Have you ever read No Treason?

Have you read No Treason?

  • Yes and it sucked

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  • No and have no interest in reading it

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Lol...it won't surprise me...nothing surprises me anymore.

Notice that the boot licking toadies have fled the scene. I love discussions on this subject. It's fun watching the boot-lickers trying to justify the unjustifiable. They never have a single argument that stands up under even a cursory examination. The idea that anyone agreed to government compulsion is just too absurd for words.
If so what did you think of it?

For those that haven't here is the short of it

Spooner supports his argument by noting that the Federal government, as established by a legal contract, could not legally bind all persons living in the nation, since none had ever signed their names or given their consent to it – this consent had always been assumed, but it fails the most basic burdens of proof for a valid contract in the courtroom.

I think its a fascinating piece of work and absolutely correct.

Eww! Books!

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