Having an Abortion IS Taking Responsibility for your Actions

I know women who don't want to have the baby will figure out a way to abort or miscarriage. I'd rather have a safe place they can do it, like an abortion clinic.

And imagine all the pieces of shit, and you know there are many in America, especially the people in America who have or would get abortions. They are the lowest common denominators in our society. Crack heads for example. Now imagine all those mistakes will be born, and raise, by those pieces of shit.

Oh I'm imagining the repercussions of this decision. Or ramifications.

What would you know about women?

You spend your time trying to erase them and replace them with men.
What I hope happens is when I turn 62:

I have enough to retire, but I don't. I tell my boss I'm going to work 100% remote. No more coming into the office. I strictly manage my aftermarket sales. In fact I want 2 extra weeks off a year. Unpaid of course. I work 9am to 4pm not 8-5pm.

Those extra 2 weeks, I use to spend 3 weeks in Greece every summer. Most all my other vacation days are used for hunting season.

January 2nd drive from MI to Florida and work from Florida from then till April. That's 4 months in Florida. Work from Florida. Off at 4pm. Walking the dog on the beach at 5pm till dark.

Drive back to Metro Detroit in April and get ready for summer on the lake. I live on a lake so summer is like vacation every night right in my back yard. 6 months in Metro Detroit

October 1-Jan 1 is hunting season. Spend a lot of time hunting.

I would be bored if I didn't have a job. Even if you have plans this weekend with friends who work, you spend all week doing nothing pretty much waiting around for the weekend to come. Even if you had unlimited money, what would you be out doing right now? Nothing. Same thing you're doing now. So yea, I'd rather keep my job if I can cut down the hours and get a few more weeks of vacation.

Secret. I would even take a big salary cut in exchange for all this. But I won't tell the boss. I'll just see if he keeps my salary/commissions the same as long as my sales don't suffer why not? He should be scared I'll quit. I'll let him know I don't need the job.

Don't kid yourself. Once not working, you ask yourself "how did I get all this shit done while I was working!"

I'm always busy although I admit it does get dull in the winter. In the summer, there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day. When you don't work you go to sleep later and wake up later. You're not rushing to get ready for work. You come here for a couple of hours, watch the news on television, make a nice breakfast, and eat in relaxation, maybe grab a shower.

My situation is that I own rental property, and there is always something to do here, especially when you have a large yard. My mother never drove a car in her life and needs rides to places all the time. Dad can take her, but I like to keep him off the road as much as possible. Pop is 91 now and his driving skills lack. Even he knows it.

I used to hit the grocery store on the way home from work. Now I call my mother, we go shopping on a Wednesday about 9:30 am since the store is so much less crowded. By the time I pick her up, go shopping, take her home, help her unload her groceries, go home and unload mine, that's around three hours right there, and that's if she doesn't have to go to the bank or Walgreens to pick up her cigarettes.

The considerations you have to figure in is not only if you can afford to retire at 62, but what about ten years from now? Sure, you can work part-time now, but will you be able to do that later on in life? As you stated earlier, healthcare costs are something to consider. Do you really want to retire, and if you're going to retire and not sure if it's really what you want, can you go back to work full-time and get off of retirement by SS standards? That I don't know.

What about if you work until 67, will you still have your health by then and afterwards? What enjoyment will you get from retirement when you can barely make it to the bathroom in your own home? In my case I was forced out of work at the age of 59. When I turned 61 last year, I learned I was full of cancer. They gave me six months to a year with no chemo. With chemo, they may extend it by months or a couple of years. Who knows? Now if I was working until I became this ill, I would have likely been working until the day I die.

Retiring is simply not working, it's gambling. There is no way out of it like there is no way to foresee the future.
Never really understood GOPers that scream “close your legs and be responsible” about abortion. If a woman becomes pregnant and does not want the child, then getting an abortion IS the responsible thing to do.
Whatever makes you feel better in justifying murder.
Killing a child because you don't want to to be bother with them or think they might not turn out like you would want them to ain't cool.

Chose life over death.
Ridiculous. Just being honest. I'm a 20 year old girl. I had unprotected sex with some boy who won't be a father and I'm not ready on any level to be a mom. So I get an abortion.

