Hawaii’s Governor Takes On ‘Birthers’

There's one big difference here. obama is not a private citizen He's the President and his records should be open. Would you want a pedophile to run or be elected for public office and be allowed to hide his records?

Surely you dont think all records of all officials should be open to EVERYONE? Do you realize what someone can do with that information? If the people who needed to see it for election reasons were convinced...that's enough.

Why shouldn't they be? We pay their salaries. And with any employer records such as Birth certificates education are used for employment

First of all, with someone's DoB and SNN, a criminal can do an insane amount of damage. Pardon me for saying this, but you sound really ignorant as to how personal information can be misused if opened to the public.

Second, like Yurt says...employers generally dont ask for Birth Certificates. Yeah, there's a form asking for several forms of id...but that gets safeguarded...not opened to the public at large.

You seem to think the ends justifies the means...and I don't totally disagree that you give up some privacy to have public office...but not as much as you seem to think should be given up.
Surely you dont think all records of all officials should be open to EVERYONE? Do you realize what someone can do with that information? If the people who needed to see it for election reasons were convinced...that's enough.

Why shouldn't they be? We pay their salaries. And with any employer records such as Birth certificates education are used for employment

First of all, with someone's DoB and SNN, a criminal can do an insane amount of damage. Pardon me for saying this, but you sound really ignorant as to how personal information can be misused if opened to the public.

Second, like Yurt says...employers generally dont ask for Birth Certificates. Yeah, there's a form asking for several forms of id...but that gets safeguarded...not opened to the public at large.

You seem to think the ends justifies the means...and I don't totally disagree that you give up some privacy to have public office...but not as much as you seem to think should be given up.

No one mentioned social security numbers
So that it can be checked by only CERTAIN people...i.e. trusted people...for privacy reasons.

Is it really so hard for Republicans to understand privacy issues? I thought y'all were supposed to be the ones cheerleading that issue.
hey, you forget this bullshit was started by anti-Obama democrats
do NOT associate this with the GOP
Yes you did...when I said "all records of all officials" and you said they should. Care to change your answer?
Go a few replies back the comment was made they do not release copies of the long form. If they do not release copies why keep the long form?

they DO release the long form with special request paperwork from the person birthed....it is a separate legal request, allowed to be made by the person whose name is on the birth certificate for genealogy reasons...I saw the Hawaiian legal form for this....

My birthed state of Alabama does not release the original long form either, unless special request is made....I got a short form birth certificate....computer generated and paid 15 bucks for it from my birthed state....it was missing all kinds of info, like the time I was born....which is why I ordered the BC in the first place....to find out the time I was born....it was not until I got the legal certificate of birth in the mail, that i realized it was NOT the original.

Last I checked the only state that routinely releases the long form is CA, because they do not (or did not at the time, the last credible info I saw was from about 3 years ago) have a short form made up that satisfies State Dept and INS regs or the requirements of Full Faith and Credit.

That may have changed by now, the birth certificate requirements were updated in 1998 so they've had plenty of time to work it out.

I've never seen the "long form" for my children born in Arkansas, the original is kept with the State. It is called a State vital record for a reason and belongs to them. What they hand out is a certification of the material facts on record, the short form.

Whenever I requested a new certified birth certificate from PA for employment or educational purposes, all I ever received was a short form. If there was ever a long form released, my parents must have lost it at some point when I was a kid because I've never seen it. That short form was enough to get me a passport, a couple degrees all at different universities and admitted to the bar in more than one state, no questions asked.

The COLB with the possible exception of those issued in California is all that's needed to verify citizenship for all purposes and is required to be accepted as proof of birth in that State by all sister States under full faith and credit. If that's enough for everybody else, why isn't it enough for the dain bramaged?

Fact is, for the crackpot theories most birfers currently operate under the "long form" birth certificate wouldn't matter anyway. Unless you're, by birfer standards, an old-fashioned PUMA-style purist the current "hot" theories in litigation and the blogosphere would make him ineligible regardless of where he was born. So the whole issue is meaningless anyway, they're just trolling.
you can add Maine to that as well, they release a photo copy on document paper
So that it can be checked by only CERTAIN people...i.e. trusted people...for privacy reasons.

Is it really so hard for Republicans to understand privacy issues? I thought y'all were supposed to be the ones cheerleading that issue.
hey, you forget this bullshit was started by anti-Obama democrats
do NOT associate this with the GOP

Anyone still on the issue should be chastised...dem or republican.

if it's mostly republicans at the moment...democratic origins of the idea dont save them.

its just stupid
So that it can be checked by only CERTAIN people...i.e. trusted people...for privacy reasons.

Is it really so hard for Republicans to understand privacy issues? I thought y'all were supposed to be the ones cheerleading that issue.
hey, you forget this bullshit was started by anti-Obama democrats
do NOT associate this with the GOP

GOP was doing it also. Not McCain because he is a class guy and he knew it wasn't true anyway.
But you are right. There is no truth to it as it is politics.
After 14 years of playing ball I know what piling on is.
Saw the laundry thrown my way a few times for that.:razz:
The problem what you're not getting people is that Hawaii Dept of Health has never vouched or confirmed the internet COLB that we see as authentic and valid which was originally released by leftwing website 'The Daily KOS'. Fukino has only stated that they have Obamas 'Original Vital Record' on file and that she has seen it. Fukino or Okubo has never ever mentioned the internet COLB in any official statement. We need to see the long form Certificate of Live Birth and that is what Chris Matthews and Gov Albercrombie wants released.

