Have you noticed how Democrats went from hoping Americans would die in Baghdad...

Well, The Bible does say that Iran loses 90% of it's Army when they attack Israel and Hail mixed with Fire rains down upon them, and their entire country is set ablaze.

So sounds like Nukes to me.

...to criticizing Trump for killing those responsible for the embassy attack?

Everything the Democratic Party does, abetted by their fascist goons in media and in government agencies such as the FBI, DOJ, CIA, etc. are all about serving the party. You'll also notice all of the leftist fascists on this forum whose loyalty is 100% to their party and screw the average American, whom they despise.

Here is the fascist Huffington Post spewing their anti-American rhetoric.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

So, if we go to war, you will know why, tramp and the rest of his Cons.

I know tramp is just itching to use a nuke.
Democrats were desperate for this to be Trump's Benghazi. They wanted the attack on our embassy to go unanswered. They expected to say Trump let Americans die. Instead Iran got an ass kicking. Dems made a quick pivot to Trump wants war. Other presidents didn't fight back.
Democrats were desperate for this to be Trump's Benghazi. They wanted the attack on our embassy to go unanswered. They expected to say Trump let Americans die. Instead Iran got an ass kicking. Dems made a quick pivot to Trump wants war. Other presidents didn't fight back.
I am thinking not many Democrats make it to heaven. They end up burning in Hell with their friends.
When you lick Ayatollah Assahollah, do you stop and savor the flavor of his dingleberrys?

Iraqis were dancing in the streets.

Kurds don't hate us.

Trump wasn't elected to make terrorists happy.

Trump wasn't "elected" at all. He lost by 3 million votes.

He also ran on the premise that we needed to get out of the Middle East and he was against the Iraq War after he was for it.

So he's now escalated a war that he had previously called a bad idea?

It's positively Orwellian to watch your reaction. They'll be putting in some overtime at the Ministry of Truth.
First el Baghdadi now this guy. Trump is doing spectacularly well.
This is Iran under God's Judgment in Ezekiel 38 & 39!

Pelosi, Schiff say Trump didn't consult with Congress before attack

THIS is just how completely out of touch with / ignorant of the United States Constitution these ass-clowns are and how arrogant and self-important these two traitors are....


F* YOU, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff. Don't cry / throw a fit because the President did not give you the attention you THINK you deserve....Durham and the DOJ - and the American voters - will be giving you all the attention you seek...and more...very soon!

Adam Schiff and Pelosi are owned by China, Russia, and the various Terrorist Groups and Opium Farmers Obama Supported, financed and equipped.

Pelosi, Schiff say Trump didn't consult with Congress before attack

THIS is just how completely out of touch with / ignorant of the United States Constitution these ass-clowns are and how arrogant and self-important these two traitors are....


F* YOU, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff. Don't cry / throw a fit because the President did not give you the attention you THINK you deserve....Durham and the DOJ - and the American voters - will be giving you all the attention you seek...and more...very soon!

I haven't noticed but then my taste in reading material aren't things like the Huffington Post.

Mine either. Occasionally I venture over.

After my posting I began watching the Fox News video posted here:

I returned to get a sense of the HuffPost article and both exhibit an uneasiness about Trump's capabilities to keep the situation in hand.
Trump toying with a pile of dynamite like the Middle East and particularly Iran is definitely the kind of situation that I most feared when he was elected. But I tend to be a worrier, so I hope this is just another of those times....

Pelosi, Schiff say Trump didn't consult with Congress before attack

THIS is just how completely out of touch with / ignorant of the United States Constitution these ass-clowns are and how arrogant and self-important these two traitors are....


F* YOU, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff. Don't cry / throw a fit because the President did not give you the attention you THINK you deserve....Durham and the DOJ - and the American voters - will be giving you all the attention you seek...and more...very soon!

They are furious that they didn't get to leak the details and help Quassem get away.
And all this to accomplish, what, exactly?
The guy that planned the failed takeover of our Embassy, and is responsible for over 600 American deaths was blown to pieces... And you can't think of anything?

1. One less Terrorist leader plotting to kill Americans.

2. It sends a message to Iran and anyone else that is thing of taking his place.

3. It sends a message to Iran that Trump won't grab his ankles and send a plan load of cash.

4. It exposes the Leftists like you.

Were you this hate-filled with rage at Obama when Bin Laden was killed? Seriously. Answer if you have the courage.

I wasn't. I would have preferred he was captured and humiliated like Saddam, but I was glad he was dead.
He’ll never kill another American. That’s how...

Cold comfort to the Americans who will be killed in retalation for his death.

Coming Attractions.

View attachment 298003
You asked, I answered...

It was a dumb answer, buddy.

Looking at it from a cost benefit analysis.

Sulimani will never kill another American.


His followers are now more likely to. The international community, including our allies, are outraged over Trump's actions and are less likely to cooperate with us now. Iraq will probably be driven closer to Iran, and further from us.

In short, the bad effects are going to outweigh any benefits.

But since Trump is Putin's puppet, that was probably the plan all along.
The guy that planned the failed takeover of our Embassy, and is responsible for over 600 American deaths was blown to pieces... And you can't think of anything?

1. One less Terrorist leader plotting to kill Americans.

2. It sends a message to Iran and anyone else that is thing of taking his place.

3. It sends a message to Iran that Trump won't grab his ankles and send a plan load of cash.

4. It exposes the Leftists like you.

Okay, let's look at your list here.

