Have you ever had a dead person contact you?

I never had :(

I am actually curious , I am talking about close family members who died ...not weirdo ghost and stuff..

I have had dreams of close family members and friends after they died. In all of the them they told me they were not dead. but then again I have also had dreams of aliens, breathing under water, flying through the air and visiting other planets.

I'm sure you know the difference between dream and reality. What you say here is a propagandistic joke. The whole English speaking world is full of this jokes. The problem is: First you was convinced afterlife is impossible (=belief in materialism/atheism) then you say something what convinces others to think the same.

In general are all thoughts and logics only a product of our brain and body. Nevertheless this all has also a spiritual dimension. Very concrete: You are for example able to learn something about mathematics. This mathematics is nothing what exists only in your brain, my brain or the brain of anyone else. It is perhaps in the collective "brain" of all mankind - but it is for example also in the nature all around. That's why we are able to do physics for example. You can do whatever you like to do: You never will find in the reality all around any "atom" of mathematics and will be able to put it under a microscope. But in the moment you know something about the structure of mathematics then you can find this structures everywhere. So this very concrete spiritual thing "mathematics" - or also music, words, thoughts, logic, fantasy, inspiration and so on and so on - are much more real than you seem to think - and they are not only part of the own brain in the current moment of time. Where is the second which is passed? Nowhere - also not in anyone's brain any longer. We reorganize it the moment we like to remember. We use only pictures of the past - the past itself is not any longer. 2017 is over. Gone. Dead. But I guess this nowhere "past" is not really lost. I believe nothing is lost what ever was. What about if all this pictures of the past live? Dreams are only dreams - but sometimes dreams are true too. To follow wrong dreams is as wrong as not to follow dreams at all. What, if one of this dreams is true?

And by the way: Are you not astonished that a rectangle full of light - also called screen - shows you a message of someone who is thousands of miles far from the place where you live and touches your day dreams with some chicken scratch signs?

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No, because dead people cant contact anyone or do anything at all. Anyone claiming otherwise is either mistaken or lying.
I always feel like I am getting ripped off in life, all these people claim to see ghost, trolls, UFOs , Bigfoot and everything else..

I never see a damn thing except normal life ...

You saw an incompetent meat puppet in the WH for 8 years. That was not a normal period.

I never had :(

I am actually curious , I am talking about close family members who died ...not weirdo ghost and stuff..
I posted about hearing voices in this old house I bought. Can't ever find anyone outside so must be ghosts.
I never had :(

I am actually curious , I am talking about close family members who died ...not weirdo ghost and stuff..
I posted about hearing voices in this old house I bought. Can't ever find anyone outside so must be ghosts.
That's not rational. It would be more rational to think that you were just experiencing a form of audial hallucination due to some sort of white noise or sound reflection. Just as your brain can "fill in the blanks" to see something that does not exist in space (like, a rainbow, or other optical illusions), your brain will interpret sounds to be voices or music. It's a well-studied phenomenon.
I never had :(

I am actually curious , I am talking about close family members who died ...not weirdo ghost and stuff..
I posted about hearing voices in this old house I bought. Can't ever find anyone outside so must be ghosts.
That's not rational. It would be more rational to think that you were just experiencing a form of audial hallucination due to some sort of white noise or sound reflection. Just as your brain can "fill in the blanks" to see something that does not exist in space (like, a rainbow, or other optical illusions), your brain will interpret sounds to be voices or music. It's a well-studied phenomenon.
It's happened several times. Stone sober and always in the middle of the nigh when no one else is up and no one is outside. I told the neighbor about and he knew the old woman who died here. Says she haunted the house across the street as well.
I never had :(

I am actually curious , I am talking about close family members who died ...not weirdo ghost and stuff..

does voting for Hillary count?
I never had :(

I am actually curious , I am talking about close family members who died ...not weirdo ghost and stuff..
I posted about hearing voices in this old house I bought. Can't ever find anyone outside so must be ghosts.
That's not rational. It would be more rational to think that you were just experiencing a form of audial hallucination due to some sort of white noise or sound reflection. Just as your brain can "fill in the blanks" to see something that does not exist in space (like, a rainbow, or other optical illusions), your brain will interpret sounds to be voices or music. It's a well-studied phenomenon.
It's happened several times. Stone sober and always in the middle of the nigh when no one else is up and no one is outside. I told the neighbor about and he knew the old woman who died here. Says she haunted the house across the street as well.

