Having an Abortion IS Taking Responsibility for your Actions

By definition; An abortion is when a pregnancy is ended so that it doesn't result in the birth of a child. The leading cause of death in America is abortions. Over 2,000 abortions a day,

Yea, and we already have enough unwanted and neglected children in the USA. You want to add 800,000 a year more?

Prison is full of young people who's parents did a lousy job and those parents don't even visit their kids. You're going to add 800,000 a year to our prison system?

Ok maybe not all 800,000 will end up in prison but I'll bet 100,000 will. At least.
Yea, and we already have enough unwanted and neglected children in the USA. You want to add 800,000 a year more?

Prison is full of young people who's parents did a lousy job and those parents don't even visit their kids. You're going to add 800,000 a year to our prison system?

Ok maybe not all 800,000 will end up in prison but I'll bet 100,000 will. At least.

Under that logic you agree with me about solving poverty in this country. Anybody applying for public assistance shouldn't get a dime until they are fixed first; taxpayers expense of course. After all, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in most cases.
Yea, and we already have enough unwanted and neglected children in the USA. You want to add 800,000 a year more?

Prison is full of young people who's parents did a lousy job and those parents don't even visit their kids. You're going to add 800,000 a year to our prison system?

Ok maybe not all 800,000 will end up in prison but I'll bet 100,000 will. At least.
Parents are in jail also. Kids are not the problem, parents are.
Killing a child is never an appropriate thing to do. Or are you one of those anti-science nutjobs who believes a child isn't alive until it exits the birth canal? That's voodoo.

Unless it's sitting on top of oil. Then it's VERY APPROPRIATE, right?

Or if it has mental problems and committed a crime, VERY APPROPRIATE then too, right?
Under that logic you agree with me about solving poverty in this country. Anybody applying for public assistance shouldn't get a dime until they are fixed first; taxpayers expense of course. After all, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in most cases.
Hell yes I agree with doing that. You'd see a lot of women not ask for public assistance if that were the case. They'd figure it out on their own if we did that.

I'd also make you work 5 hours a week for welfare. Just 5 hours a week picking up trash or whatever. You'd be surprised how many people wouldn't ask for help if they had to work 5 hours for it. Make it painful enough they'd prefer to work 40 hours x minimum wage rather than ask for it.

On another note. We should have let the big pharmas charge $100 in the beginning for the covid shot. Then Republicans would want it. Because it was free, they didn't want it. Then in 3 months make it $20. You'd see they'd want it if it cost something. LOL. Weird.
Under that logic you agree with me about solving poverty in this country. Anybody applying for public assistance shouldn't get a dime until they are fixed first; taxpayers expense of course. After all, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in most cases.

An IUD or other implant would suffice.

The last thing we need is to give the fucking government the power to force surgeries that are irreversible on the people.
An IUD or other implant would suffice.

The last thing we need is to give the fucking government the power to force surgeries that are irreversible on the people.

It doesn't matter what method used as long as they can't have children while on public assistance. The problem is the more kids the more government goodies, and that needs to stop.
Hell yes I agree with doing that. You'd see a lot of women not ask for public assistance if that were the case. They'd figure it out on their own if we did that.

I'd also make you work 5 hours a week for welfare. Just 5 hours a week picking up trash or whatever. You'd be surprised how many people wouldn't ask for help if they had to work 5 hours for it. Make it painful enough they'd prefer to work 40 hours x minimum wage rather than ask for it.

On another note. We should have let the big pharmas charge $100 in the beginning for the covid shot. Then Republicans would want it. Because it was free, they didn't want it. Then in 3 months make it $20. You'd see they'd want it if it cost something. LOL. Weird.

Back in the early 80s I was a stupid kid and quit my job not realizing how serious the recession was or was going to get. So I applied for welfare, in person since the internet was only a thought at the time. I stood in line half of the day.

In any case they did have a work requirement since a lot of working people were applying. I told them I'm fine with working and even prefer it as long as it's not on a Monday because Monday is when all the new jobs were posted in the paper. But any other day of the week was fine with me including Saturdays. They refused to accommodate my request. So I got up, told the lady to shove her welfare and she'll never see me again unless I became physically or mentally incapable of working.

I don't care what anybody says about the 2008 recession, the 80's recession was much worse. There weren't even any McDonald's jobs around. So I applied at every temp agency in the city. Manpower called me in for a job, and after I worked that job, they called me for every new job that came up afterwards. They even asked me if I'd be willing to work two shifts on different jobs.

