Hawley is right, Biden endangers Americans

Lying and labeling american citizens domestic terrorists. That's why. He was installed to bring the US into subservience and to hand over sovereignty.
THAT'S only because.........................they are.

July 26 2022
Steve Bannon has called for “4,000 shock troops” to come forward to dismantle the United States federal government “brick by brick”.

Mr Bannon said it went far beyond “draining the swamp”.

“This is taking on and defeating and deconstructing the administrative state,” he said.

“Suck on it. We’re destroying this illegitimate regime.”

The inflammatory remarks came after Axios reported last week that Donald Trump was planning to fire thousands of federal workers at all levels of government should he retake the White House in 2025.
THAT'S only because.........................they are.

July 26 2022
Steve Bannon has called for “4,000 shock troops” to come forward to dismantle the United States federal government “brick by brick”.

Mr Bannon said it went far beyond “draining the swamp”.

“This is taking on and defeating and deconstructing the administrative state,” he said.

“Suck on it. We’re destroying this illegitimate regime.”

The inflammatory remarks came after Axios reported last week that Donald Trump was planning to fire thousands of federal workers at all levels of government should he retake the White House in 2025.

Firing federal bureaucrats does not = "domestic terrorist"

You realize we're not meant to be ruled by unelected, unaccountable desk jockeys. Right? Or not?
Nope, we just how dangerous the installed puppet is. He is a threat to this country.
Use the same tactic and play on words as your dear leader.
Insert country/nation, into the claim/accusation, that ME should have been.

January 12 2021
Trump claims impeachment "a danger to country".

August 6 2022
“These are dark times for our Nation,” Trump wrote in his statement, which was published as the FBI was conducting the search. Trump described his home as being “under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents.”
Firing federal bureaucrats does not = "domestic terrorist"

You realize we're not meant to be ruled by unelected, unaccountable desk jockeys. Right? Or not?
Sure, we shouldn't get ripped off by them either.

June 14 2020
Building ramparts of secrecy around a $600-billion-plus coronavirus aid program for small businesses, Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin has moved from delay to denial in refusing outright to disclose the recipients of taxpayer-funded loans.

Mnuchin told Congress at a hearing last week that the names of loan recipients and the amounts are “proprietary information.” While he claimed the information is confidential, ethics advocates and some lawmakers see the move as an attempt to dodge accountability for how the money is spent.
If you have to use lies to support your argument, you already lost the debate. "We are going to march PEACEFULLY and PATRIOTICALLY to the Capital."
No lie. Your boy did, indeed, say that. He and his lieutenants also said a lot of other things that day and in the lead-up. The grand jury will decide.
Does Biden not care when his actions endanger Americans?

---President Biden’s threats against half the country are “dangerous,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) said on Thursday following President Biden’s angry and divisive speech, in which the president railed against MAGA Republicans.---

Are you talking about the president who promised he was going to unite the country and with the midterms fast approaching he has chosen party over country?
No lie. Your boy did, indeed, say that. He and his lieutenants also said a lot of other things that day and in the lead-up. The grand jury will decide.

There's not going to be any grand jury, just like that last three grand juries you clowns predicted.

He never said anything related to the riot......nothing. The 1/6 clown show is only being conducted by a major network CEO to try and damage his name and hope for a way to stop him from running because the Communists are so scared to death of this guy.
Does Biden not care when his actions endanger Americans?

---President Biden’s threats against half the country are “dangerous,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) said on Thursday following President Biden’s angry and divisive speech, in which the president railed against MAGA Republicans.---

I didn't watch that Biden speech, of course, but was shocked to read in the news that I'm supposedly a danger to the nation as a MAGA Republican --- my neighbor came over yesterday, the nicest person I've ever known, and both she and her husband vote the same and she said she was amazed and unhappy to hear they were supposedly criminals and terrorists now.

I read a lot about the lead-up to WWII and Biden does sound like Hitler did while demonizing Jews and Communists in pre-war Germany. There weren't nearly as many of either then as there are of MAGA Republicans now: probably half the population in the U.S. are MAGA Republicans. But Hitler drove them out or killed them all and then spread it to Social Democrats and then to non-Nazis, and threw them all out of their jobs, too.

So the elections that get rid of Biden and his ilkies can't come too soon for me. Biden really is a lot like Hitler, turns out.
This was nothing more than a desperation speech. The idea was not to incite violence, but to encourage voter turnout for the Communists.

People are not happy with their last stunt of attacking MAL, nor are any happy with wasting 80 billion dollars to expand government with 87,000 IRS employees. Besides all the economic damage they've done to this country, the only thing left is to turn the people against each other, and IMO, encourage ANTIFA to start riots again.
I guess they could also always start a foreign war ----
WOW, so........................it appears, Trump cult didn't listen to that or just ignored it, they only hear what they want to, as you just did.

They heard this though.

Horse shit. And when are we going after Shoemaker for saying "Justice Kavanaugh, you have started a whirlwind, and you will pay the price!" It ultimately led to the court being attacked. When are we going to impeach and hold trials for Garland because by him not enforcing the law, it led to a plot to assassinate a supreme court justice? When are we going after Bernie Sanders for his attacks on Trump that ultimately led to the baseball field shooting?

If we're going to hold everybody accountable for words, which are protected by the US Constitution (I know that's like holding a cross up to Dracula for you guys) then let's hold everybody accountable on both sides. Fair enough?

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