Hawley is right, Biden endangers Americans

Again--that gotcha is pathetic. It was a campaign stop and they were passing comments. Biden has said worse.

It wasn't a TAXPAYER FUNDED speech at Independence Hall with military in the background. That you can't see the difference is not surprising, and yet, pathetic.
I like it that Trump says that. I agree: the Dems, many of them, are sure next door to commies.
There's not going to be any grand jury,

Trump White House lawyers arrive for Jan. 6 grand jury

By ERIC TUCKER September 2, 2022

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House counsel under then-President Donald Trump and his top deputy arrived at a federal courthouse on Friday to appear before a federal grand jury investigating efforts to undo the 2020 presidential election...



Game. Set. Match.

Benedict Rump is in extreme legal danger at the moment for his intentions, actions and behaviors for the entire period November 4, 2020 - January 20, 2021 and beyond...

In the criminal law-courts this time, not a Senate containing enough sympathizers to ensure that a conviction never takes place...

That was your "packed" or "safe-place" jury... the criminal law courts will be a much different matter if it ever goes that far...

But ya'll go right ahead deluding yourselves that this is going to end harmlessly like the two idiotic and ill-prepared and badly-executed impeachments by Democrats.

This time they've got your Orange Albatross by the short-hairs and preparations appear to be underway to clip his dodo-bird wings.

He always was - and still is - his own worst enemy... and he shoots himself in the foot nearly every time he shoots off his big ignorant arrogant undisciplined mouth.

Couldn't happen to a nicer traitorous autocrat-wannabe.
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It's repulsive really. I think of mid-level apologizers for the worst regimes. Those people who crawled away later with excuses like they had to go along to get along, etc.

And in the end, all this because these cretins just think they're better than us. That's it. They're better than Trump, which makes them better than us. That's the whole reason for all of it.
They wish. They aren't rich and they were never president, and they aren't any of them married to one of the most beautiful women in the world. And wildly popular with half of all Americans.

If they think they are better than Trump, I'd say it's mostly wishful wishing.
I didn't watch that Biden speech, of course, but was shocked to read in the news that I'm supposedly a danger to the nation as a MAGA Republican --- my neighbor came over yesterday, the nicest person I've ever known, and both she and her husband vote the same and she said she was amazed and unhappy to hear they were supposedly criminals and terrorists now.

And add to that the people that will be pissed off at this college loan bailout if he's able to pull it off.

My niece and nephew just finished paying off their college loans two years ago. They are in their early to mid 30's. If Dementia is able to get away handing out free money to current borrowers still paying off their loans, I can guarantee you how they will vote these next two elections. And there are millions like my niece and nephew.

Trump White House lawyers arrive for Jan. 6 grand jury

By ERIC TUCKER September 2, 2022

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House counsel under then-President Donald Trump and his top deputy arrived at a federal courthouse on Friday to appear before a federal grand jury investigating efforts to undo the 2020 presidential election...



Game. Set. Match.

Benedict Rump is in extreme legal danger at the moment for his intentions, actions and behaviors for the entire period November 4, 2020 - January 20, 2021 and beyond...

In the criminal law-courts this time, not a Senate containing enough sympathizers to ensure that a conviction never takes place...

That was your "packed" or "safe-place" jury... the criminal law courts will be a much different matter if it ever goes that far...

But ya'll go right ahead deluding yourselves that this is going to end harmlessly like the two idiotic and ill-prepared and badly-executed impeachments by Democrats.

This time they've got your Orange Albatross by the short-hairs and preparations appear to be underway to clip his dodo-bird wings.

He always was - and still is - his own worst enemy... and he shoots himself in the foot nearly every time he shoots off his big ignorant arrogant undisciplined mouth.

Couldn't happen to a nicer traitorous autocrat-wannabe.

Wouldn't discovery be fascinating?
So did I. Josh Hawley would make a good VP pick for Trump, IMO. I like him.
Do you really want that?

I thought you wanted someone with ball$?

We used to have presidents who at least made an effort to unite the nation. No more.
Well, why not? I'd say because that is no longer even remotely possible. Always excepting a foreign attack, and then only maybe. There would be a lot of leftists cheering for the foreigners in that case and defending them, as happened after 9/11/2001.

I think you make a very interesting point. The Dems (in the person of Biden and crew) have given up hope of uniting the people or changing minds, and at that level, people are very, very knowledgeable about politics. If they don't think unity is possible any longer, only hope for some sort of demonization and conquest, I would guess they are right ---- I'd guess we're in 1859 again.
Nope. Personally, I think the Rump Administration should have gone in there with mounted police cavalry, SWAT and Riot squads, and the National Guard.

I think that the Portland rioters should have had their skulls cracked and those who looted and harmed their fellow citizens should have been fired upon.

Don't confuse a robust and vigorous opposition to your Orange Albatross with some kind of LibProg leanings... that's a blind spot that you folks suffer from.
If you aren't for us, you're against us ------ and not useful in any political sense.
There were many striking things about that weird Joe Biden speech the other night. First and foremost, it was a spectacular failure of optics, something the political class from which Biden hails is supposedly so brilliant at. For some reason, Biden and his team decided he should address the American people in front of an Independence Hall in Philadelphia – birthplace of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution – illuminated in blood-red lighting: a peculiarly Nuremberg-esque aesthetic given his subject – as we’ll come on to – was the supposedly proto-fascistic threat posed by Trumpist right-wingers. But the speech was also a spectacular display of brassneck – a tirade against authoritarianism that only underlined the ‘respectable’ authoritarianism that Biden himself has helped usher in.

A very interesting piece. I liked this segment of it as being the central issue:

"...the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country.’ Given 74million people voted for Trump in 2020 – the second-highest number of Americans to ever vote for a presidential candidate, just behind Biden in that same election – one wonders who does or does not count as a MAGA Republican. Still, the effect was to make Hillary Clinton’s infamous ‘basket of deplorables’ comment look cute by comparison. Biden essentially cast vast swathes of the American public as domestic terrorists."

Yeah --- I'm supposedly a domestic terrorists, according to the president; and a threat to this country. So ----- what is he going to do to me? He'd have to expand the FBI a lot to do raids on the homes of 74 million Trump voters, I'd say ----- even if they simply shoot everyone in the house, it would still take a long time.

Is it okay now for a president to call half of all Americans a threat to the nation? Is there anything at all, whatever, that would NOT be okay to say? Would it be okay if he gets on TV and talks about putting us all in concentration camps? Killing us all? Re-education camps? Taking away all our children for indoctrination camps? Making slaves of all Trump voters? Is there ANYthing out of bounds now?

I'm thinking not.
After the raid and Biden's speech the other night. Trump is they only way to stop you loons from turning us into a third world shit hole.
Too late for most of the big cities, once the most magnificent in the world, now filthy tent cities.

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