Have you ever used the bathroom designated for the opposite sex?

Ever use the restroom designated for the opposite sex?

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Twice, maybe 3 times....it was a long time ago... once when young, Matt and I were out drinking, (too much) and I used the men's room without even realizing it, missed seeing the urinals and all, and it was not until I was walking out and a man was walking in, that I realized it....I was too buzzed to be embarrassed, THANK goodness! :lol:

And the other 2 times the ladies rooms were out of commission and Matt made sure the men's rooms were empty first, and stood guard while I was in there....!!!
I subscribe to the George Costanza viewpoint.

"It's all pipes, what's the difference."
I have. When ya gotta go ya gotta go lol. But I will admit to being a bit freaked out & hoped that no one saw me exit the bathroom.

At the nudist camp where we summer, the management thinks that they must maintain
separate bathrooms. We all think that it’s rather silly and the gender designations are
universally ignored, especially late at night when we are all toasted. After all, we have already shared all that there is to share with these folks.

Showers, on the other hand, are not separate at all. It’s a good place to check out whatever you’re into. Not everyone is what that seem to be when dressed, and not everyone is clearly a male or female. I take lots of showers.

Regarding your signature line, boss, ”
Liberalism is a mental disorder from which there seems to be no recovery”
the majority of these folks are politically and fiscally conservative. You might like it there yourself
Yes, I have done it many times, but only when it was a one pot restroom and unoccupied (usually at a gas station when traveling).
I have, and you guys can't aim.
Some guys can't hit the broad side of the barn, that doesn't mean none of us can't.

I told the story here before, I went in one by accident. I was frozen riding my motorcycle and went in to a busy restaurant. The restroom was huge and I had the place all to myself! I took my sweet time thawing out to. When I was ready for chow I stepped out and a whole bunch of women were lined up waiting. I did an immediate right turn and out the door. Got on the bike and didn't stop for an hour until I got home. Thought I might get arrested or something.
I’m going to assume that you’re referring to the issue of transgender access to the bathroom of their choice, as though there have not been enough threads about that. Until now this has been kind of a fun and light hearted thread, but now you just changed that. So since you made that statement about Libs pushing it, I will say this. It is transgender people and their advocates who are pushing it and it is ludicrous to label them all as liberals because of that. Maybe those boycotts that you deride can save lives if they get those restrictive laws repealed or overturned. Case in point:


For 17-year-old transgender male Nate Quinn, using the bathroom at school became a battle.

The Florida high school student was barred last year from using the boys’ restroom, where he felt that he belonged, launching his school into the bathroom wars between gay rights activists and social conservatives.

It was very uncomfortable for me and all of the second-grade girls in there,” said Quinn at his Sarasota home, decorated with childhood photos of a girl struggling with gender identity. “I didn’t need that happening every time I would go to the bathroom.”

Bullied to the point he thought about suicide, Quinn began to organize protests early this year and won the right to use the male restroom in January.
Such a non-issue boycotts are enforced. Libs push an issue and any response is hate.....
Anyone get an old style army barracks in basic training?


I forget how many of those I have had to clean.

Poof. Guess I have

Poof. Nope

Poof. Guess I have

Poof. Nope never

I guess it's a matter of how I felt at the time?

Next I'm gonna poof into a young black man so I can get a minority construction contract

I think once I have but.....

a) It was in a very nice hotel or restaurant, I can't remember

b) It was almost deserted....nobody waiting no people around

c) There was a friend at the front door ready to let me know if somebody was coming!

so....there yo go...under those circumstances ...sure. :biggrin:
I think once I have but.....

a) It was in a very nice hotel or restaurant, I can't remember

b) It was almost deserted....nobody waiting no people around

c) There was a friend at the front door ready to let me know if somebody was coming!

so....there yo go...under those circumstances ...sure. :biggrin:
Did you have to dodge all the male cock roaches and their advances?

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