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Have your religious beliefs changed much in the last 10 years?

Yes, Jesus on earth ministered to Israel (and the centurion, and the woman with crumbs/table, and the Samaritan woman) but that does not mean that's ALL He was sent for.
"I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Mt 15:24).
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”--Matthew 28:19-20
Um, Jesus isn't sending himself out to make disciples of nations, now, is he.
Jesus said to Pilate:

For this reason I have come into the world, to testify to the TRUTH

(some Christians think he came only to die for us... He seems to hve come for many reasons )

For this reason I have come into the world, to testify to the TRUTH

one truth people don't like is this

Jesus founded ONE (only ONE) Church, not 40,000 different denom.s
Mine have.. although there are some things that have definitely not changed.. Think: What the Catholic Church OFFICIALLY teaches and you will have what I myself believe

but that said, I am fed up with all the corruption in the Church (just as I am w/ the corruption in the nation and the world in general)

It is beyond sad and disturbing that the Church is as corrupt as it apparently is. Priests are no longer very effective in Confession.. some are downright rude and uncaring, which with some people could lead them to depression... and worse.. but they don'tseem to care. Then there's the fact that priests live well, while some parishioners do not have what they even need and cannot get it from the Church... which seems to care more about foreigners than Americans... hey, just like the gummit...

and I could go on.... but I would like to hear thestories of others.. Any similar to mine?
My mother was the most devout Roman Catholic that ever lived probably. As a child I was indoctrinated into Catholicism
By the age of 12 I had my doubts about religion. I still went to church because of my mother. When I join the Air Force and left home I completely broke with going to church. I still believed in God but I knew that God was much more than a icon in a religious institution. I also believe that a god who give mankind the intelligence to dominate this world would expect them to pursue knowledge and wisdom and better themselves. This would be the best way for mankind to pay homage to a Creator being. As far as I'm concerned there's no value in prayer; introspection is much more valuable to the individual as well as the Creator. Have a great day, be all you can be. Thank you.
have evolved, never a desert religionist - paterfamilias ...

if there are sins christians, the desert religions are unable to quit committing there is no hope for them with or without their teddy bears, their maladies are reproachable in every way possible -

whatever the 1st century, long before that time to triumph over evil as prescribed by the metaphysical to become pure in their lifetime was the prescription to free ones spirit for remission from whence they came the heavens above.

to not sin is diametrical to the desert scriptures for which the choice between the two can only be the stepping stone to a productive future.
My mother was the most devout Roman Catholic that ever lived probably. As a child I was indoctrinated into Catholicism
By the age of 12 I had my doubts about religion. I still went to church because of my mother. When I join the Air Force and left home I completely broke with going to church. I still believed in God but I knew that God was much more than a icon in a religious institution. I also believe that a god who give mankind the intelligence to dominate this world would expect them to pursue knowledge and wisdom and better themselves. This would be the best way for mankind to pay homage to a Creator being. As far as I'm concerned there's no value in prayer; introspection is much more valuable to the individual as well as the Creator. Have a great day, be all you can be. Thank you.
introspection and prayer are not mutually exclusive.

they actually can and should go hand in hand. I have had issues with God myself... doesn't seem He is overly "loving" at times, as the Word tells us (God is love--1 Jn 4:8)

But then we humans don't know much about real love, do we? That is seen clearly by... looking around everywhere... anywhere, Church or outside it
have evolved, never a desert religionist - paterfamilias ...

if there are sins christians, the desert religions are unable to quit committing there is no hope for them with or without their teddy bears, their maladies are reproachable in every way possible -

whatever the 1st century, long before that time to triumph over evil as prescribed by the metaphysical to become pure in their lifetime was the prescription to free ones spirit for remission from whence they came the heavens above.

to not sin is diametrical to the desert scriptures for which the choice between the two can only be the stepping stone to a productive future.
i don't get this..

i don't get this..


no one is born a sinner ...

the conflict between good and evil is required for self determination to be resolved one way or another to free ones spirit for admission to the Everlasting - as a life's goal when so desired and is resolved correctly. or perish.
introspection and prayer are not mutually exclusive.

they actually can and should go hand in hand. I have had issues with God myself... doesn't seem He is overly "loving" at times, as the Word tells us (God is love--1 Jn 4:8)

But then we humans don't know much about real love, do we? That is seen clearly by... looking around everywhere... anywhere, Church or outside it
I have no argument with God I love God it's his so-called religious followers who are so quick to jump on others they do not know or care about and condemn them. These people seem to think they are God and they can judge others not only that they think they should judge others. You don't sound like one of those you sound like a person who is using religion to improve yourself through introspection and self-improvement
no one is born a sinner ...

the conflict between good and evil is required for self determination to be resolved one way or another to free ones spirit for admission to the Everlasting - as a life's goal when so desired and is resolved correctly. or perish.
The Worship or Doom " choice " , significant indicator that a religion is tribal ( manmade ) and has nothing to do with God, but rather controlling the targeted population.
I have no argument with God I love God it's his so-called religious followers who are so quick to jump on others they do not know or care about and condemn them. These people seem to think they are God and they can judge others not only that they think they should judge others. You don't sound like one of those you sound like a person who is using religion to improve yourself through introspection and self-improvement

Thanks.. nice when one is not attacked and falsely accused as often happens at forums... they bring out the worst in people..

I may seem to be "jumping" on people sometimes myself but I have had a lot of experience with people who... just seem to want to antagonize me, don't really want to debate but jusst... throw their accusations at you and shut out your words, then think they know all about you... and your "religion"

Because of my experiences w/ these kind of people, I have gotten to be rather impatient... and sometimes I think people are insincere in their differences w/ me.. when maybe they are not?

