Having an Abortion IS Taking Responsibility for your Actions

No he won't. He won't go after illegal employers so he's just playing wack a mole for your entertainment.

The President doesn't go after employers, the DHS does.

If you bother reading it (which I doubt you will) pay close attention to the date of the article.

It happens on both sides but new we see what Republicans in Michigan plan to do with it.

Actually, Michiganders passed a ballot initiative to stop gerrymandering. It just may be too late because our state house and senate are already gerrymandered biggly.

Gerrymandering does not affect the states Governor's race. That's decided on by a majority vote--not the electoral college.
Oh I'm so sorry Ray but....

The state estimates 30,000 families will now qualify for early childhood care, paid for by a mixture of state and federal tax dollars.

According to the governor's office, this child care expansion is funded for the first year under the American Rescue Plan Act.

You people who don't believe in government or know how it works should not run our government.

I was going to say the same thing about you.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents.
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Yes but how old are you? I'm in my early 60's and that was pretty much the norm. My mother too stayed home at least until we got into school. Even then she was home long before any of us kids got back from school.
I’ll be 48 in July. I was born in ‘74.
A friend of mine raised his family and his wife stayed home to home school the kids. He worked two full-time jobs the entire time, and even afterwards. I don't know how he did it, but did so with no complaints
My brother is a Lutheran pastor in the northern Midwest. He has seven kids between 13 years and 3 years. They homeschool. They hand down clothes and thrift shop. They make it work.
If you eliminate the fact that most people can't afford to have kids, I'll argue a lot less for abortions. I'd say to the woman, "man up, go get a 40 hour a week job and raise your kid". If that was possible for anyone, I'd agree no need to abort. I think money is the number one reason people get abortions
The reason most people can’t afford kids is because they live above their means.

Children were never intended to be raised in a single parent home. Eliminate the single-parent issue and a lot of the money problem should go away.
You would think it's not an outrageous concept but try telling a black person that none of those black people in Detroit, Chicago and LA should be having kids, they'll claim you are suggesting genocide
I’m all for genocide. I believe the entire human species needs to be eliminated.
Of course that's only 20% of the black population in America who falls below the poverty line. That's not genocide to suggest 20% of your population should keep it in their pants. If 80% of them fell below the poverty line then I would see their argument. I didn't know 80% of black Americans live above the poverty line. And for reference, 8% of whites live below the poverty line. They shouldn't be having kids either
100% agreed. Nobody who is incapable of affording to raise a child should be having a child. Regardless of race.
But I bet you the people who live below the poverty level have the most kids.
If we make it harder to raise those kids, maybe we can change that.
I’ll be 48 in July. I was born in ‘74.

My brother is a Lutheran pastor in the northern Midwest. He has seven kids between 13 years and 3 years. They homeschool. They hand down clothes and thrift shop. They make it work.

Perhaps but a lot of people don't want to live that way anymore, thus the lack of interest in having children. They'd rather use their income to have a nicer house, a newer car, cell phones and 500 channel cable television, most of the channels they'll never watch.

When we get to talking about cell phones, my father has to laugh. He pays more for his cell phone bill than he did the mortgage on the house we grew up in. Our society in the US has become much more materialistic over the decades because we have more things to spend money on than kids.
Perhaps but a lot of people don't want to live that way anymore, thus the lack of interest in having children. They'd rather use their income to have a nicer house, a newer car, cell phones and 500 channel cable television, most of the channels they'll never watch
Life has never been about what we CAN do. It’s about what we SHOULD do. If you don’t want kids don’t get pregnant (or get someone pregnant, if you’re Male). If you can do that, feel free to waste your money however you please. However, if you fail at that, it’s no longer your choice, it’s a Responsibility; whether you like it or not.
Our society in the US has become much more materialistic over the decades because we have more things to spend money on than kids.
That’s fine; then don’t have the kids. Be chaste. Use proper protection. However you want to do it… but if it doesn’t work it’s time to Man/woman up and accept the consequences of your choices.
Never really understood GOPers that scream “close your legs and be responsible” about abortion. If a woman becomes pregnant and does not want the child, then getting an abortion IS the responsible thing to do.
There it is, the aggressive left wing male's argument in a nutshell. Force the woman to "take responsibility" to kill the life within her and erase the guy's future responsibility at the stroke of a scalpel.
I'm not evil you freak.

