*Hawking Fuck Off*

Sorry bout that,

1. Well folks, Hawking is on the attack of Christians again.
2. So fuck that fairy!
3. I say he is irelevant, and the fucker talks out the side of his mouth too, and uses a fucking machine to do it!
4. I think his theory crap is just that theory crap!
5. And no one can defend this fucker!
6. LNK:Heaven is a 'fairy story', says Stephen Hawking

"Heaven is a 'fairy story', says Stephen Hawking

edited short, due to copyright.

Hawking's stance on religion has hardened significantly in the nearly quarter century since the publication of his seminal work on the cosmos.

In "A Brief History of Time" he suggested that the idea of a divine being was not necessarily incompatible with a scientific understanding of the Universe.

But in his 2010 book "The Grand Design" he said a deity no longer has any place in theories on the creation of the universe in the light of a series of developments in physics.

Hawking has achieved worldwide fame for his research, writing and television documentaries despite suffering since the age of 21 from motor neurone disease that has left him disabled and dependent on a voice synthesiser."


he's right .
but your are insecure in your beliefs so you attack him for saying there is no heaven .
and kicking his wheelchair , now that is christian .
you don't like what he said ?
then prove it there is one .
Sorry bout that,

1. Well folks, Hawking is on the attack of Christians again.
2. So fuck that fairy!
3. I say he is irelevant, and the fucker talks out the side of his mouth too, and uses a fucking machine to do it!
4. I think his theory crap is just that theory crap!
5. And no one can defend this fucker!
6. LNK:Heaven is a 'fairy story', says Stephen Hawking

"Heaven is a 'fairy story', says Stephen Hawking

edited short, due to copyright.

Hawking's stance on religion has hardened significantly in the nearly quarter century since the publication of his seminal work on the cosmos.

In "A Brief History of Time" he suggested that the idea of a divine being was not necessarily incompatible with a scientific understanding of the Universe.

But in his 2010 book "The Grand Design" he said a deity no longer has any place in theories on the creation of the universe in the light of a series of developments in physics.

Hawking has achieved worldwide fame for his research, writing and television documentaries despite suffering since the age of 21 from motor neurone disease that has left him disabled and dependent on a voice synthesiser."


Lets continue to pray for him. God revealed Himself to Paul, who claimed to be the chief of sinners. God can do anything. :) :D

Sorry bout that,

1. That little slack jawed perv!
2. He is going to get a huge surprise!
3. I wonder what he's hiding???
4. I can tell he's a sick bastard!


1. Why is he a perv?
2. Is it his birthday?
3. Is it your birthday?
4. Is that because he's in a wheelchair, eats through a tube and speaks through a computer - you are a very observant man.

Cheers SirJames

christians are Christians , the pope did about the something with Galileo
Sorry bout that,

1. What I find stupid from an atheist is this, if I am right about there being a hell, they lose *big time*!
2. But on the other hand, and I did say this with a huge grain of salt, perhaps the size of a cow lick, which is a huge chunk of salt the size of a basketball.
3. If I am wrong I get what you get, *nothingness*.
4. So either way being an atheist is a losers game.

If Zoroaster was right, you're fucked
IF is the corner stone on religion .
not a way to live .
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Well folks, Hawking is on the attack of Christians again.
2. So fuck that fairy!
3. I say he is irrelevant, and the fucker talks out the side of his mouth too, and uses a fucking machine to do it!
4. I think his theory crap is just that theory crap!
5. And no one can defend this fucker!
6. LNK:Heaven is a 'fairy story', says Stephen Hawking

"Heaven is a 'fairy story', says Stephen Hawking

edited short, due to copyright.

Hawking's stance on religion has hardened significantly in the nearly quarter century since the publication of his seminal work on the cosmos.

In "A Brief History of Time" he suggested that the idea of a divine being was not necessarily incompatible with a scientific understanding of the Universe.

But in his 2010 book "The Grand Design" he said a deity no longer has any place in theories on the creation of the universe in the light of a series of developments in physics.

Hawking has achieved worldwide fame for his research, writing and television documentaries despite suffering since the age of 21 from motor neurone disease that has left him disabled and dependent on a voice synthesiser."


Lets continue to pray for him. God revealed Himself to Paul, who claimed to be the chief of sinners. God can do anything. :) :D


1. Yeah maybe thats a better way Marie, but did Paul have others praying for him?
2. Its not in scripture, but Jesus did go see him on the road to Damascus and saved him.
3. So it would take a powerful conversion to reach this gremlin, anything is possible I guess.
4. Your a sweet lady, thank you.:eusa_pray:

all i know is the sheer amount of love, compassion, and humility from the 'christians' in this thread should have everyone converting in no time - especially hawking.
all i know is the sheer amount of love, compassion, and humility from the 'christians' in this thread should have everyone converting in no time - especially hawking.

the history of christianity is bloody and evil , I don't see a change .

