Hayden: Impeaching Trump would be viewed as soft coup

You don’t understand what a coup is

Following the Constitution is not a coup
Holding elected officials accountable for their actions is part of a Democracy

In politics, perception is reality.

And they people aren't going to be fooled if the Far Left tries to take out their President.

They will know exactly what it is, and independent news sources like Info Wars and the Excellence in Broadcasting Network will be telling them.
The Far left is not in power

The Far right is ......they are the ones prosecuting Trump

Mueller is a strong conservative as they come

The Mule is no conservative at all- else he wouldn't have the support of the entire Liberal Ruling Class, Elite Lame Stream Media and the Deep State.
Quick question about those God given rights for Americans......................

Why is it that only Americans have them? Didn't God create all human beings? If so, why would He discriminate and take rights away from those born in China, or N. Korea? Don't those people also get "God given rights", or is it just for those born in America?

Every man has been endowed with Rights from Almighty God- those in Red China, North Korea included.

It is just that many countries around the world oppress their people and deny them their rights.

If the rights are God given, then can't God restore them and kick the dictators out of power? If so, why hasn't He done that yet? Does He enjoy seeing His creation being oppressed? I thought that no man was stronger, or had more authority than God does. Apparently, you think different.
Quick question about those God given rights for Americans......................

Why is it that only Americans have them? Didn't God create all human beings? If so, why would He discriminate and take rights away from those born in China, or N. Korea? Don't those people also get "God given rights", or is it just for those born in America?

Every man has been endowed with Rights from Almighty God- those in Red China, North Korea included.

It is just that many countries around the world oppress their people and deny them their rights.

If the rights are God given, then can't God restore them and kick the dictators out of power? If so, why hasn't He done that yet? Does He enjoy seeing His creation being oppressed? I thought that no man was stronger, or had more authority than God does. Apparently, you think different.

Au contraire. Almighty God has already assigned a date for judgment, it will be called Judgment Day.

At that point in time, there will be literally Hell to pay.
Threaten people with prison, unless they tell you what you want to hear?

Effective. Cotton Matter would be proud.

When dealing with gangster kingpins, getting underlings to turn is the most effective tactic. That and following the money and hitting them as tax cheats

Worked on Copone.....will work on Trump

It would also be the most effective tactic to railroad an innocent man.
We have a constitutional criminal justice system that will protect his rights

No, we don't. We have a system that has been corrupted by liberals and country club republicans.

As demonstrated by them giving HIllary a pass.

Or.....there were no grounds for Hillary to prosecuted. As demonstrated by the FBI investigation. And the IG investigation that found that "there was no evidence that political bias affected investigative decisions' in the FBI investigation.

Its far simpler, matches the evidence, and doesn't require an elaborate, batshit conspiracy theory backed by nothing.

Except that the concluding report included the exact language that called for prosecution according to the crime that they were investigating.

Until Strzok changed it for no reason, and Comey oddly, did not notice that the conclusion of his investigation was completely changed for no reason.
Look: Impeaching Trump would be a pointless exercise in spite and would *not* remove him from office. Impeachment is merely indictment. The House impeaches, but the president is only removed if the Senate votes by a super-majority to remove him from office, and there is no chance in hades that the Dems could get 2/3 of the Senate to vote to remove Trump. So we'd have the same situation that we had with Clinton: The House impeached him but the Senate did not vote to remove him, and he stayed in office.

if mueller has overwhelming incontestable proof that trump was a willing russian asset, then the senate will have no choice because i believe the american people who DO love the constitution will be a force they will have to face. congress gets mighty nervous when the people rise up & fill their halls & offices & phone lines.
/----/ "if mueller has overwhelming incontestable proof " If he had teh proof it would have leaked by now to undermine the President's approval numbers. Sorry, Spanky, but Muller has nothing but some process crimes, coerced confessions and indictments on Russians who will never show up for trial.
View attachment 213285

tick tock.
Look: Impeaching Trump would be a pointless exercise in spite and would *not* remove him from office. Impeachment is merely indictment. The House impeaches, but the president is only removed if the Senate votes by a super-majority to remove him from office, and there is no chance in hades that the Dems could get 2/3 of the Senate to vote to remove Trump. So we'd have the same situation that we had with Clinton: The House impeached him but the Senate did not vote to remove him, and he stayed in office.

if mueller has overwhelming incontestable proof that trump was a willing russian asset, then the senate will have no choice because i believe the american people who DO love the constitution will be a force they will have to face. congress gets mighty nervous when the people rise up & fill their halls & offices & phone lines.
/----/ "if mueller has overwhelming incontestable proof " If he had teh proof it would have leaked by now to undermine the President's approval numbers. Sorry, Spanky, but Muller has nothing but some process crimes, coerced confessions and indictments on Russians who will never show up for trial.
View attachment 213285

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Republicans have investigated Democrats for decades and come up short
The problem is you need more than conspiracy theories to prosecute

Trump will not be so lucky
nothing there.......sorry Trump won.....get the fuck over it....