The thing is, the US was happy to look the other way when Sulumani was killing ISIS fighters. the Quds force did most of the heavy lifting in the War on ISIS.

It really doesn't send any message to Iran, we've actually furthered Iran's objectives, which is to bring Iraq and Syria closer into their orbit.

Trump scrapped a perfectly good deal that kept Iran from developing nukes and was re-integrating it into the international community. The British and Germans- our allies- have condemned Trump's actions and are now more likely to ignore sanctions. So will the Russians and Chinese. This is a lot more than a plane load of cash.

Were you this hate-filled with rage at Obama when Bin Laden was killed? Seriously. Answer if you have the courage.

No, Bin Laden had committed actual crimes against the US. I'd have been happier if Bush had actually finished him instead of going on a misadventure in Iraq.

I wasn't. I would have preferred he was captured and humiliated like Saddam, but I was glad he was dead.

Here's the thing. "Humiliating Saddam" cost us more than we got. Saddam was very effective in keeping the Iranians penned in. Now in "getting" him, we lost 5,000 American lives, spent over a trillion dollars, and actually managed to increase Iran's influence in the region.

Was it worth it?

Getting Bin Laden was nice, but it didn't solve any real problems, as Al Qaeda had already been reduced to near nothing at that point. ISIS had already supplanted it as the "hip" Islamist group. But getting him didn't make matters worse, like getting Saddam or getting Sulimani.

To show I am not totally partisan, I do fault Obama for going after Qadaffy, who was behaving himself at that point, and leaving Libya in a bigger mess than when we started.

Since we don't have the ability to invade Iran at this point, we are just strengthening their position by making them the victim here.
I hope all America wakes up finally and realizes that The Democrat Party hates them, and they especially hate Uppity Minorities.
Obama went after Qaddafi to open Libyan Oil Fields for Russia, and YES, that is exactly what they did.

Like they gave Russia a wink and nod to take Crimea which also has a lot of energy reserves.

Like they arranged for Russia to get 20% of our Uranium.

Like they arranged to give Russia 4 of Alaska’s Aleutian Islands that had huge oil reserves.

Like they arranged for a Russian backed Oil Company called Burisma to get millions of US Tax Dollars to develop Oil and Gas Fields in The Ukraine who then gave Hunter Biden a Job he was not qualified and did not deserve.

They did all this because their plan was to use Russian and Iranian Oil to counter OPEC while trying to suppress US Oil Production.

The Obama Administration was 100% in bed with Iran and Russia.

The guy that planned the failed takeover of our Embassy, and is responsible for over 600 American deaths was blown to pieces... And you can't think of anything?

1. One less Terrorist leader plotting to kill Americans.

2. It sends a message to Iran and anyone else that is thing of taking his place.

3. It sends a message to Iran that Trump won't grab his ankles and send a plan load of cash.

4. It exposes the Leftists like you.

Okay, let's look at your list here.

The thing is, the US was happy to look the other way when Sulumani was killing ISIS fighters. the Quds force did most of the heavy lifting in the War on ISIS.

It really doesn't send any message to Iran, we've actually furthered Iran's objectives, which is to bring Iraq and Syria closer into their orbit.

Trump scrapped a perfectly good deal that kept Iran from developing nukes and was re-integrating it into the international community. The British and Germans- our allies- have condemned Trump's actions and are now more likely to ignore sanctions. So will the Russians and Chinese. This is a lot more than a plane load of cash.

Were you this hate-filled with rage at Obama when Bin Laden was killed? Seriously. Answer if you have the courage.

No, Bin Laden had committed actual crimes against the US. I'd have been happier if Bush had actually finished him instead of going on a misadventure in Iraq.

I wasn't. I would have preferred he was captured and humiliated like Saddam, but I was glad he was dead.

Here's the thing. "Humiliating Saddam" cost us more than we got. Saddam was very effective in keeping the Iranians penned in. Now in "getting" him, we lost 5,000 American lives, spent over a trillion dollars, and actually managed to increase Iran's influence in the region.

Was it worth it?

Getting Bin Laden was nice, but it didn't solve any real problems, as Al Qaeda had already been reduced to near nothing at that point. ISIS had already supplanted it as the "hip" Islamist group. But getting him didn't make matters worse, like getting Saddam or getting Sulimani.

To show I am not totally partisan, I do fault Obama for going after Qadaffy, who was behaving himself at that point, and leaving Libya in a bigger mess than when we started.

Since we don't have the ability to invade Iran at this point, we are just strengthening their position by making them the victim here.
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Lol jizz drinker...Then why isn’t France running Libya? No Russia is running the Libyan Oil Fields now.

Obama went after Qaddafi to open Libyan Oil Fields for Russia, and YES, that is exactly what they did.

Actually, the real instigator of the Libya fiasco was France... but never mind, never let a Trump Cultist have facts.
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...to criticizing Trump for killing those responsible for the embassy attack?

Everything the Democratic Party does, abetted by their fascist goons in media and in government agencies such as the FBI, DOJ, CIA, etc. are all about serving the party. You'll also notice all of the leftist fascists on this forum whose loyalty is 100% to their party and screw the average American, whom they despise.

Here is the fascist Huffington Post spewing their anti-American rhetoric.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost
What an idiotic, nauseating premise. How do you not get embarrassed of yourself?

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