You're no more evil than Charlie Manson, Richard Rameriz, Joseph Mengele, or Kermit Gosnell.

This is just you trying to move us to the right. Abortion isn't evil. 1/4 of women get them in their lifetime. What's wrong with you?

Killing the most innocent and defenseless in a society is abjectly evil.
For the record, I love babies.

Because you can sacrifice them to Moloch?

One of my regrets is not having one. But at 20 I would have gotten an abortion no problem and think it's crazy to make abortion illegal. It's not murder. You're an extremist.

Would you get an abortion through your dick? Since men get pregnant and all?

What makes you so evil. I love it when you make it personal. LOL. I must be winning the argument.

Just remember whatever you say to or about me, you are actually talking to or about WOMEN you little bitch.

Because you are all women? You've erased and replaced the entire gender?

I was going to say the same thing about you.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents.
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Wouldn't it be nice if they (our federal government) only did what is necessary? No bureaucracy. No public schools. No department of labor and HUD. Etc.

I would love to visit the alternate universe where America is run like libertarians say. And one that is all Republican. No Democrats in the Republican universe. Or there are but not enough to stop you from passing all your trickle down legislation. Where government doesn't get involved in all the stuff it's involved in now.

Someone showed me earlier today that Virginia has the highest per capita income? A lot of government jobs perhaps?

Also consider that these good paying government jobs, just like union jobs, bring other wages up. Even if you don't have a government or union job, you still benefit from those types of jobs, believe it or not.
Wouldn't it be nice if they (our federal government) only did what is necessary? No bureaucracy. No public schools. No department of labor and HUD. Etc.

I would love to visit the alternate universe where America is run like libertarians say. And one that is all Republican. No Democrats in the Republican universe. Or there are but not enough to stop you from passing all your trickle down legislation. Where government doesn't get involved in all the stuff it's involved in now.

Someone showed me earlier today that Virginia has the highest per capita income? A lot of government jobs perhaps?

Also consider that these good paying government jobs, just like union jobs, bring other wages up. Even if you don't have a government or union job, you still benefit from those types of jobs, believe it or not.

At one time perhaps, but not the past 30 years or so. As a former truck driver one of our customers made crates. They made crates the size of suitcases up to crates the size of a trailer for hauling machines. I used to deliver those crates to companies that were moving out of the state or country. A few times I got to talking with a supervisor and even owners. They hated to leave, but had no choice. The unions chased them out because they refused to back down. The unions told their members the company was FOS. They had the money to pay them what they wanted, but they were just getting greedy. The truth of the matter is no union company could compete against a non-union company.

The federal government is obligated to spend money for what's outlined in the Constitution. Outside of that are decisions reps want to spend money on. If we only listened to Madison's words, do you really think our country would be 30 trillion in debt today? Our founders didn't create the federal government as a charity. They created our federal government to govern. Went far, far beyond that.
At one time perhaps, but not the past 30 years or so. As a former truck driver one of our customers made crates. They made crates the size of suitcases up to crates the size of a trailer for hauling machines. I used to deliver those crates to companies that were moving out of the state or country. A few times I got to talking with a supervisor and even owners. They hated to leave, but had no choice. The unions chased them out because they refused to back down. The unions told their members the company was FOS. They had the money to pay them what they wanted, but they were just getting greedy. The truth of the matter is no union company could compete against a non-union company.

The federal government is obligated to spend money for what's outlined in the Constitution. Outside of that are decisions reps want to spend money on. If we only listened to Madison's words, do you really think our country would be 30 trillion in debt today? Our founders didn't create the federal government as a charity. They created our federal government to govern. Went far, far beyond that.
I believe all the conspiracy theories including the rich took over our government in 1913

So then I admit both sides are corrupt. Only Ron Paul admits this stuff is true. Our income shouldn't be taxed. Or if it was, it was supposed to be for a short time to pay for WW2. But that's when government started growing.

