Hawaii’s Governor Takes On ‘Birthers’

So we can know the facts of where this Usurper was actually born. I would like to see what actual hospital he was born in since not one has come forward claiming he was. I want this to be put to rest because everybody has been relying on the internet image to verify he is a legit president and that is just plain wrong and stupid.

You've already stated many times it doesn't matter where he was born. So why do you care?

Why do I care? Because the constitution hasn't been upheld. Specifically Article 2 Section 1. Let me ask you, where in a Constitutional Amendment is it that states a British Citizen can also be a Natural born citizen?

But your claim is that he's a British subject due to his parentage, not where he was born. And that he could have been "born on the Capitol steps" and not be eligible.

So again, if according to your argument it doesn't matter where he was born, why do you yowl for a birth certificate to prove where he was born?
I bet Abercrombie is going rogue on this. I think the White House believes they have the upper hand when the whole birther thing stays muddied.

The mockery isn't worth anything if it's definitively ended.
Again NO NO NO, the pictured online COLB is no proof. Think people, The Internet COLB has never been proof nor has Hawaii ever stated 'THE INTERNET COLB' originally put out by the Daily KOS was ever proof either. Hawaii doesn't even know where the hell the KOS got it from. You people have to realize that the damn constitutions Article 2 Section 1 has been violated. That is why all of this matters.

Yes think people.

1.Each state decides what qualifies as proof of eligibility. Being a red haired, blue boy could be the qualification.

2.Birth Certificates were never asked for by the framers, nor any other birthing proof, because BCs didn't exist until the late 1800's in America.

That means Birthers are subversives trying to destroy the Constitution and disrupt the war effort by breaking the morale of the US Troops, like the LT.Col. who refused to do his military service under Obama, and was court marshalled and kicked out of the service. These people are traitors attempting to undermine the US government, and should be treated as such.
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Again NO NO NO, the pictured online COLB is no proof. Think people, The Internet COLB has never been proof nor has Hawaii ever stated 'THE INTERNET COLB' originally put out by the Daily KOS was ever proof either. Hawaii doesn't even know where the hell the KOS got it from. You people have to realize that the damn constitutions Article 2 Section 1 has been violated. That is why all of this matters.

Yes think people.

1.Each state decides what qualifies as proof of eligibility. Being a red haired, blue boy could be the qualification.

2.Birth Certificates were never asked for by the framers, nor any other birthing proof, because BCs didn't exist until the late 1800's in America.

That means Birthers are subversives trying to destroy the Constitution and disrupt the war effort by breaking the morale of the US Troops, like the LT.Col. who refused to do his military service under Obama, and was court marshalled and kicked out of the service. These people are traitors attempting to undermine the US government, and should be treated as such.


Each State decides what proof of eligibility is required to be on the ballot for that position in that State. For Federal positions, the Federal government is responsible for ascertaining final eligibility to hold the office if elected.

As far as birth certificates, each State has its own but Congress dictates the requirements for what has to go on them to be accepted by all other States. So long as that piece of paper meets those requirements, it must be accepted.

So a State is perfectly within its rights to ask for proof of citizenship from candidates for office where citizenship is required, and for a birth certificate from candidates for President and Vice President. What they cannot do is ask for more than is required as proof under full faith and credit - which in almost every state including HI is the standard COLB.
For Hawaii governor, discrediting anti-Obama 'birthers' is a top priority

Neil Abercrombie knew Barack Obama's parents when the future president was born here in 1961, and he has been aggravated by the so-called birther movement, which alleges Obama was not born in the United States and thus should be expelled from office.

Now Abercrombie has an office of his own — he became governor of Hawaii on Dec. 6. — and he intends to do something about it.

For Hawaii governor, discrediting anti-Obama 'birthers' is a top priority - Los Angeles Times

HONOLULU — Gov. Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii, who befriended President Obama’s parents when they were university students here, has been in office for less than three weeks. But he is so incensed over “birthers” — the conspiracy theorists who assert that Mr. Obama was born in Kenya and was thus not eligible to become president — that he is seeking ways to change state policy to allow him to release additional proof that the president was born in Honolulu in 1961.

