Hawley is right, Biden endangers Americans

It’s obvious history isn’t your thing. Even black YouTubeers are posting his racist comments
I probably know 3 times the history you do..

and again, no idea what you are even referring to

so at least I know one thing about you: you don't know how to write
That’s for sure.

The left pushed an obvious hoax for years (Russiagate) and pushed the Mueller thing leading to impeachment to prevent Trump from governing because they didn’t like the results of the 2016 election. Hillary and Joe said Trump was an illegitimate president.

Crazy times.

The phony impeachment wasn't about that, it was the Democrats way to shut Zelenskyy up before he told Trump anything.
You do not have the right to use weapons to intimidate people. That is illegal.

They are terrorists because they are threatening school board members. Many of these people do not have children in school. They want to indoctrinate children into their Nazi way of seeing things. You are the ones who are pushing big brother.

The election results say something else. Since Roe vs Wade was overturned, Democrats have picked up 2 House seats. Another seat in a district that went to Trump by 15 points was retained by 4 points. In addition, Republicans are trying to back off of their hard core anti-abortion stance.

If Republicans were doing that, Republican states would have disabled their trigger laws, and more restrictive laws on abortion once the court decision was made. They didn't do that.

Abortion has always been a divided issue, but people who know about the Constitution realize there is no protection for abortion against the will of the state. Forcing states to allow abortions they don't want is what Big Brother is really all about. But our founders would disagree as they wanted states to conduct themselves like individual countries only to unite on federal issues, which abortion is not one of.

Armed citizens are not a threat to anybody. Pulling a weapon and threatening people is, and that didn't happen at any school board meeting. Parents threatened lawsuits and removal from office, but not physical violence. If I don't want my child exposed to weirdo philosophies like boys in dresses, or they have the ability to choose their gender, I have every right to be it a parent or a taxpayer with no children in school. My money, you do things my way.

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There were many striking things about that weird Joe Biden speech the other night. First and foremost, it was a spectacular failure of optics, something the political class from which Biden hails is supposedly so brilliant at. For some reason, Biden and his team decided he should address the American people in front of an Independence Hall in Philadelphia – birthplace of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution – illuminated in blood-red lighting: a peculiarly Nuremberg-esque aesthetic given his subject – as we’ll come on to – was the supposedly proto-fascistic threat posed by Trumpist right-wingers. But the speech was also a spectacular display of brassneck – a tirade against authoritarianism that only underlined the ‘respectable’ authoritarianism that Biden himself has helped usher in.

The only thing I can think of is he hired the clown that thought of Roman pillars when DumBama got elected.
Nope. I really want to say that Rump summoned mobs to Washington DC and sent them to the Capitol Building to obstruct Congress while certifying.

The test isn't whether or not the Insurrection had any chance of succeeding... the test is whether it was summoned and incited by your Orange Albatross.

If you have to use lies to support your argument, you already lost the debate. "We are going to march PEACEFULLY and PATRIOTICALLY to the Capital."
I'm not on twitter so I don't know or could care less. It's one thing to say congratulations and another when you actually practice their politics in the USA.
NOT very good optics, and pretty fucking hypocritical, if you're accusing others of being communist or communist sympathizers.
BUT.................THAT'S the GQP way.
If you have to use lies to support your argument, you already lost the debate. "We are going to march PEACEFULLY and PATRIOTICALLY to the Capital."
WOW, so........................it appears, Trump cult didn't listen to that or just ignored it, they only hear what they want to, as you just did.

They heard this though.

You forgot to mention a few important items for comparison... a handful of the more salient points are offered below...

Did not interfere with the peaceful Constitutional transfer of executive powerInterfered with the peaceful Constitutional transfer of executive power
Did not involve an assault upon the Congress of the United StatesAssaulted the Congress of the United States whilst in the midst of mandated duties
Did not call for the death of the Vice President of the United StatesCalled for the death of the Vice President of the United States
Was not summoned in advance by a sitting President of the United StatesSummoned in advance by a sitting President of the United States and his political allies
Was not incited at the time of execution by a sitting President and his political alliesWas incited at the time of execution by a sitting President and his political allies
Was based on overblown but factual police violence against minority suspectsWas based on the nonsensical Big Lie that the November 3 2020 election was stolen
Participants were largely local and spontaneous despite some conspiracy and travelersParticipants were almost entirely composed of non-locals who traveled to paritcipate
The administration (so-called) du jour failed to identify and prosecute participantsThe Administration identified and has been investigating and prosecuting participants
Love it.

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