Fact is, without government growth, every president would have had a recession. Each guy spent his way out of a recession.

Yea, ultimately, I agree. I just pick the democratic/liberal side because for one I don't believe in trickle down. I think the GOP represents the rich more than the Democrats. The Democrats at least PRETEND to represent labor. I know. Even Unions admit the Democrats are just the lesser of two evils. And I know even the unions are corrupt. It's all corrupt.

So what's a guy to do? What you did. Save your money. Save as much as you can. Make good investments. Like your rentals.

This woman who should be enjoying retirement was checking me out at Kroger. She was complaining she can only make $1400 a month on social security. Because every dollar more over that she pays $1 for every $2 she makes. Anyways, she's complaining she can't live on ss alone. So she must be waiting for 67 so she gets full SS. I point to one of her tatoos and asked when she got it. She said 1980. I asked how much it cost. She said $40. I said, "Imagine if you would have purchased 2 shares of Nike. That $40 today would be $23,000"
I believe all the conspiracy theories including the rich took over our government in 1913

So then I admit both sides are corrupt. Only Ron Paul admits this stuff is true. Our income shouldn't be taxed. Or if it was, it was supposed to be for a short time to pay for WW2. But that's when government started growing.

Fact is, without government growth, every president would have had a recession. Each guy spent his way out of a recession.

Yea, ultimately, I agree. I just pick the democratic/liberal side because for one I don't believe in trickle down. I think the GOP represents the rich more than the Democrats. The Democrats at least PRETEND to represent labor. I know. Even Unions admit the Democrats are just the lesser of two evils. And I know even the unions are corrupt. It's all corrupt.

So what's a guy to do? What you did. Save your money. Save as much as you can. Make good investments. Like your rentals.

This woman who should be enjoying retirement was checking me out at Kroger. She was complaining she can only make $1400 a month on social security. Because every dollar more over that she pays $1 for every $2 she makes. Anyways, she's complaining she can't live on ss alone. So she must be waiting for 67 so she gets full SS. I point to one of her tatoos and asked when she got it. She said 1980. I asked how much it cost. She said $40. I said, "Imagine if you would have purchased 2 shares of Nike. That $40 today would be $23,000"

There is a lot that can be done about a lot of problems we have, but try finding the representatives to do them.

For instance let's take our deficit spending that eventually leads to the debt. We implement a consumption tax. Our Congress can spend what they take in, but if they spend more, the people must pay for it through a consumption tax, let's say 8 cents on the dollar and that is the minimum consumption tax we can have. If our spending is under control,then that new tax will be used to repay the debt we've accumulated all of these years.

Now if the spending exceeds revenue, we raise the consumption tax to pay for it. You want free college, it goes from 8 cents to 10 cents on the dollar. Get involved in the Ukraine/ Russian war, 12 cents. Retrofit the highway system to accommodate electric cars, another 2 cents.

The problem is when these people spend on shit most people don't want, it doesn't affect most people. It doesn't affect you, me, most of the working people in our country, so we don't act like it's the end of the world when they do this spending.

If people actually had to pay for it, now they will start paying attention to spending. We would protest pork spending. We would get rid of representatives that voted for over spending. Everybody would have a dog in the race.

So why don't they do something like that? Because it gives our representatives the ability to spend this country into a depression; not in our lifetime, but eventually people are going to have to pay for it, and those are the people not even born yet.
The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law that recognizes an embryo or fetus in utero as a legal victim if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb."
The bill contained the alternate title of Laci and Conner's Law after the California mother (Laci Peterson) and fetus (Conner Peterson) whose deaths were widely publicized during the later stages of the congressional debate on the bill in 2003 and 2 004. Husband Scott Peterson was convicted of double homicide under California's fetal homicide law.
There is a lot that can be done about a lot of problems we have, but try finding the representatives to do them.