You may think it aint cool but making me have a baby is way more uncooler.
Don't kid yourself. Once not working, you ask yourself "how did I get all this shit done while I was working!"

I'm always busy although I admit it does get dull in the winter. In the summer, there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day. When you don't work you go to sleep later and wake up later. You're not rushing to get ready for work. You come here for a couple of hours, watch the news on television, make a nice breakfast, and eat in relaxation, maybe grab a shower.

My situation is that I own rental property, and there is always something to do here, especially when you have a large yard. My mother never drove a car in her life and needs rides to places all the time. Dad can take her, but I like to keep him off the road as much as possible. Pop is 91 now and his driving skills lack. Even he knows it.

I used to hit the grocery store on the way home from work. Now I call my mother, we go shopping on a Wednesday about 9:30 am since the store is so much less crowded. By the time I pick her up, go shopping, take her home, help her unload her groceries, go home and unload mine, that's around three hours right there, and that's if she doesn't have to go to the bank or Walgreens to pick up her cigarettes.

The considerations you have to figure in is not only if you can afford to retire at 62, but what about ten years from now? Sure, you can work part-time now, but will you be able to do that later on in life? As you stated earlier, healthcare costs are something to consider. Do you really want to retire, and if you're going to retire and not sure if it's really what you want, can you go back to work full-time and get off of retirement by SS standards? That I don't know.

What about if you work until 67, will you still have your health by then and afterwards? What enjoyment will you get from retirement when you can barely make it to the bathroom in your own home? In my case I was forced out of work at the age of 59. When I turned 61 last year, I learned I was full of cancer. They gave me six months to a year with no chemo. With chemo, they may extend it by months or a couple of years. Who knows? Now if I was working until I became this ill, I would have likely been working until the day I die.

Retiring is simply not working, it's gambling. There is no way out of it like there is no way to foresee the future.
Even my brother with all his money doesn't want to retire because his wife with bitch every time he spends money because there is no longer money coming in. They have 2 places in MI, 1 in FL and 1 in Greece. I'm sure they have a lot of bills.

I don't think I'm going to live to be old. So I'm planning to only work till 62. And my job is pretty easy. If I want to be lazy I can just wait till emails come in, then answer them. But most of the time I'm prospecting when things are slow. If I'm not taking a break and coming here.

Yes, I won't find a hard time filling my days. But my dog doesn't let me sleep in. If the sun is up, he's ready to go for a walk. So I take my naps after we go for a walk. I'm like you. I'll find plenty of things to do.

I just got new stickers for my flat bottom boat. Now all I need is a battery for the troll motor. But this spring/summer/fall we are going to be exploring these rivers near my brothers hunting property. All these years we didn't even realize these rivers were right in our back yard

Otsego County is home to the headwaters to five sprawling rivers: Sturgeon River, Pigeon River, AuSable River, Manistee River & Black River.

Plus his place is in East Jordan. There is also the East Jordan river. Check them out on Youtube. Some of them move pretty fast. Not white water but the folks on the Sturgeon told me not to take my flat bottom on it. LOL. That sounds like a challenge.

Looks like this

Never really understood GOPers that scream “close your legs and be responsible” about abortion. If a woman becomes pregnant and does not want the child, then getting an abortion IS the responsible thing to do.
Total Bullshit.

If you are not prepared to be a parent and raise a child the RESPONSIBLE thing to do is NOT GET PREGNANT.
Ridiculous. Just being honest. I'm a 20 year old girl. I had unprotected sex with some boy who won't be a father and I'm not ready on any level to be a mom. So I get an abortion.
There’s your problem.l, right there. You made a CHOICE that you were unwilling to accept the potential consequences of. Where I come from you’d have been put out on your ass for the CHOICES you made.
There’s your problem.l, right there. You made a CHOICE that you were unwilling to accept the potential consequences of. Where I come from you’d have been put out on your ass for the CHOICES you made.
Where I come from $600 the problem goes away. Then I just have kids later in life when I'm ready.
Total Bullshit.

