*Hawking Fuck Off*

Sorry bout that,

Hawkins - shits in a diaper /drools on himself.

The Lord Jesus Christ - I can't describe him on the other hand.
Just know he's real, we believe - and this Hawkins clown is a farse.

Maybe he'll dry out in hell for awhile before the Lord finally ultimately accepts him

Gee, and conservatives wonder why they are accused of being anti-intellectual and anti-science.

1. I am just keeping it real.
2. This fuck is saying shit thats a lie.
3. I don't like it, so I attack the fuck.:doubt:

Hawkins - shits in a diaper /drools on himself.

The Lord Jesus Christ - can't describe him.
Just know he's real, we believe - and this Hawkins clown is a farse.

Maybe he'll dry out in hell for awhile before the Lord finally ultimately accepts him

There is no hell. It's just another made up fairytale.

Thanks asshole. Billions of Christians will take your words and follow.

Hawkins - shits in a diaper /drools on himself.

The Lord Jesus Christ - I can't describe him on the other hand.
Just know he's real, we believe - and this Hawkins clown is a farse.

Maybe he'll dry out in hell for awhile before the Lord finally ultimately accepts him

Gee, and conservatives wonder why they are accused of being anti-intellectual and anti-science.

Are all Liberals anti-Christian, or are you in the minority of ignorant assholes ?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. What I find stupid from an atheist is this, if I am right about there being a hell, they lose *big time*!
2. But on the other hand, and I did say this with a huge grain of salt, perhaps the size of a cow lick, which is a huge chunk of salt the size of a basketball.
3. If I am wrong I get what you get, *nothingness*.
4. So either way being an atheist is a losers game.


1. Going by your theory you should be worshipping all the religions
2. What if the Muslims are right?
3. What if the Aztecs were right?
4. What if the world is really balanced on a tortoise?
5. How would you have time to be a disciple of them all?
6. You are very confused.
7. And weak-willed.
8. I expect to read about you marching into a Post Office with a gun one day.
9. Or a school.

1. Its not a theory, I was projecting some bullshit.
2. A hypothetical.
3. Muslims are the *Anti-Christs*.
4. Aztecs are long gone.
5. You did say you were sane am I right?
5. Stop sounding like a idiot.
6. I'm weak willed? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. Why would I want to kill a bunch of innocent people, you on acid again dude?
8. Yup, acid, get off the dope!
9. This blanked character assassinations is about all the crap I want to see out of you dipstick!!:evil:

Hawkins - shits in a diaper /drools on himself.

The Lord Jesus Christ - I can't describe him on the other hand.
Just know he's real, we believe - and this Hawkins clown is a farse.

Maybe he'll dry out in hell for awhile before the Lord finally ultimately accepts him

Gee, and conservatives wonder why they are accused of being anti-intellectual and anti-science.

Are all Liberals anti-Christian, or are you in the minority of ignorant assholes ?

Way to not keep proving my point. :thup:
Hawkins - shits in a diaper /drools on himself.

The Lord Jesus Christ - I can't describe him on the other hand.
Just know he's real, we believe - and this Hawkins clown is a farse.

Maybe he'll dry out in hell for awhile before the Lord finally ultimately accepts him

Gee, and conservatives wonder why they are accused of being anti-intellectual and anti-science.

Are all Liberals anti-Christian, or are you in the minority of ignorant assholes ?

christian is not synonymous with ignorant.

well, in your case it is.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. What I find stupid from an atheist is this, if I am right about there being a hell, they lose *big time*!
2. But on the other hand, and I did say this with a huge grain of salt, perhaps the size of a cow lick, which is a huge chunk of salt the size of a basketball.
3. If I am wrong I get what you get, *nothingness*.
4. So either way being an atheist is a losers game.


1. Going by your theory you should be worshipping all the religions
2. What if the Muslims are right?
3. What if the Aztecs were right?
4. What if the world is really balanced on a tortoise?
5. How would you have time to be a disciple of them all?
6. You are very confused.
7. And weak-willed.
8. I expect to read about you marching into a Post Office with a gun one day.
9. Or a school.