I was working about 50 hours a week and was watching the news one night. They were reporting how they got rid of the work requirements for welfare. The government unions were bitching up a storm and even threatening to go on strike if they didn't get rid of the program. Welfare people were doing their jobs and that pissed them off.
Back in the early 80s I was a stupid kid and quit my job not realizing how serious the recession was or was going to get. So I applied for welfare, in person since the internet was only a thought at the time. I stood in line half of the day.

In any case they did have a work requirement since a lot of working people were applying. I told them I'm fine with working and even prefer it as long as it's not on a Monday because Monday is when all the new jobs were posted in the paper. But any other day of the week was fine with me including Saturdays. They refused to accommodate my request. So I got up, told the lady to shove her welfare and she'll never see me again unless I became physically or mentally incapable of working.

I don't care what anybody says about the 2008 recession, the 80's recession was much worse. There weren't even any McDonald's jobs around. So I applied at every temp agency in the city. Manpower called me in for a job, and after I worked that job, they called me for every new job that came up afterwards. They even asked me if I'd be willing to work two shifts on different jobs.

I was working about 50 hours a week and was watching the news one night. They were reporting how they got rid of the work requirements for welfare. The government unions were bitching up a storm and even threatening to go on strike if they didn't get rid of the program. Welfare people were doing their jobs and that pissed them off.
As a kid who was born in 1970, I was always able to find work. Let's say I started working when I was 13. Walking dogs, cutting grass. My first jobs were either working at this skeet shooting hunt club or catering. The sophomores and juniors got to drive the tractor or catering trucks, I did the grunt work in the beginning like everyone else. I remember one time driving the catering truck even though I wasn't even 16. Getting drunk at the weddings we'd be catering or afterward. The owners girlfriend trying to fuck me in the basement. Oh those were the days. LOL.

Anyways, I don't even recall a recession from my perspective from 1983 on. I'm sure my dad remembers it. He worked at the Lincoln Ford plant and I believe they went down to 2 shifts instead of 3 and people lost their jobs. Reagan saved them. That's why Reagan got so much support from blue collar and unions.

I remember the Bush 1 recession because I was graduating college and the economy sucked. Sucked bad. But I got my first good job from a girl's father. She went to college with my brother and so her dad hired me. Usually your first job it's not what you know it's who you know. I was also part time valet, chauffer and bellman and made a fortune in tips at that job. And then it was the 90's and us sales people made a fortune that decade. Then 2000 hit and that decade sucked bad. Real bad.
As a kid who was born in 1970, I was always able to find work. Let's say I started working when I was 13. Walking dogs, cutting grass. My first jobs were either working at this skeet shooting hunt club or catering. The sophomores and juniors got to drive the tractor or catering trucks, I did the grunt work in the beginning like everyone else. I remember one time driving the catering truck even though I wasn't even 16. Getting drunk at the weddings we'd be catering or afterward. The owners girlfriend trying to fuck me in the basement. Oh those were the days. LOL.

Anyways, I don't even recall a recession from my perspective from 1983 on. I'm sure my dad remembers it. He worked at the Lincoln Ford plant and I believe they went down to 2 shifts instead of 3 and people lost their jobs. Reagan saved them. That's why Reagan got so much support from blue collar and unions.

I remember the Bush 1 recession because I was graduating college and the economy sucked. Sucked bad. But I got my first good job from a girl's father. She went to college with my brother and so her dad hired me. Usually your first job it's not what you know it's who you know. I was also part time valet, chauffer and bellman and made a fortune in tips at that job. And then it was the 90's and us sales people made a fortune that decade. Then 2000 hit and that decade sucked bad. Real bad.

The 80's recession was the worst in my lifetime although I was still a minor during the Carter years. They called the 2000's the worst one but it certainly paled in comparison as I was an adult supporting myself through both. Yeah, there is always work if you have to work, but the problem is work that pays enough to support yourself. There were jobs like that in the 2000's recession but not during the 80s. Even the temp job I found was minimum wage but I worked a lot of hours and by the near end of the recession, had three part-time jobs actually. I worked the temp job and delivered pizzas on the weekends. Then I got a roach coach job and that paid less at times since it was strictly commission.
The 80's recession was the worst in my lifetime although I was still a minor during the Carter years. They called the 2000's the worst one but it certainly paled in comparison as I was an adult supporting myself through both. Yeah, there is always work if you have to work, but the problem is work that pays enough to support yourself. There were jobs like that in the 2000's recession but not during the 80s. Even the temp job I found was minimum wage but I worked a lot of hours and by the near end of the recession, had three part-time jobs actually. I worked the temp job and delivered pizzas on the weekends. Then I got a roach coach job and that paid less at times since it was strictly commission.

