Have You Ever Met A Black Republican In Real Life?

On many occasions I've met black Republicans. I've never met a black Republican on welfare though.
or has used affirmative action?

You don't use affirmative action (unless you're a scumbag who lefty who lies about his ethnicity). Rather, one is the beneficiary/victim of institutional racism. I know you don't care cos you have your rationalizations; but that's reality.
The problem with affirmative action is that regardless of your assumed qualifications, you will never know if AA was behind the hiring or not.
This brings the bigger problem. Perception from the public.
If I have a choice between two doctors, one white, one black, I will choose the white simply because the perception is that the white doctor really had to stand out in his field to be hired, the black doctor has a good chance of being a low performing individual that was hired to satisfy a quota ( and yes they do exist )
The ultimate problem is that in reality that black doctor may well have out performed the white doctor and I have chosen the least qualified of the two.
Affirmative action is a threat to society from any angle you view it from.
i get the distinct feeling some of these White Progressives have never met a Black person of any political persuasion; and their politics stems from their feelings of White guilt
If you have been in the military you have met and know many blacks, but Bedwetter would never have known about serving in the military...
Here we are on page 2 and gasbag has already been popped for being a dolt.

I've met many black republicans by the way. I sort of drove a few of them away from the DNC in fact. I was telling people in the cafeteria once about my being a "values voter". Neither party knows how to, cares much for, or is capable of fixing the debt. Its a simple way of simply removing that aspect of the national discourse from the argument since neither major party can be trusted to address it, you should vote for candidates who, at least, share your values. I like Democrats because they will appoint center-left jurists and support women's rights which is fundamental to having a just society. That is pretty much it. Liberals are koo-koo when it comes to energy policy, koo-koo when it comes to some environmental regulations, koo-koo when it comes to some foreign affairs, and bat-shit koo koo when it comes to the border fence and voter ID laws.
You're cuckoo too, if you believe the garbage about supporting women's rights (which we all know means abortion) = a just society. Gimme a break.
.One of the great ironies of the race debate in America is that Republicans have internalized Martin Luther King's famous saying

No they haven't.

Time after time, when issues or incidents arise, the Right judges the people in question based on actions and the left judges people based on their skin color and how it fits their narrative.

Hell, The New Haven Fire fighter case is a fine example.

Every dem appointed judge supported the city for throwing out the test results because the white people scored to well.
Is this another topic by right wingers attempting to not look at themselves and blame others for why 95 percent of black voters avoid the GOP like the plague?

Gee, we need more of those. :rolleyes:

What is it going to take? When EVERYONE, statistically speaking, of a particular demographic won't vote for you, it's time for some serious reflection on what the ever loving fuck you are doing wrong.
So, why are Republicans doing so poorly with black Americans? Shouting "racism" is easy and it doesn't require you to do anything other than complain.One of the great ironies of the race debate in America is that Republicans have internalized Martin Luther King's famous saying, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character," while most black Americans have rejected it. Don't we have to start using conservative principles to address issues that disproportionately impact black Americans? What do you think about it?
I'm married to one.
Is this topic just another attempt by right wingers to not look at themselves and blame others for why 95 percent of black voters avoid the GOP like the plague?

What is it going to take? When EVERYONE, statistically speaking, of a particular demographic won't vote for you, it's time for some serious reflection on what the ever loving fuck you are doing wrong.

Yeah....it's our fault that Democrats use demagoguery.
So, why are Republicans doing so poorly with black Americans? Shouting "racism" is easy and it doesn't require you to do anything other than complain.One of the great ironies of the race debate in America is that Republicans have internalized Martin Luther King's famous saying, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character," while most black Americans have rejected it. Don't we have to start using conservative principles to address issues that disproportionately impact black Americans? What do you think about it?

I have met quite a number of black Republicans. The most notable was Herman Cain who I supported in his race for the Senate and the Presidency. I suspect you prefer black Democrats like Al Sharpton.
.One of the great ironies of the race debate in America is that Republicans have internalized Martin Luther King's famous saying

No they haven't.

Time after time, when issues or incidents arise, the Right judges the people in question based on actions and the left judges people based on their skin color and how it fits their narrative.

Hell, The New Haven Fire fighter case is a fine example.

Every dem appointed judge supported the city for throwing out the test results because the white people scored to well.
Only an utter retard believes the modern day GOP is all about a meritocracy.
The Democrats have chosen their favored groups, and the Republicans have chosen theirs.