A reporter for The Honolulu Advertiser also found two separate newspaper announcements of the president’s birth, one in The Advertiser on Aug. 13, 1961, and another in The Honolulu Star-Bulletin the next day. Both carried the words “Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama, 6085 Kalanianaole Highway, son, Aug. 4.”

The state was so besieged by inquiries that Mr. Abercrombie’s predecessor, Linda Lingle, a Republican, signed a law allowing officials to ignore the queries as nuisances.

bills like that are meant as a coded message that he is not really American



CODE? This is no code. It's an accusation because he's black. Southern White Wingers are incensed a "black" guy is living in the "WHITE House".

It doesn't matter what is "released". Those on the right will never accept Obama as an "American". How many still believe Obama took a 200 million dollar a day trip? These people believe that "Noah's Ark" was a true historical event. And someone will convince them a black president named Obama is an "American citizen"? It would be easier to convince them "Noah's Ark" never happened. Good luck on that!

I like it when he says, "'It's an emotional insult. It is disrespectful to the president; it is disrespectful to the office'". ----> It's an emotional insult because Obama's parents were apparently close friends. Who wouldn't defend their good friends being slandered for political reasons by a bunch of idiots?

Who on the right cares about respect or integrity? Seriously? The right doesn't respect teachers, scientists, professors, or anyone who's a Democrat. Why would they respect the President? It would be out of character.

Took them on, huh? Got a legit birth certificate? Otherwise, you're as brilliant -- and a waste -- as usual.:cuckoo:
You can't convince a birther any more than you can convince the insane. Whatever you provide them will be dismissed
You can't convince a birther any more than you can convince the insane. Whatever you provide them will be dismissed

We had a kicker like that once. He would let a long one go and it was obviously wide right but he kept waving his hands, leaning left and shifting his body left as if that was going to pull the ball left through the goal posts.
The damn kick was wide right, everyone knew it but HE WANTED it to go through so bad that he was never convinced until he saw the zebras waving their hands no good.

The kick is wide right folks. Obama holds a valid Hawaiian birth certificate. Your dances, shuffles, fakes and fades are all a fraud.
No good.
You know, these are the same people that are going to take the Republicans down to ignomious defeat in 2012. Then maybe the Republicans can get sane again and bring forward people like Tom McCall.
You can't convince a birther any more than you can convince the insane. Whatever you provide them will be dismissed

Well hell ya, we American citizens are just SUPPOSE TO TAKE SOME PAPER they posted over the Internet as THE DAMN PROOF by golly.

So we can know the facts of where this Usurper was actually born. I would like to see what actual hospital he was born in since not one has come forward claiming he was. I want this to be put to rest because everybody has been relying on the internet image to verify he is a legit president and that is just plain wrong and stupid.

You've already stated many times it doesn't matter where he was born. So why do you care?
Why do I care? Because the constitution hasn't been upheld. Specifically Article 2 Section 1. Let me ask you, where in a Constitutional Amendment is it that states a British Citizen can also be a Natural born citizen?

The Constitution has been upheld because the state he was born in has stood up and certified he was born there. What right do you have to overrule the finding of the State of Hawaii?
You can't convince a birther any more than you can convince the insane. Whatever you provide them will be dismissed

Well hell ya, we American citizens are just SUPPOSE TO TAKE SOME PAPER they posted over the Internet as THE DAMN PROOF by golly.


The American citizens are supposed to take the official findings of the State of Hawaii.
You can't convince a birther any more than you can convince the insane. Whatever you provide them will be dismissed

Well hell ya, we American citizens are just SUPPOSE TO TAKE SOME PAPER they posted over the Internet as THE DAMN PROOF by golly.


The American citizens are supposed to take the official findings of the State of Hawaii.

Really since when has any Government been openly honest?:eusa_whistle:
You can't convince a birther any more than you can convince the insane. Whatever you provide them will be dismissed

Well hell ya, we American citizens are just SUPPOSE TO TAKE SOME PAPER they posted over the Internet as THE DAMN PROOF by golly.