In other words, I am a human being.. and growing with Jesus is about progress, not perfection, as the 12 step programs put it.. We all need to learn to be a little more patient and understanding... (with people who are sincerely seeking, that is... Those who just want to aggravate and thwart you... I don't bother w/ those kind if I can help it)
no one is born a sinner ...
NOT true

As the Word says He who says he is without sin is a liar and the truth is not in him

We are born w/ original sin... you can see it in children.. their inborn selfishness and possessiveness, etc... the way they throw a temper tantrum when they don't get their way..

We need discipline.. Undisciplined kids grow up to be self indulgent and egotistical... Some become murderers ... sociopaths
Thanks.. nice when one is not attacked and falsely accused as often happens at forums... they bring out the worst in people..

I may seem to be "jumping" on people sometimes myself but I have had a lot of experience with people who... just seem to want to antagonize me, don't really want to debate but jusst... throw their accusations at you and shut out your words, then think they know all about you... and your "religion"

Because of my experiences w/ these kind of people, I have gotten to be rather impatient... and sometimes I think people are insincere in their differences w/ me.. when maybe they are not?

In other words, I am a human being.. and growing with Jesus is about progress, not perfection, as the 12 step programs put it.. We all need to learn to be a little more patient and understanding... (with people who are sincerely seeking, that is... Those who just want to aggravate and thwart you... I don't bother w/ those kind if I can help it)
The important keyword being growth. As long as a religion allows that it's good in my opinion.
NOT true

As the Word says He who says he is without sin is a liar and the truth is not in him

We are born w/ original sin... you can see it in children.. their inborn selfishness and possessiveness, etc... the way they throw a temper tantrum when they don't get their way..

We need discipline.. Undisciplined kids grow up to be self indulgent and egotistical... Some become murderers ... sociopaths

no one is born a sinner ...
NOT true ... He who says he is without sin is a liar and the truth is not in him

curious what might be the sins christians are unable to stop committing ... is in red one of your examples.

not everyone ascribes to the forgeries and fallacies of the c bible ... esp when in contradiction to the spoken, prescribed religion of antiquity. thx's anyway.
Mine have.. although there are some things that have definitely not changed.. Think: What the Catholic Church OFFICIALLY teaches and you will have what I myself believe

but that said, I am fed up with all the corruption in the Church (just as I am w/ the corruption in the nation and the world in general)

It is beyond sad and disturbing that the Church is as corrupt as it apparently is. Priests are no longer very effective in Confession.. some are downright rude and uncaring, which with some people could lead them to depression... and worse.. but they don'tseem to care. Then there's the fact that priests live well, while some parishioners do not have what they even need and cannot get it from the Church... which seems to care more about foreigners than Americans... hey, just like the gummit...

and I could go on.... but I would like to hear thestories of others.. Any similar to mine?

Nope, I felt religion was just another narrative, a way of pushing something fake onto people in order to keep them in their place, and I still feel that, though my view of the world has changed and maybe now I'm more able to explain why I feel this is what religion is.
NOT true

As the Word says He who says he is without sin is a liar and the truth is not in him

We are born w/ original sin... you can see it in children.. their inborn selfishness and possessiveness, etc... the way they throw a temper tantrum when they don't get their way..

We need discipline.. Undisciplined kids grow up to be self indulgent and egotistical... Some become murderers ... sociopaths
The concept of original sin totally conflicts with the philosophy Jesus Christ taught.
NOT true

As the Word says He who says he is without sin is a liar and the truth is not in him

We are born w/ original sin... you can see it in children.. their inborn selfishness and possessiveness, etc... the way they throw a temper tantrum when they don't get their way..

We need discipline.. Undisciplined kids grow up to be self indulgent and egotistical... Some become murderers ... sociopaths
According to Catholic scripture on original sin, it was past from generation to generation through the sexual act. Only Jesus was supposedly without original sin because it was an immaculate conception. My question is this then, with all the children that are being born through in vitro fertilization which eliminates the sexual act. Do these children have original sins ? Logic would say they do not.
I'm not sure about the timing...10 years, 15 years, whatever. I have come to believe that faith is not necessary. Everyone has crises of faith, even the best of us. The important thing is to live one's life according to the beliefs that you choose. I was raised Catholic (12 years parochial schools), and have studied other religions, but there is only one true Christian religion (in my opinion) and I'm with it.

I have also come to realize that the actual history of the person we call Jesus was probably quite a bit different from the story one might discern from the Scriptures - the Christmas narrative is just made-up nonsense - but they got the meat of it right.

The "death of religion" in this country - again, my opinion - is the result of a lazy, uninvolved population, most of whom think, when you get right down to it, that THEY are "god," and can decide for themselves what is right and wrong.

And of course, Leftism is evil. One must never forget that.
I figured out that God stuff was made up gibberish to deceive the masses when I was 12
Haven‘t changed since
Ok, fair enough. To each his own. I believe that's between you and God. But don't you think it's curious that you align yourself with liberal beliefs (don't read this as intending to be a negative) because you believe it is more moral to do so?
I see I wasn't the first person to see the connection. It's an odd marriage.
Mine have changed considerably in the last five years.

I realize what the Bible says now. For example, Jesus never said a single word to me. Not one. He addressed only Israelites.

But like most Christians, I once thought that he and everyone else who wrote the Old Testament were addressing me.
I'm not sure anyone can understand any passage if they don't work hard at trying to understand the message the author was intending to convey. It's not easy. It requires time, thought, objectivity and intelligence. It's hard for a present day man to understand some of the meanings of a people 2 to 3 thousand years ago. There's a lot of context that has to be considered. Not everyone can do it. I never gave much thought to it wasn't intended for me though or why that would matter. But that's just me.

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