I seriously doubt Hawkins will convert to an imaginary God .

humanity ? were to start ,

charlemagne , he behead thousands , it said he killed 250 people men women and children that refused to convert . hows that for love .

the crusades all of them , murder rape theft , so humanity there

the inquisition again three , they murdered Christians that practiced Jewish tradition , like jebus ,

burnt a lot of people that were christian then went after midwifes ,
you could accuse your neighbor of witch craft and the church would give you their property .

kkk came out of christianity ,
there's a lovely group in Kansas , baptist , they go all over the country spreading christian love by holding signs saying god hates soldiers , or god love to kill soldiers , right there at the grave sight in front of grieving families .

I'm with Hawkins .
Sorry bout that,

1. I think Hawking can keep his opinions to himself!
2. If he doesn't want to start some *sheeeeeet* with *CWN*!!!!!
3. I'm sick and tired of some handicapped fuck bashing God, and no one says anything!!!
4. I know God will sort it out when Hawking kicks the bucket.
5. But I want him to have a piece of my mind before that happens.
6. And no one can defend this asshat either!
7. He has no good reason to attack Christianity.
8. But for some reason he does.
9. He's scared shitless that when he slides outa here, he will end up in hell.
10. The fuck should be scared, attacking God and all.:evil:

Sorry bout that,

1. I think Hawking can keep his opinions to himself!
2. If he doesn't want to start some *sheeeeeet* with *CWN*!!!!!
3. I'm sick and tired of some handicapped fuck bashing God, and no one says anything!!!
4. I know God will sort it out when Hawking kicks the bucket.
5. But I want him to have a piece of my mind before that happens.
6. And no one can defend this asshat either!
7. He has no good reason to attack Christianity.
8. But for some reason he does.
9. He's scared shitless that when he slides outa here, he will end up in hell.
10. The fuck should be scared, attacking God and all.:eRegards,

wow you are christian , look at all the venom coming out of you .

first he's a scientist its his job to give his opinion .

going after handicap people for not agreeing with your superstitions .
vengeful and your stupid , you really think your on a level with Hawkins ? really ?

everyone has a reason to attack christians .

you are no better then the most militant muslim ,

your evil .
Sorry bout that,

1. I think Hawking can keep his opinions to himself!
2. If he doesn't want to start some *sheeeeeet* with *CWN*!!!!!
3. I'm sick and tired of some handicapped fuck bashing God, and no one says anything!!!
4. I know God will sort it out when Hawking kicks the bucket.
5. But I want him to have a piece of my mind before that happens.
6. And no one can defend this asshat either!
7. He has no good reason to attack Christianity.
8. But for some reason he does.
9. He's scared shitless that when he slides outa here, he will end up in hell.
10. The fuck should be scared, attacking God and all.:eRegards,

wow you are christian , look at all the venom coming out of you .

first he's a scientist its his job to give his opinion .

going after handicap people for not agreeing with your superstitions .
vengeful and your stupid , you really think your on a level with Hawkins ? really ?

everyone has a reason to attack christians .

you are no better then the most militant muslim ,

your evil .

i wouldn't go so far as to call him evil - he's just a jerk that thinks if someone doesn't buy into his particular brand of mythology that they are somehow attacking his faith and worthy of hatred. worst of all though is he isn't alone in such a belief.

he's also a jerk that for some reason believes numbering his statements is a good idea.
"God is great" shouted the infamous 19 as they participated in the murder of thousands of human beings on Sept. 11, 2001.

Raised Catholic my fundamental values were formed by the nuns in their teaching of Jesus Christ. Sadly, the Fundamentalist Christians of the late 20th and early 21st C. in our nation reflect not any of the values I learned as a child.

Later, as I studied world history and later philosphy and political science I was exposed to the realities of religious conflicts and the extreme violence of true believers.

Since no non-psychotic man or woman has ever spoken with/to God there is no reason (as in a reasoned judgment) to believe a supreme being exists. I think, therefore, I am agnostic.

Being agnostic does not make me evil or immoral or dishonest, in fact it is an honest judgment based on the facts in evidence of which there are none to prove a surpreme being exists.

A far question to ask, IMHO, of those who believe and have faith in a supreme being, is this:

Would you behave differently if there was evidence to prove a supreme being did not exist?

