Having an Abortion IS Taking Responsibility for your Actions

So you're saying that a pregnancy that results from rape or child abuse isn;t an accident?
Well that's an accident for sure. I never liked talking about "what if in case of incest or abortion" to be honest with you because it's none of your business why she wants to get an abortion.

Except for maybe if you think some man is forcing her to get it. Then I'd intervene.
Some women. I don't think it would ever replace abortions. Besides, there will be states where abortion is legal, and some right up to infanticide. If a woman wants to have an abortion anyway, she may have to suffer the inconvenience of a little road trip.
then there has to be a law that only women IN that state that does abortions can get one

more legal work for the pro life people but I will help
I think a lot of these things you right wingers do have caused women to stop having kids. School is too expensive. Jobs pay shit for the masses. Day care unaffordable. Cuts to welfare, medicaid, obamacare, school lunch programs. Inflation.
If so, that’s great. Unwed indivioshould not be having kids. Children are something to be considered only AFTER the creation of a permanent, stable, financially sound couple. If making it as hard as possible for single parents does that… GREAT.
Conservatives and their cuts to social programs has certainly made having a kid while poor less attractive. And it has lowered birth rates. I commend them for this
EXCELLENT. The poor should not be breeding. If you can’t afford kids, don’t have them.
I hope this produces less children but I fear it's going to create more unwanted kids by parents who won't raise them right
Then turn them over for adoption. However, you’d have to stop discriminating against or placing roadblocks in the way of Conservative, Traditionalist parents adopting to make that work.
then there has to be a law that only women IN that state that does abortions can get one

more legal work for the pro life people but I will help

Only if a state makes such a law which I doubt any leftist state will. If anything they are losing people to conservative states and will welcome anybody that's considering moving out of one.
If so, that’s great. Unwed indivioshould not be having kids. Children are something to be considered only AFTER the creation of a permanent, stable, financially sound couple. If making it as hard as possible for single parents does that… GREAT.

EXCELLENT. The poor should not be breeding. If you can’t afford kids, don’t have them.

Then turn them over for adoption. However, you’d have to stop discriminating against or placing roadblocks in the way of Conservative, Traditionalist parents adopting to make that work.
Together, we would solve the over population problem.

  • The median household income in the US in 2019 was $68,703
  • There were 34 million people below the poverty line in the US in 2019
330 million people in the USA

Lower-income households had incomes less than $48,500

A lot of Republicans told me I was wrong to say poor people shouldn't have kids. Glad you agree.
Only if a state makes such a law which I doubt any leftist state will. If anything they are losing people to conservative states and will welcome anybody that's considering moving out of one.
I saw if the Supreme's decision happens MI would possibly ban abortion. How is that possible when we voted for Biden and we have a Democratic Governor? Seems like this shit is going to affect some blue states who happen to have a very gerrymandered State House and State Senate that are both controlled by Republicans.

If MI wasn't so heavily gerrymandered Democrats would control both state houses. This is why Republican shinanigans matter. Suddenly cons are telling us what to do in blue states. It's fucked up.

Elections have consequences. And many people who voted for Trump didn't believe all this stuff would happen. Republicans are sneaky. Liars. Con men.
I think a lot of these things you right wingers do have caused women to stop having kids. School is too expensive. Jobs pay shit for the masses. Day care unaffordable. Cuts to welfare, medicaid, obamacare, school lunch programs. Inflation.

Conservatives and their cuts to social programs has certainly made having a kid while poor less attractive. And it has lowered birth rates. I commend them for this.

I hope this produces less children but I fear it's going to create more unwanted kids by parents who won't raise them right.

You know why they don't teach parenting in high school? Because kids would realize what pieces of shit their parents are. How badly they were raised.

When did Republicans cut any of those things? Schools are funded locally by the local taxpayers. It's up to the people of a community how much they wish to spend for their schools.
What lowered birth rates is the cost of raising a child today. According to the CDC, the cost to you will be $233,000 to raise that middle-class child up to the age of 18. If you want the standard 2 child family, you better be willing to cough up a half-million dollars in the next 20 years or so.

The people who have the larger families are those that mostly depend on government assistance. Working parents are limited based on their income. As far as the lowlifes are concerned, the more kids, the larger the SNAP's card, the larger the HUD home in the suburbs, the more TANF, the larger the welfare check.

By providing for those parent(s), we are creating more poor people since the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. There is no incentive outside of tax breaks for middle-class families to procreate.
Together, we would solve the over population problem…. A lot of Republicans told me I was wrong to say poor people shouldn't have kids. Glad you agree.
Nobody who can’t afford to raise a child should be having children. I don't see that as a wildly outrageous concept.

Now, I don’t believe it should cost most people anywhere near as much to raise a child as it seems to these days. We’ve raised the “standard of living” far beyond where it needs to be.

I grew up in hand-me-down clothes, eating non-branded food with one parent working and the other staying home. My parents weren’t superstars. This can be done by other people.
When did Republicans cut any of those things? Schools are funded locally by the local taxpayers. It's up to the people of a community how much they wish to spend for their schools.
What lowered birth rates is the cost of raising a child today. According to the CDC, the cost to you will be $233,000 to raise that middle-class child up to the age of 18. If you want the standard 2 child family, you better be willing to cough up a half-million dollars in the next 20 years or so.

The people who have the larger families are those that mostly depend on government assistance. Working parents are limited based on their income. As far as the lowlifes are concerned, the more kids, the larger the SNAP's card, the larger the HUD home in the suburbs, the more TANF, the larger the welfare check.