I never had :(

I am actually curious , I am talking about close family members who died ...not weirdo ghost and stuff..
I posted about hearing voices in this old house I bought. Can't ever find anyone outside so must be ghosts.
That's not rational. It would be more rational to think that you were just experiencing a form of audial hallucination due to some sort of white noise or sound reflection. Just as your brain can "fill in the blanks" to see something that does not exist in space (like, a rainbow, or other optical illusions), your brain will interpret sounds to be voices or music. It's a well-studied phenomenon.
It's happened several times. Stone sober and always in the middle of the nigh when no one else is up and no one is outside. I told the neighbor about and he knew the old woman who died here. Says she haunted the house across the street as well.
One does not need to be intoxicated to experience audial hallucinations, same as optical illusions. And it would not be strange in the least for two different people to experience similar audial hallucinations in the same place. While our brains are fascinating and very good at many things, they are also prone to failures and mistakes. Optical and audial illusions demosntrate that. Our tendency to change memories over time to fill in blanks or snap-fit them to a narrative is another example.
I always feel like I am getting ripped off in life, all these people claim to see ghost, trolls, UFOs , Bigfoot and everything else..

I never see a damn thing except normal life ...
I've seen 2 UFO's One I didnt really " see" per se. A giant blinding light suddenly appeared at about 600 feet(height of the hill behind my shooting range). It turned off light a switch after about 45 seconds. Not a sound.
The other was a multi-colored lights in a triangle shape over loop road in the Big Cypress swamp at 2-3 AM. It was like a show. Left to right leaving trails like an acid trip it was so fast. Then it went straight up as fast and vanished. Then it came down so fast it appeared nearly in front of us in about 2 seconds.Took a right and GONE. Dude in the fire tower saw it too from about 1/4 mile from where we were. ET B fuckin wit me. That was June of 2005, right before I left that dump :banana2:
I never had :(

I am actually curious , I am talking about close family members who died ...not weirdo ghost and stuff..
I posted about hearing voices in this old house I bought. Can't ever find anyone outside so must be ghosts.
We were told when Rod bought this place that their kids had seen ghost here of a former property owner. About six months later one of Rod's teen nephews washere helping in the shop unload a trailer. Rod and the other guy went downtown to get some sandwiches and when they got back the nephew didn't want to eat, he just wanted to get outta here. He did not say why until fifteen years later. Then it was "sorry uncle Rod but I ain't never coming back to your house" and then he described what he saw. Evidently the fan they had in the shop to help cool things off lifted off of the ground and started spinning around in mid air. We used to hear odd things but walked all around the place praying and asking God to bless the place and nothing odd since.

Yes but they contact me through dreams or a thought with pictures during waking hours.
No. They don't. They're dead. You are either delusional, lying, or consorting with demons.
It is a shame that you have no clue as to what you are talking about. In Christ we are alive even when this flesh made as grass passes on and you don't seem to get what that means.
and nothing odd since.
And this led you to conclude that the magical event occurred, and it never occurred again because of the protective magic you bestowed upon the location?

Come on. That's not rational. A more rational conclusion would be that the magical event did not actually happen. This would explain why it didn't happen again. It would also explain why a sesmingly otherwise normal person would make such an extraordinary claim: hallucination or lie.
and nothing odd since.
And this led you to conclude that the magical event occurred, and it never occurred again because of the protective magic you bestowed upon the location?

Come on. That's not rational. A more rational conclusion would be that the magical event did not actually happen. This would explain why it didn't happen again. It would also explain why a sesmingly otherwise normal person would make such an extraordinary claim: hallucination or lie.
I really don't give a shit whether you believe it is rational or not. You say you don't believe in the spiritual world so piss off.
and nothing odd since.
And this led you to conclude that the magical event occurred, and it never occurred again because of the protective magic you bestowed upon the location?

Come on. That's not rational. A more rational conclusion would be that the magical event did not actually happen. This would explain why it didn't happen again. It would also explain why a sesmingly otherwise normal person would make such an extraordinary claim: hallucination or lie.
I really don't give a shit whether you believe it is rational or not. You say you don't believe in the spiritual world so piss off.
See, youre doing that thing again....taking criticism of an idea too personally. That's what happens when you internalize magical beliefs, the only support for which being "because I say so".

And you are right that it doesnt matter whether or not I "think" it's rational. It is objectively irrational, regardless of what I had for breakfast and regardless of your blubbering tantrums.
I never had :(

I am actually curious , I am talking about close family members who died ...not weirdo ghost and stuff..
I posted about hearing voices in this old house I bought. Can't ever find anyone outside so must be ghosts.
That's not rational. It would be more rational to think that you were just experiencing a form of audial hallucination due to some sort of white noise or sound reflection. Just as your brain can "fill in the blanks" to see something that does not exist in space (like, a rainbow, or other optical illusions), your brain will interpret sounds to be voices or music. It's a well-studied phenomenon.
It's happened several times. Stone sober and always in the middle of the nigh when no one else is up and no one is outside. I told the neighbor about and he knew the old woman who died here. Says she haunted the house across the street as well.


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