Have you ever had a dead person contact you?

and you seeked this contact

a friends father disappeared in sc....after month of searching he contacted a physic ...she told him where his father had wrecked and died...they found his truck within a mile of where she told them to look....things like that continue to give me pause
she told him...his father had had a heart attack and ran off the road.....they had searched the area before...and yes he had a heart attack and died instantly
now up in this hollar people see and believe you dont mock that....there can be a great sense of evil in these hills...i am superstition
I never had :(

I am actually curious , I am talking about close family members who died ...not weirdo ghost and stuff..

When I was 12 my father died. I often spoke with him and he answered. For me this was quite normal. I thought everyone is able to do so.

I need more people posting this question of mine ...my grandmother's died, my grandfather's died , my cousin, wife, best man at my wedding died, five other great friends died..

No contact nothing..

Oh ... Are you sad about? That's not good. I never was concerned to speak with my father - but I was also never concerned because he was the only one, who spoke with me. His love was able to build a bridge from heaven to me. But I had the feeling one day he broke some rules and told me things I should not know. His love was very great - but this was not good for me. And I had the feeling a higher authority spoke with him and he understood it's better not to try to let me not suffer. He's still here in my heart - but he speaks not with words with me any longer - and I do not miss this. I miss also not to speak with anyone else, who is dead.

Houndi once said if there is an after life I will escape and contact you ..

Harry Houdini? ... Who likes to come back to Earth when he is in paradise - and who is able to escape the own hell without going to heaven?

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yes harry houdini....he made a vow to his wife....if it could be done...he would come back to her

Did he hate his wife? I say to my wife she should take a look for another man when I will be dead. I hope she will find a good one after my death. On the other side: She reads crime stories. What about if she likes not to wait? Life is indeed life-endangering. ...

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I have.

There was the sweetest old woman in the world, who I had befriended... and was the mother of a young man that worked with me... came to me, in my sleep....after she had passed on from sclerosis of the liver from being an alcoholic...

I loved this woman...she had such a hard life, one that she did bring on herself when young I suppose...but her soul was a shining beacon of love and goodness.

She had a long term affair with a married man that she loved for around 5-10 years or so and Eric was born from it...but this man's wife found out and he ended up walking away from the relationship, and Eric never saw his dad (Uncle) again, when he was around 7 yrs old.....

Anyway, she was full of remorse, and became an alcoholic and eventually died from it....Eric had a love hate relationship with his mom over the years from the drinking a 6 pack of beer every night....I can't blame him either...he was young and was just breaking in to his 20's when I had met her and he was going out with his girlfriend night clubbing and dancing and anything to stay away from his own house and mom....but I knew he really did love her....he just could not cope with seeing her waste away...

A month or two or three before her last breath, she begged me to watch out for her son, to please guide him in to a new life, a good life....that's all she wanted for him

Anyway, after she died, I and another girl from work, and his girlfriend and another friend of his stayed at his house for a couple of days to help him clean and paint and get rid of the garbage that had piled up so Eric could put the house up for sale...

We kind of made a party out of it, even though it was a very sad period....and all of us slept in the living room....I scored one of the couches and not the sleeping bag on the floor!

I was crushed when she died, and just could not stop crying whenever I thought about her....I was fairly young as well and this was the first person, I ever knew, that had died....my parents and grandparents were all living....so it was a rude awakening, that life isn't always so peachy keen for other people in the world....

the second and last night spent there....his mom came to me....she was as alive as if she was sitting there in her favorite chair, and she started talking with me, reminding me to help Eric get on his feet and lead him in to the right way in life, with good hard work....I felt her, I smelled her, it WAS HER....not a dream though it happened while I was sleeping on the couch....and she ended by telling me to let Eric know she was okay and she told me to tell him, how much she had always loved him...then POOF she was gone....no one else in the room had seen her or heard her, like I did....

I followed her instructions, told eric that she told me to tell him she was ok and loved him....he started to cry for the first time since her death, he played the tough guy through most of the time after her death...

and he said to me, I wish she had come to me and said that....and continued to cry... (I'm tearing now, reliving it, and it was nearly 30 years ago)

that was it....the one visit from her....I help Eric for the next two years, until he matured and helped lead him in to a career....and a good life....and as fate would have it, after he sold his mom's house, he became interested in selling real estate and went to real estate classes and got his license...about 5 years later he became a real estate broker for Commercial real estate in Miami, making good money, and got married and had kids of his own, and even got to reunite with his father, who was still living.
I never had :(

I am actually curious , I am talking about close family members who died ...not weirdo ghost and stuff..

I have had dreams of close family members and friends after they died. In all of the them they told me they were not dead. but then again I have also had dreams of aliens, breathing under water, flying through the air and visiting other planets.
I never had :(

I am actually curious , I am talking about close family members who died ...not weirdo ghost and stuff..

During a time when we were financially strapped (and pre-Internet), my deceased grandfather guided me in fixing a plumbing problem. (During his lifetime, he had been a first-class handyman.)
I saw my grandfather in a dream when i was thirty. We were sitting on a white porch swing and the only thing I recalled being said was "everything will be okay". Next morning though I knew I needed to get my secretary off my business payroll account and we were thirteen hundred miles away from home so I called the bank and told them she was no longer authorized to write checks, (I would be home in time for the next payroll period and bills). Come to find out five months later secretary book keeper had devised a slick way to embezzle close to $27,000.00 dollars. Taking her off the account prevented it and she had quit shortly after i took her off the account but she and her pothead hubby had other devised plans with lies and all sorts of bullshit that I would not learn about until a year or so later that created a lot of problems for my family. It all worked out long term and I learned a lot from those experiences so Grandpa's message in the spirit was right, "everything will be okay".
me either which always bounces me into why not? i have lost some close loved ones.....and you wonder do they just not want to contact me? and to be honest.....some enemies that i think would have haunted me if they could....

Dunno what to make of this; after my paternal grandad passed away my mother said that his wife said "He's calling me". She passed away three moths later even though she was fifteen years his junior.


I felt the presence of my piano teacher once after she died. Plus a few others too. I think it depends on what type of person you are, then you can or can't detect their presence. Rarely happens though, and only once per death.
There are no ghosts. There are angels...and demons. The sole objective of a demon is to torment...and make people turn from God. If ghosts are appearing to you you need to ask yourself why demons consider you to be worth their time.
I never had :(

I am actually curious , I am talking about close family members who died ...not weirdo ghost and stuff..
It's not possible, according to the Bible. Also, there has never been a confirmed contact with the dead. It just ain't possible. If it was, someone would have done it by now.

EDIT: Actually, it did happen once. When King Saul went to a medium to contact Elijah, God intervened and gave him the real thing. As I recall, Saul wasn't at all happy about the experience. So, short of Divine intervention, it's impossible.
There are no ghosts. There are angels...and demons. The sole objective of a demon is to torment...and make people turn from God. If ghosts are appearing to you you need to ask yourself why demons consider you to be worth their time.

Does a super selfish narcissistic personality attract demons, when also coupled with arrogance and bitching?
I never had :(

I am actually curious , I am talking about close family members who died ...not weirdo ghost and stuff..
It's not possible, according to the Bible. Also, there has never been a confirmed contact with the dead. It just ain't possible. If it was, someone would have done it by now.

EDIT: Actually, it did happen once. When King Saul went to a medium to contact Elijah, God intervened and gave him the real thing. As I recall, Saul wasn't at all happy about the experience. So, short of Divine intervention, it's impossible.

Apparently it is possible, as per God gifting exceptions.

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