Would you rape, rob and pillage if you knew for a fact God did not exist? Does the fear of hell or the hope for heaven control your behavior? I live by the values I learned as a child, notwithstanding the fact the Jesus Christ was likely just a man. A good man but not a son of God.
Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. I think Hawking can keep his opinions to himself!
2. If he doesn't want to start some *sheeeeeet* with *CWN*!!!!!
3. I'm sick and tired of some handicapped fuck bashing God, and no one says anything!!!
4. I know God will sort it out when Hawking kicks the bucket.
5. But I want him to have a piece of my mind before that happens.
6. And no one can defend this asshat either!
7. He has no good reason to attack Christianity.
8. But for some reason he does.
9. He's scared shitless that when he slides outa here, he will end up in hell.
10. The fuck should be scared, attacking God and all.:evil:


1. Hawking is one of the smartest people on the planet.
2. You are a birfer.
3. You think that there is a conspiracy over vaccines and autism.
4. And you act very unChristian with your disgusting attacks on his illness.
5. God is almost certainly embarrassed.
Sorry bout that,

1. Whats really crazy is Hawking is crippled in body, and yet his mind is above average, and still he can't see the miracle of that.
2. This tops the cake, he has no other purpose but to attack God, he can't just figure out how to perhaps, make a better satellite, create some kind of new invention?
3. To help humanity, poor slobs like you who think when your dead, its all over, end of story, dead and gone into nothingness.
4. But too bad, thats not *the end*.
5. Theres more.

Sorry bout that,

1. I think Hawking can keep his opinions to himself!
2. If he doesn't want to start some *sheeeeeet* with *CWN*!!!!!
3. I'm sick and tired of some handicapped fuck bashing God, and no one says anything!!!
4. I know God will sort it out when Hawking kicks the bucket.
5. But I want him to have a piece of my mind before that happens.
6. And no one can defend this asshat either!
7. He has no good reason to attack Christianity.
8. But for some reason he does.
9. He's scared shitless that when he slides outa here, he will end up in hell.
10. The fuck should be scared, attacking God and all.:eRegards,

wow you are christian , look at all the venom coming out of you .

first he's a scientist its his job to give his opinion .

going after handicap people for not agreeing with your superstitions .
vengeful and your stupid , you really think your on a level with Hawkins ? really ?

everyone has a reason to attack christians .

you are no better then the most militant muslim ,

your evil .

i wouldn't go so far as to call him evil - he's just a jerk that thinks if someone doesn't buy into his particular brand of mythology that they are somehow attacking his faith and worthy of hatred. worst of all though is he isn't alone in such a belief.

he's also a jerk that for some reason believes numbering his statements is a good idea.

your right
Sorry bout that,

1. Whats really crazy is Hawking is crippled in body, and yet his mind is above average, and still he can't see the miracle of that.
2. This tops the cake, he has no other purpose but to attack God, he can't just figure out how to perhaps, make a better satellite, create some kind of new invention?
3. To help humanity, poor slobs like you who think when your dead, its all over, end of story, dead and gone into nothingness.
4. But too bad, thats not *the end*.
5. Theres more.


I suppose you chose to ignore my post #54 above and the question posed. I'm not surprised.
Sorry bout that,

1. I think Hawking can keep his opinions to himself!
2. If he doesn't want to start some *sheeeeeet* with *CWN*!!!!!
3. I'm sick and tired of some handicapped fuck bashing God, and no one says anything!!!
4. I know God will sort it out when Hawking kicks the bucket.
5. But I want him to have a piece of my mind before that happens.
6. And no one can defend this asshat either!
7. He has no good reason to attack Christianity.
8. But for some reason he does.
9. He's scared shitless that when he slides outa here, he will end up in hell.
10. The fuck should be scared, attacking God and all.:evil:


1. His opinions are conclusions reached after consideration and deduction, unlike yours which come from blind faith, brainwashing, insecurity and a weak mind.
2. Are you going to let his tyres down? You big tough Christian you!!
3. But, if a retard fuck (Chesswarsnow) can spout his crap, why can't a 'handicapped fuck'?
4. I think God will be too busy sorting out the shit that you retard fucks have left him to deal with to worry too much about Mr Hawking.
5. It had better not be too big a piece...you haven't got that much to spare!
6. No one needs to, you haven't given any evidence in rebuttal.
7. Attack? More evidence of your weak mind and the insecurity of your 'faith' that you feel threatened when someone asks questions too hard for you to answer.
8. He's paid to think about questions and come up with answers.
9. You're projecting your own fears I fear...I feel a little sorry for you, it must be awful being so terrified every waking moment.
10. So...does that mean you are really going to let his tyres down?

Cheers SirJames
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Sorry bout that,

1. Whats really crazy is Hawking is crippled in body, and yet his mind is above average, and still he can't see the miracle of that.
2. This tops the cake, he has no other purpose but to attack God, he can't just figure out how to perhaps, make a better satellite, create some kind of new invention?
3. To help humanity, poor slobs like you who think when your dead, its all over, end of story, dead and gone into nothingness.
4. But too bad, thats not *the end*.
5. Theres more.


1. I'm sure he does.
2. I bet that he has a very busy schedule...attacking God will be just one item on his agenda.
3. You poor slobs, wasting your life planning for something that is never going to happen.
4. I suspect that you're right there...I imagine that you're going to go on and on and on....
5. I'm right already!!!

Cheers SirJames

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