For instance let's take our deficit spending that eventually leads to the debt. We implement a consumption tax. Our Congress can spend what they take in, but if they spend more, the people must pay for it through a consumption tax, let's say 8 cents on the dollar and that is the minimum consumption tax we can have. If our spending is under control,then that new tax will be used to repay the debt we've accumulated all of these years.

Now if the spending exceeds revenue, we raise the consumption tax to pay for it. You want free college, it goes from 8 cents to 10 cents on the dollar. Get involved in the Ukraine/ Russian war, 12 cents. Retrofit the highway system to accommodate electric cars, another 2 cents.

The problem is when these people spend on shit most people don't want, it doesn't affect most people. It doesn't affect you, me, most of the working people in our country, so we don't act like it's the end of the world when they do this spending.

If people actually had to pay for it, now they will start paying attention to spending. We would protest pork spending. We would get rid of representatives that voted for over spending. Everybody would have a dog in the race.

So why don't they do something like that? Because it gives our representatives the ability to spend this country into a depression; not in our lifetime, but eventually people are going to have to pay for it, and those are the people not even born yet.
I believe a 20% cut to our social security is coming, in our lifetime. I asked my buddy who's retired at 53 and has millions in the bank if he'd be cool with that. He said he would not. And we're talking about what he'll get at 62. Probably only around $1600. So he would only get $1280 a month. He said he would not be happy with a $300 a month cut in his benefits.

But just like abortion, what are we going to do if they do it? Nothing we can do. Just bend over and take it.

The borrowed from SS. Put the money back. PERIOD. Don't cut my benefits.

I'm 51. If they want to cut everyone who's 49 or younger, fine. I'll go along with that. LOL.
I believe a 20% cut to our social security is coming, in our lifetime. I asked my buddy who's retired at 53 and has millions in the bank if he'd be cool with that. He said he would not. And we're talking about what he'll get at 62. Probably only around $1600. So he would only get $1280 a month. He said he would not be happy with a $300 a month cut in his benefits.

But just like abortion, what are we going to do if they do it? Nothing we can do. Just bend over and take it.

The borrowed from SS. Put the money back. PERIOD. Don't cut my benefits.

I'm 51. If they want to cut everyone who's 49 or younger, fine. I'll go along with that. LOL.

The problem is not them putting back that they borrowed. They are held to law to return that money. The problem is we are living longer and longer and there have been no adjustments to SS deductions in God knows how long. it's the same with Medicare and now that's going broke as well.

If the government kept increasing payroll deductions eventually working people would want out. They'd petition their reps for a better system such as private. They are not about to let go of that power, especially Democrats. So they let these systems go broke and it's somebody else's problem when they're long out of office.
The problem is not them putting back that they borrowed. They are held to law to return that money. The problem is we are living longer and longer and there have been no adjustments to SS deductions in God knows how long. it's the same with Medicare and now that's going broke as well.

If the government kept increasing payroll deductions eventually working people would want out. They'd petition their reps for a better system such as private. They are not about to let go of that power, especially Democrats. So they let these systems go broke and it's somebody else's problem when they're long out of office.
Private insurance for old people is very expensive. I say we should let young healthy people who don't have healthcare buy in to medicare. Wouldn't that strengthen the program? Those young healthy people won't use it a lot but they'll pay in to it.
Private insurance for old people is very expensive. I say we should let young healthy people who don't have healthcare buy in to medicare. Wouldn't that strengthen the program? Those young healthy people won't use it a lot but they'll pay in to it.

Then what you're talking about is an entire government system. I don't want these people having total control over the citizens.

Dementia tried to force all industry into making sure their employees were vaccinated. When it went to the Supreme Court, they ruled that he couldn't do that, but he can have those mandates in health facilities. Why health facilities? Because they have government patients that are getting cared for with government funds.

So what would a court have ruled if we were all government patients? Seemingly they would be able to force everybody into taking a medication they may not want or need.

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