By providing for those parent(s), we are creating more poor people since the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. There is no incentive outside of tax breaks for middle-class families to procreate.
Maybe parents need to move to a blue state?

New Mexico will eliminate the cost of child care for most families through June 2023, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced in a press release. This initiative will apply to families that earn up to 400% of the federal poverty level, expanding affordable child care to more than 30,000 families.

I heard this is like $1400 a month. Or $17,000 a year.
Maybe parents need to move to a blue state?

New Mexico will eliminate the cost of child care for most families through June 2023, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced in a press release. This initiative will apply to families that earn up to 400% of the federal poverty level, expanding affordable child care to more than 30,000 families.

I heard this is like $1400 a month. Or $17,000 a year.

Fine by me as long as they don't call on the federal government for help when their state goes completely broke.

The cost of living is much higher in commie states. The CDC is average for the entire country. So it's likely that to raise a child in a commie state, the cost is closer to $300,000.
Nobody who can’t afford to raise a child should be having children. I don't see that as a wildly outrageous concept.

Now, I don’t believe it should cost most people anywhere near as much to raise a child as it seems to these days. We’ve raised the “standard of living” far beyond where it needs to be.

I grew up in hand-me-down clothes, eating non-branded food with one parent working and the other staying home. My parents weren’t superstars. This can be done by other people.
If you eliminate the fact that most people can't afford to have kids, I'll argue a lot less for abortions. I'd say to the woman, "man up, go get a 40 hour a week job and raise your kid". If that was possible for anyone, I'd agree no need to abort. I think money is the number one reason people get abortions.

You would think it's not an outrageous concept but try telling a black person that none of those black people in Detroit, Chicago and LA should be having kids, they'll claim you are suggesting genocide.

Of course that's only 20% of the black population in America who falls below the poverty line. That's not genocide to suggest 20% of your population should keep it in their pants. If 80% of them fell below the poverty line then I would see their argument. I didn't know 80% of black Americans live above the poverty line. And for reference, 8% of whites live below the poverty line. They shouldn't be having kids either.

But I bet you the people who live below the poverty level have the most kids.
Nobody who can’t afford to raise a child should be having children. I don't see that as a wildly outrageous concept.

Now, I don’t believe it should cost most people anywhere near as much to raise a child as it seems to these days. We’ve raised the “standard of living” far beyond where it needs to be.

I grew up in hand-me-down clothes, eating non-branded food with one parent working and the other staying home. My parents weren’t superstars. This can be done by other people.

Yes but how old are you? I'm in my early 60's and that was pretty much the norm. My mother too stayed home at least until we got into school. Even then she was home long before any of us kids got back from school.

A friend of mine raised his family and his wife stayed home to home school the kids. He worked two full-time jobs the entire time, and even afterwards. I don't know how he did it, but did so with no complaints.
I saw if the Supreme's decision happens MI would possibly ban abortion. How is that possible when we voted for Biden and we have a Democratic Governor? Seems like this shit is going to affect some blue states who happen to have a very gerrymandered State House and State Senate that are both controlled by Republicans.

If MI wasn't so heavily gerrymandered Democrats would control both state houses. This is why Republican shinanigans matter. Suddenly cons are telling us what to do in blue states. It's fucked up.

Elections have consequences. And many people who voted for Trump didn't believe all this stuff would happen. Republicans are sneaky. Liars. Con men.

That old wives tale again? Gerrymandering happens on both sides, but the brain washers want you to think only Republicans do it.
Together, we would solve the over population problem.

  • The median household income in the US in 2019 was $68,703
  • There were 34 million people below the poverty line in the US in 2019
330 million people in the USA

Lower-income households had incomes less than $48,500

A lot of Republicans told me I was wrong to say poor people shouldn't have kids. Glad you agree.

Actually we could solve this over population problem by electing Trump next election where he will once again greatly bring down the number of illegals entering this country, especially if he has a conservative Congress to back up his plans.
Fine by me as long as they don't call on the federal government for help when their state goes completely broke.

The cost of living is much higher in commie states. The CDC is average for the entire country. So it's likely that to raise a child in a commie state, the cost is closer to $300,000.
Oh I'm so sorry Ray but....

The state estimates 30,000 families will now qualify for early childhood care, paid for by a mixture of state and federal tax dollars.

According to the governor's office, this child care expansion is funded for the first year under the American Rescue Plan Act.

You people who don't believe in government or know how it works should not run our government.
That old wives tale again? Gerrymandering happens on both sides, but the brain washers want you to think only Republicans do it.
It happens on both sides but new we see what Republicans in Michigan plan to do with it.

Actually, Michiganders passed a ballot initiative to stop gerrymandering. It just may be too late because our state house and senate are already gerrymandered biggly.
Actually we could solve this over population problem by electing Trump next election where he will once again greatly bring down the number of illegals entering this country, especially if he has a conservative Congress to back up his plans.
No he won't. He won't go after illegal employers so he's just playing wack a mole for your entertainment.
There's no way Republicans can take away a woman's right to get an abortion. They can make it extremely hard but illegal?

And I suppose if they lower it from 24 weeks down to 12, I guess women will learn to live with that deadline. At least abortion won't be "illegal". It will just be illegal after 12 weeks instead of 24.

I suppose any woman who has unprotected sex should start worrying 2 or 3 weeks after she had that sex now. Or she should take the morning after pill. My nephew is in college. The morning after pill is very popular. Costs him $60 he said.
You make American women sound totally ignorant. The intelligent thing would be to simply not have unprotected sex.

It's pretty pathetic, how many of you post here and simply admit that you cannot control your genitals.

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