....no foot prints....my vision had a green jacket on

I got a good memory we were fighting about climate change for a bit, I guess I took it to personal
I want to see ghost, ..

No you don't. Take it from someone who has, it's not the great experience the tv shows make it out to be. Positive energy doesn't trap things between planes of existence, only negative energy does. Even the ones who aren't VIOLENT leave you drained of everything positive for periods of time.

So you say you saw a ghost explain ..in detail because again I always feel I got ripped off in life .
So you say you saw a ghost explain ..in detail because again I always feel I got ripped off in life .

I've seen more than a few over the years....

We woild see lights (like torches) at the rear of the property I grew up on. They always moved the same way but disappear if you approached. We eventually found out they were following the path to a house on the Underground Railroad. They never made it to the house because they got ambushed by slave chasers who shot first and didn' ask questions.

I spent two years in a haunted dormitory building in college. The two main spirits were a couple who had died on their wedding night (The dorm was a former hotel) and a teen who drowned in the (now filled in) pool. Seeing each of them (On separate occasions) left me drained of pretty much all energy for the rest of the day.

I've encountered phantom soldiers on at least 4 battlefield I can remember off the top of my head. None of them were happy occurrences.

My violent encounter occurred in a former number that had been converted into a college library and small dorm space. When the Archdiocese sold the property it was under questionable circumtances and very quickly. So quickly that the proper rites were never performed to allow the sanctity of the property to be dispelled. The nuns who passed in that building don't care for make students being there after dark. That's why it was a girl's only dorm. Nobody thought aboit thst during freshman orientation. The two scariest nights of my life. That's all I will say.
well do tell CrusaderFrank the devil is in the details...was it general stuff or what?

It was quite specific starting with him telling me that my half sister was with him. You can Google my Dads name all day and night and no one would ever know I had a half sister. I had no idea she passed and my brother later confirmed that she had passed a few months before. He always regretted having to walk away from her when he married my Mom. It was the cause of some strife and contention through the years. She wanted to know us and my Mom would not permit her contact. I later found out that my half sister stayed in touch with my brother in California. Again, it's information that's quite detailed, specific and not public and most importantly it was very meaningful to my Dad

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