If you are not prepared to be a parent and raise a child the RESPONSIBLE thing to do is NOT GET PREGNANT.
If you make me have this baby I'm going to torture it every day of it's life. I'm going to be THE WORST parent. I'm going to raise a taliban. I'm going to raise....A LIBERAL!!! LOL.
If you make me have this baby I'm going to torture it every day of it's life. I'm going to be THE WORST parent. I'm going to raise a taliban. I'm going to raise....A LIBERAL!!! LOL.
That’s your choice; but at least you’re taking responsibility for your CHIICE to engage in that act.

The intent is that hopefully future generations will not make that same poor choice in their lives.
Try using the receipt for that $600 when your SOUL gets Judged. I doubt it will do you any good. Right and Wrong can’t be changed by money.
I don't believe in souls or judgement days or heaven. You aren't a god in waiting. Get over yourself.
Go to a bar, find the right person, and $600 makes anyone gone.

What made you so evil? A public school teacher take too much interest in you?
I'm not evil you freak. This is just you trying to move us to the right. Abortion isn't evil. 1/4 of women get them in their lifetime. What's wrong with you?

For the record, I love babies. One of my regrets is not having one. But at 20 I would have gotten an abortion no problem and think it's crazy to make abortion illegal. It's not murder. You're an extremist.

What makes you so evil. I love it when you make it personal. LOL. I must be winning the argument.

Just remember whatever you say to or about me, you are actually talking to or about WOMEN you little bitch.
That’s your choice; but at least you’re taking responsibility for your CHIICE to engage in that act.

The intent is that hopefully future generations will not make that same poor choice in their lives.
I think a lot of these things you right wingers do have caused women to stop having kids. School is too expensive. Jobs pay shit for the masses. Day care unaffordable. Cuts to welfare, medicaid, obamacare, school lunch programs. Inflation.

Conservatives and their cuts to social programs has certainly made having a kid while poor less attractive. And it has lowered birth rates. I commend them for this.

I hope this produces less children but I fear it's going to create more unwanted kids by parents who won't raise them right.

You know why they don't teach parenting in high school? Because kids would realize what pieces of shit their parents are. How badly they were raised.
But it's a good analogy. If a person messes up and robs a bank, it wasn't an accident. Same with having sex. There are no accidents when it comes to getting pregnant. But most people are lucky enough that they don't get pregnant when they have an "accident". If it happened more often to more people, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

If more Republicans had accidents, they'd have more empathy for women who don't want to have a baby. Hell, most Republican male politicians have probably paid for abortions. We know Trump and Bush have.

Anyways, I was thinking if you rob a bank, the right thing to do actually is to turn yourself in. Face the consequences. Do your time. That doesn't mean have a baby. That means going to get an abortion is like turning yourself in. It's the right thing to do. Otherwise what are we suggesting here? That any pieces of shit can and should be parents? OMG I wish more people got abortions not less.
So you're saying that a pregnancy that results from rape or child abuse isn;t an accident?
No, it isn't. There is zero need for abortion.

Every pregnancy is planned. If a women is pregnant, she chose to be. Even in the mythical "rape and incest" cases there is the morning after pill and plan B - there is NEVER a case where a women "accidentally" becomes pregnant.

You are a leftist troll. No one would want to change your mind. Besides, you are a great foil to illustrate the idiocy and immorality of the Abortion Industrial Complex.

The repeal of Roe doesn't make abortion illegal. You keep telling this lie because you think people are so fucking stupid they'll believe it. The repeal of the illegal and unconstitutional law created by the court merely returns control to the states.

BUT the real answer is for you ghouls to stage an effective protest. You and all abortion promoters need to prove to the nation that Abortion is good and holy and Moloch loves you. So abort yourself - Show us all how wonderful abortion is by aborting yourself. Make the world a better place!
You do know the morning after pill prevents a fertilized ovum from attaching to the uterine wall don;t you?

Isn't that fertilized ovum still a child in your view?
I don't believe in souls or judgement days or heaven. You aren't a god in waiting. Get over yourself
I never claimed to be God, or even to speak for one. You are free to believe as you wish.

If I’m wrong I’ve lost nothing through my beliefs and actions. If you’re wrong, we’ll…

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