The American citizens are supposed to take the official findings of the State of Hawaii.

like hell we do, Just look at this new friggen idiot Governor they got coming in, I wouldn't take his friggen word if it was notarized on his tongue. He was "friends" with the Obama's and it's a INSULT to them for us to ASK FOR HIS LONG FORM BIRTH certificate and not that piece of crap they POSTED OVER THE INTERNET., well too friggen bad.:lol:
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You can't convince a birther any more than you can convince the insane. Whatever you provide them will be dismissed

You've already stated many times it doesn't matter where he was born. So why do you care?
Why do I care? Because the constitution hasn't been upheld. Specifically Article 2 Section 1. Let me ask you, where in a Constitutional Amendment is it that states a British Citizen can also be a Natural born citizen?

The Constitution has been upheld because the state he was born in has stood up and certified he was born there. What right do you have to overrule the finding of the State of Hawaii?

USArmyRetardo is just showing how little he understands his own argument. Nothing unusual for birfers.

See, USAR has spent pages in this thread explaining that as far as he's concerned IT DOESN'T MATTER WHERE OBAMA WAS BORN. He could have been born absolutely anywhere and according to Retardo he wouldn't be eligible because his father was a British subject.

And yet, he has just got to see that long form birth certificate because even though it doesn't matter, it matters.

So....if Obama's eligibility hinges on proving where he was born, then USAR's theory is full of shit. But if it doesn't matter and he's ineligible because of his father's nationality anyway, he has absolutely zero need to see any proof of where he was born and showing it won't fulfill any constitutional requirement.

If anybody needed more proof to know these birfers can't think their way out of a wet paper bag with a pair of scissors in each hand, right there you have it.
Well hell ya, we American citizens are just SUPPOSE TO TAKE SOME PAPER they posted over the Internet as THE DAMN PROOF by golly.


The American citizens are supposed to take the official findings of the State of Hawaii.

like hell we do, Just look at this new friggen idiot Governor they got coming in, I wouldn't take his friggen word if it was notarized on his tongue. He was "friends" with the Obama's and it's a INSULT to them for us to ASK FOR HIS LONG FORM BIRTH certificate and not that piece of crap they POSTED OVER THE INTERNET., well too friggen bad.:lol:

they have coming in.
Go easy on the egg nog Steph. I also like mine with a large wave, a splash is for the weak, of George Dickel.
You can't convince a birther any more than you can convince the insane. Whatever you provide them will be dismissed

Really? Problem would be solved with the submission of a legit birth certificate. I'd have no problem providing one. Nor my military record. IF I was elected President.

"Birthers" is a typical leftwingnut personal attack against anyone that doesn't agree with their smokescreens.

So WHAT is the problem? Why won't his eminence present his birth certificate?

I haven't taken a stand either way, but I trust a State government as much as I do a crack dealer.

Put up or shut up, leftwingnut. I don't want to hear what the state of HI has to say. Let's see the real paper.
Well hell ya, we American citizens are just SUPPOSE TO TAKE SOME PAPER they posted over the Internet as THE DAMN PROOF by golly.


The American citizens are supposed to take the official findings of the State of Hawaii.

like hell we do, Just look at this new friggen idiot Governor they got coming in, I wouldn't take his friggen word if it was notarized on his tongue. He was "friends" with the Obama's and it's a INSULT to them for us to ASK FOR HIS LONG FORM BIRTH certificate and not that piece of crap they POSTED OVER THE INTERNET., well too friggen bad.:lol:

Uhm, no. It's an insult to the State of Hawaii and an Article 4 constitutional violation for any State to require it.

Although I will concur that the governor is an idiot for giving it any attention whatsoever.
You can't convince a birther any more than you can convince the insane. Whatever you provide them will be dismissed

Really? Problem would be solved with the submission of a legit birth certificate. I'd have no problem providing one. Nor my military record. IF I was elected President.

"Birthers" is a typical leftwingnut personal attack against anyone that doesn't agree with their smokescreens.

So WHAT is the problem? Why won't his eminence present his birth certificate?

I haven't taken a stand either way, but I trust a State government as much as I do a crack dealer.

Put up or shut up, leftwingnut. I don't want to hear what the state of HI has to say. Let's see the real paper.

He has produced the one they gave him Moe. How many times do I have to post the facts?
Hawaii DOES NOT certify the long form. They issue a short form certified copy. ONLY.
MOST states do that.
End of story. Over and done with.
And I vote REPUBLICAN for 39 years.

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