And by 'nothing, you mean sworn testimony with accompanying faked invoices, false time lines and fraudulent work descriptions that Trump directed and coordinated the commission of federal felonies?

And would you care to review the mountains of evidence of collusion with the Russians that is publicly available? With the Mueller investigation, Papodapolous' testimony, Comey's testimony, McGahn's testimony and many, many more yet to be released.
Yeah I mean nothing.
Papodapolous? What did he say, gimme a quick account of it.

You're the one claiming that Papodapolous's testimony contains 'nothing'.

You tell us. Read it to us. Or admit you have no idea what's in it as it hasn't been released yet.
Have you read it ? The one thing I do know, is if there is damaging info on Trump it gets leaked. All the Cohen stuff was leaked before any public statements were made. The meeting was leaked.....but nothing to any crime has been leaked......interesting....maybe they have Trump on a murder rap yet it's not leaking.....

did it ever occur to you that COHEN was leaking it?
Michael Hayden Warns: Impeachment Would Be Viewed as 'Soft Coup' | Breitbart

Yep and we will take the appropriate action to defend our country and president against it.
Be certain that you have the Armed Forces on your side.

The way The Creature disses military leadership and the intelligence communities, I'm not so sure they'll stay "on side" if it comes to that.

The first loyalty of soldiers is to the Constitution, not to any personage.

Without the DoD, you'd be screwed, blued and tatooed... :21:

they can refuse an unlawful order as well.
dereliction of duty...

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....that b@st@rd!!

dereliction of duty...

Strongest Economy In Decades
Lowest Unemployment In Decades
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Highest Consumer Confidence in 18 years
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Jobs Obama Said Would never Come Back Are back
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....that b@st@rd!!


if he is found to have conspired to defraud the united states & has committed treason, then it matters not any of the above... he's going to go away

& btw- he built on what obama left him. & wages are not going up, that tax cut you bent over for not only screwed you now... it's only permanent for them.... not you & bigcorp is just going about buying back all their stock.... any bonus' will be eaten up in high rising healthcare costs due to the instability caused by repealing the mandate. that methane filled bubble you dwell in is rotting away at your braincells...

tick tock.
dereliction of duty...

Strongest Economy In Decades
Lowest Unemployment In Decades
Lowest Minority Unemployment In Recorded History
Highest Consumer Confidence in 18 years
More Americans working Than Any Other Time
Jobs Obama Said Would never Come Back Are back
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Fewer Americans on Welfare/Food Stamps/Unemployment

....that b@st@rd!!


if he is found to have conspired to defraud the united states & has committed treason, then it matters not any of the above... he's going to go away

& btw- he built on what obama left him. & wages are not going up, that tax cut you bent over for not only screwed you now... it's only permanent for them.... not you & bigcorp is just going about buying back all their stock.... any bonus' will be eaten up in high rising healthcare costs due to the instability caused by repealing the mandate. that methane filled bubble you dwell in is rotting away at your braincells...

tick tock.

You know Playtime, that is exactly the reason that I told people to wait a year to see what impact the tax cuts would have. I've got a hunch that it's gonna crash the economy even worse than what Jr.'s did.
dereliction of duty...

Strongest Economy In Decades
Lowest Unemployment In Decades
Lowest Minority Unemployment In Recorded History
Highest Consumer Confidence in 18 years
More Americans working Than Any Other Time
Jobs Obama Said Would never Come Back Are back
More Jobs
More Full-time Jobs
Higher Salaries
Better Trade Deals
Record Stock Market
Fewer Americans on Welfare/Food Stamps/Unemployment

....that b@st@rd!!


if he is found to have conspired to defraud the united states & has committed treason, then it matters not any of the above... he's going to go away

& btw- he built on what obama left him. & wages are not going up, that tax cut you bent over for not only screwed you now... it's only permanent for them.... not you & bigcorp is just going about buying back all their stock.... any bonus' will be eaten up in high rising healthcare costs due to the instability caused by repealing the mandate. that methane filled bubble you dwell in is rotting away at your braincells...

tick tock.

You know Playtime, that is exactly the reason that I told people to wait a year to see what impact the tax cuts would have. I've got a hunch that it's gonna crash the economy even worse than what Jr.'s did.
/——/ waiting for the crash, waiting for Mueller evidence, waiting for the blue wave, libtards do a lot of waiting waiting waiting
Quick question about those God given rights for Americans......................

Why is it that only Americans have them? Didn't God create all human beings? If so, why would He discriminate and take rights away from those born in China, or N. Korea? Don't those people also get "God given rights", or is it just for those born in America?

Every man has been endowed with Rights from Almighty God- those in Red China, North Korea included.

It is just that many countries around the world oppress their people and deny them their rights.
Why doesn’t God do something about it
You don’t understand what a coup is

Following the Constitution is not a coup
Holding elected officials accountable for their actions is part of a Democracy
Explain what crime Trump has committed. Facts please.

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