There is no party which believes in a meritocracy. Don't kid yourselves.
Is this topic just another attempt by right wingers to not look at themselves and blame others for why 95 percent of black voters avoid the GOP like the plague?

What is it going to take? When EVERYONE, statistically speaking, of a particular demographic won't vote for you, it's time for some serious reflection on what the ever loving fuck you are doing wrong.

Yeah....it's our fault that Democrats use demagoguery.
Keep blaming the other guy. How's that working for you?
You guys should stick to posts about blacks using food stamps to buy liquor, and blacks with Obamaphones, and blacks voting six times for Obama, and blacks killing blacks, and blacks causing the global economic meltdown in 2008.

"But it's all true!"

Stop with these retarded topics pretending it's someone else's fault for why blacks avoid the GOP like the plague.
.One of the great ironies of the race debate in America is that Republicans have internalized Martin Luther King's famous saying

No they haven't.

Time after time, when issues or incidents arise, the Right judges the people in question based on actions and the left judges people based on their skin color and how it fits their narrative.

Hell, The New Haven Fire fighter case is a fine example.

Every dem appointed judge supported the city for throwing out the test results because the white people scored to well.
Only an utter retard believes the modern day GOP is all about a meritocracy.

I provided a well known example.

Do you need a link?
.One of the great ironies of the race debate in America is that Republicans have internalized Martin Luther King's famous saying

No they haven't.

Time after time, when issues or incidents arise, the Right judges the people in question based on actions and the left judges people based on their skin color and how it fits their narrative.

Hell, The New Haven Fire fighter case is a fine example.

Every dem appointed judge supported the city for throwing out the test results because the white people scored to well.
Only an utter retard believes the modern day GOP is all about a meritocracy.

Well congrats, you just met the utter retard
.One of the great ironies of the race debate in America is that Republicans have internalized Martin Luther King's famous saying

No they haven't.

Time after time, when issues or incidents arise, the Right judges the people in question based on actions and the left judges people based on their skin color and how it fits their narrative.

Hell, The New Haven Fire fighter case is a fine example.

Every dem appointed judge supported the city for throwing out the test results because the white people scored to well.
Only an utter retard believes the modern day GOP is all about a meritocracy.

I provided a well known example.

Do you need a link?
I'm quite familiar with which groups the Left favors, just as I am quite familiar with the groups the Right favors (hint: not blacks).

Only an utter retard believes the modern day GOP is all about a meritocracy.
.One of the great ironies of the race debate in America is that Republicans have internalized Martin Luther King's famous saying

No they haven't.

Time after time, when issues or incidents arise, the Right judges the people in question based on actions and the left judges people based on their skin color and how it fits their narrative.

Hell, The New Haven Fire fighter case is a fine example.

Every dem appointed judge supported the city for throwing out the test results because the white people scored to well.
Only an utter retard believes the modern day GOP is all about a meritocracy.

I provided a well known example.

Do you need a link?
I'm quite familiar with which groups the Left favors, just as I am quite familiar with the groups the Right favors (hint: not blacks).

Only an utter retard believes the modern day GOP is all about a meritocracy.

Can you give an example of a time that GOP judged some one based on their skin color and not their actions or positions?

Some type of widespread policy would be best.
No they haven't.

Time after time, when issues or incidents arise, the Right judges the people in question based on actions and the left judges people based on their skin color and how it fits their narrative.

Hell, The New Haven Fire fighter case is a fine example.

Every dem appointed judge supported the city for throwing out the test results because the white people scored to well.
Only an utter retard believes the modern day GOP is all about a meritocracy.

I provided a well known example.

Do you need a link?
I'm quite familiar with which groups the Left favors, just as I am quite familiar with the groups the Right favors (hint: not blacks).

Only an utter retard believes the modern day GOP is all about a meritocracy.

Can you give an example of a time that GOP judged some one based on their skin color and not their actions or positions?

Some type of widespread policy would be best.
Free Speech Under Fire: The ACLU Challenge to "Protest Zones"

On November 4, 2002, one day before Election Day, the President came to the St. Charles Family Arena. Two protesters carrying signs critical of the President's policy on Iraq were ordered into a "protest zone" approximately one-quarter mile away, a location completely out of sight of the building. When the protesters refused, they were arrested. Meanwhile, protesters carrying signs supporting Republican candidates in the election were not ordered into the protest zone, were allowed closer to the President, and were not arrested.

See the link for more examples.

ETA: Another idea floating around the GOP is that Muslims have no First Amendment protection for their religion. Sample: Is the First Amendment only for Christians?
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