I think companies can tell when a young kid has work ethic. It wasn’t like jobs were growing on trees but if you network you can always find work. And yea, it didn’t matter how much it paid because I was living rent free with my parents.

The worst for me was twice in the 2000s. The economy for manufacturing sucked after 9-11 and just kept on sucking till the 2008 Great Recession. I got a job in manufacturing on obamas watch. Manufacturing is doing good again. We added jobs every month of obamas watch like 70 months in a row?

And it’s funny because as good as you guys think trumps economy was, his trade war with China in 2019 hurt manufacturing. It slowed sales. For example we buy one of our machines from China. We couldn’t sell that machine during trumps war.
I think companies can tell when a young kid has work ethic. It wasn’t like jobs were growing on trees but if you network you can always find work. And yea, it didn’t matter how much it paid because I was living rent free with my parents.

The worst for me was twice in the 2000s. The economy for manufacturing sucked after 9-11 and just kept on sucking till the 2008 Great Recession. I got a job in manufacturing on obamas watch. Manufacturing is doing good again. We added jobs every month of obamas watch like 70 months in a row?

And it’s funny because as good as you guys think trumps economy was, his trade war with China in 2019 hurt manufacturing. It slowed sales. For example we buy one of our machines from China. We couldn’t sell that machine during trumps war.

That's all fine and dandy if you want to keep making this country more and more dependent on China every year. We all seen how well that worked out for us during covid.

I watched a report yesterday how China is buying a lot of farm land in the US. They are not growing food products, they are turning the land into pot farms. Great investment and for sure a money maker, but when you take farm land and stop growing food on it, you decrease the output of food and we all know what that means for prices when we go to the store, as if we don't have enough problems affording groceries today.
That's all fine and dandy if you want to keep making this country more and more dependent on China every year. We all seen how well that worked out for us during covid.

I watched a report yesterday how China is buying a lot of farm land in the US. They are not growing food products, they are turning the land into pot farms. Great investment and for sure a money maker, but when you take farm land and stop growing food on it, you decrease the output of food and we all know what that means for prices when we go to the store, as if we don't have enough problems affording groceries today.
I hope they one day turn large parts of Detroit back into farm land.
I hope they one day turn large parts of Detroit back into farm land.

I believe it was Roy Rogers that said it best: Buy land. God ain't making anymore of it.

While farming may not be a problem at this moment, the problem is still in the making. As we use the land we have to store illegals now coming in by the millions every year (we have to house them somewhere) selling our land to foreign enemies, and using land for alternative energy like miles and miles of windmills and solar panels, it's only a matter of time before there is no land to sell.

As a landlord I can say I've never seen the market this strong in our favor the last ten years. Many people can't afford a house of their own and much of that cost is the land. They come begging us landlords to rent them a place to live and landlords are certainly taking advantage of the supply and demand process. It's to the point some states like CA are creating rental maximum prices which is entirely unconstitutional as far as I'm concerned.

In any case land of any kind will continue to escalate be it city or farm. What we really need to do NOW is stop selling our land to foreigners, put a brake on this climate change bullshit, and stop our population growth and even reverse it.

I hope they one day turn large parts of Detroit back into farm land.
Nature is taking it back much faster than anyone imagined possible.

It'll take a couple of thousand years though for all the concrete to decay and for all the iron and steel to rust away to nothing.
I believe it was Roy Rogers that said it best: Buy land. God ain't making anymore of it.

While farming may not be a problem at this moment, the problem is still in the making. As we use the land we have to store illegals now coming in by the millions every year (we have to house them somewhere) selling our land to foreign enemies, and using land for alternative energy like miles and miles of windmills and solar panels, it's only a matter of time before there is no land to sell.

As a landlord I can say I've never seen the market this strong in our favor the last ten years. Many people can't afford a house of their own and much of that cost is the land. They come begging us landlords to rent them a place to live and landlords are certainly taking advantage of the supply and demand process. It's to the point some states like CA are creating rental maximum prices which is entirely unconstitutional as far as I'm concerned.

In any case land of any kind will continue to escalate be it city or farm. What we really need to do NOW is stop selling our land to foreigners, put a brake on this climate change bullshit, and stop our population growth and even reverse it.

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When we run out of boomers and their kids there's going to be a massive oversupply of housing unless we get out borders under control

Absent both legal and illegal immigration we're not even meeting replacement rate in the US.
Never really understood GOPers that scream “close your legs and be responsible” about abortion. If a woman becomes pregnant and does not want the child, then getting an abortion IS the responsible thing to do.

And war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength. :icon_rolleyes:

Worst thread ever.

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