Why do you think it's a problem?

If as you say he wouldn't be eligible if he were born on the steps of the Capitol, why do you give a shit about his birth certificate at all?
The problem what you're not getting people is that Hawaii Dept of Health has never vouched or confirmed the internet COLB that we see as authentic and valid which was originally released by leftwing website 'The Daily KOS'. Fukino has only stated that they have Obamas 'Original Vital Record' on file and that she has seen it. Fukino or Okubo has never ever mentioned the internet COLB in any official statement. We need to see the long form Certificate of Live Birth and that is what Chris Matthews and Gov Albercrombie wants released.

Why do you think it's a problem?

If as you say he wouldn't be eligible if he were born on the steps of the Capitol, why do you give a shit about his birth certificate at all?

So we can know the facts of where this Usurper was actually born. I would like to see what actual hospital he was born in since not one has come forward claiming he was. I want this to be put to rest because everybody has been relying on the internet image to verify he is a legit president and that is just plain wrong and stupid.
The problem what you're not getting people is that Hawaii Dept of Health has never vouched or confirmed the internet COLB that we see as authentic and valid which was originally released by leftwing website 'The Daily KOS'. Fukino has only stated that they have Obamas 'Original Vital Record' on file and that she has seen it. Fukino or Okubo has never ever mentioned the internet COLB in any official statement. We need to see the long form Certificate of Live Birth and that is what Chris Matthews and Gov Albercrombie wants released.

Why do you think it's a problem?

If as you say he wouldn't be eligible if he were born on the steps of the Capitol, why do you give a shit about his birth certificate at all?

So we can know the facts of where this Usurper was actually born. I would like to see what actual hospital he was born in since not one has come forward claiming he was. I want this to be put to rest because everybody has been relying on the internet image to verify he is a legit president and that is just plain wrong and stupid.
what does it matter?
the state has certified(by proof of the CoLB) that he was born there
what more do you need?
and why do you choose to be manipulated by the hillary camp in this?
The problem what you're not getting people is that Hawaii Dept of Health has never vouched or confirmed the internet COLB that we see as authentic and valid which was originally released by leftwing website 'The Daily KOS'. Fukino has only stated that they have Obamas 'Original Vital Record' on file and that she has seen it. Fukino or Okubo has never ever mentioned the internet COLB in any official statement. We need to see the long form Certificate of Live Birth and that is what Chris Matthews and Gov Albercrombie wants released.

Why do you think it's a problem?

If as you say he wouldn't be eligible if he were born on the steps of the Capitol, why do you give a shit about his birth certificate at all?

So we can know the facts of where this Usurper was actually born. I would like to see what actual hospital he was born in since not one has come forward claiming he was. I want this to be put to rest because everybody has been relying on the internet image to verify he is a legit president and that is just plain wrong and stupid.

You've already stated many times it doesn't matter where he was born. So why do you care?
Why do you think it's a problem?

If as you say he wouldn't be eligible if he were born on the steps of the Capitol, why do you give a shit about his birth certificate at all?

So we can know the facts of where this Usurper was actually born. I would like to see what actual hospital he was born in since not one has come forward claiming he was. I want this to be put to rest because everybody has been relying on the internet image to verify he is a legit president and that is just plain wrong and stupid.
what does it matter?
the state has certified(by proof of the CoLB) that he was born there
what more do you need?
and why do you choose to be manipulated by the hillary camp in this?
Again NO NO NO, the pictured online COLB is no proof. Think people, The Internet COLB has never been proof nor has Hawaii ever stated 'THE INTERNET COLB' originally put out by the Daily KOS was ever proof either. Hawaii doesn't even know where the hell the KOS got it from. You people have to realize that the damn constitutions Article 2 Section 1 has been violated. That is why all of this matters.
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Why do you think it's a problem?

If as you say he wouldn't be eligible if he were born on the steps of the Capitol, why do you give a shit about his birth certificate at all?

So we can know the facts of where this Usurper was actually born. I would like to see what actual hospital he was born in since not one has come forward claiming he was. I want this to be put to rest because everybody has been relying on the internet image to verify he is a legit president and that is just plain wrong and stupid.

You've already stated many times it doesn't matter where he was born. So why do you care?

Why do I care? Because the constitution hasn't been upheld. Specifically Article 2 Section 1. Let me ask you, where in a Constitutional Amendment is it that states a British Citizen can also be a Natural born citizen?
So we can know the facts of where this Usurper was actually born. I would like to see what actual hospital he was born in since not one has come forward claiming he was. I want this to be put to rest because everybody has been relying on the internet image to verify he is a legit president and that is just plain wrong and stupid.

You've already stated many times it doesn't matter where he was born. So why do you care?

Why do I care? Because the constitution hasn't been upheld. Specifically Article 2 Section 1. Let me ask you, where in a Constitutional Amendment is it that states a British Citizen can also be a Natural born citizen?
but you have stated that even if he was born on the steps to the whitehouse he still isnt a citizen enough to be president
so to you it wouldnt matter where he was born
the rest is all subterfuge by you

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