1. Its not a theory, I was projecting some bullshit.
2. A hypothetical.
3. Muslims are the *Anti-Christs*.
4. Aztecs are long gone.
5. You did say you were sane am I right?
5. Stop sounding like a idiot.
6. I'm weak willed? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. Why would I want to kill a bunch of innocent people, you on acid again dude?
8. Yup, acid, get off the dope!
9. This blanked character assassinations is about all the crap I want to see out of you dipstick!!:evil:


1. At last you speak some sense.
2. That's a big word.
3. Only according to your storybook.
4. If the Aztecs are long gone, but they were right, then we're all doomed!
5. I can't remember saying that...you are lying!
5. I'm trying to converse with you in your own language...idioese.
6. You are so unsure of your religious crutch that you have to attack any dissenters in the most vile and personal manner.
7. What if they aren't Christians, don't you believe Atheists and non-Christians are sinful?
8. Who is the dope?
9. Dipstick? Just checking your oil level.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. What I find stupid from an atheist is this, if I am right about there being a hell, they lose *big time*!
2. But on the other hand, and I did say this with a huge grain of salt, perhaps the size of a cow lick, which is a huge chunk of salt the size of a basketball.
3. If I am wrong I get what you get, *nothingness*.
4. So either way being an atheist is a losers game.


1. Going by your theory you should be worshipping all the religions
2. What if the Muslims are right?
3. What if the Aztecs were right?
4. What if the world is really balanced on a tortoise?
5. How would you have time to be a disciple of them all?
6. You are very confused.
7. And weak-willed.
8. I expect to read about you marching into a Post Office with a gun one day.
9. Or a school.

1. Its not a theory, I was projecting some bullshit.
2. A hypothetical.
3. Muslims are the *Anti-Christs*.
4. Aztecs are long gone.
5. You did say you were sane am I right?
5. Stop sounding like a idiot.
6. I'm weak willed? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. Why would I want to kill a bunch of innocent people, you on acid again dude?
8. Yup, acid, get off the dope!
9. This blanked character assassinations is about all the crap I want to see out of you dipstick!!:evil:


1. For your further
2. Education
3. World Turtle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
4. Hmmm, there seems quite a lot of support for the World Turtle.
5. Maybe they know something.
6. You're welcome.
Sorry bout that,

1. What I find stupid from an atheist is this, if I am right about there being a hell, they lose *big time*!
2. But on the other hand, and I did say this with a huge grain of salt, perhaps the size of a cow lick, which is a huge chunk of salt the size of a basketball.
3. If I am wrong I get what you get, *nothingness*.
4. So either way being an atheist is a losers game.


If Zoroaster was right, you're fucked
We are in hell right now because we have no clue of what heaven is.

You have never had a hershey kiss. You are from a tribe deep in the amazon. Death, hard living, roots, bulbs, bugs, bats, wild hogs are your meal. And for something sweet, maybe a wild yam.
That is a hell because the sweet has never been tasted.
Hand one a hershey kiss. That, is heaven.

Hell is right here, right now. We have never tasted bliss yet.
LOL Well, with a body that has failed him, and an enormously strong mind. He probably gets a good deal of enjoyment out of the squealing and gnashing of teeth of the ding-dongs.
Sorry bout that,

1. That little slack jawed perv!
2. He is going to get a huge surprise!
3. I wonder what he's hiding???
4. I can tell he's a sick bastard!

Take it easy on the guy sasquatch. I guess the UK gives Hawking a break in his incredible medical costs if he keeps issuing provocative theories. When Hawking stops talking out of the side of his mouth the Brits will probably pull the plug on the whole freak show.
Sorry bout that,

1. That little slack jawed perv!
2. He is going to get a huge surprise!
3. I wonder what he's hiding???
4. I can tell he's a sick bastard!


1. Why is he a perv?
2. Is it his birthday?
3. Is it your birthday?
4. Is that because he's in a wheelchair, eats through a tube and speaks through a computer - you are a very observant man.

Cheers SirJames
Hawking is entitled to his opinion. Because he is seen as a "genius" does not make his word gold.
And those who don't agree are entitled to express it.

It's only those who can't seem to control themselves that resort to namecalling and ridicule because of the differing opinions expressed.

Some of y'all are really sad indiviuduals.
Hawking is a man. A smart man, yes. But still just a man. He knows nothing when it comes to God although he might think he does.

Then I assume you apply that statement to ALL men...and women. In your terms, they ALL know nothing when it comes to God...although they think they do. Shot yourself in the foot, eh! :lol:

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