He calls himself antagon.


The Man
Dec 6, 2009
Hello posters!

I joined USMB back in December, while on a much-needed vacation. I've quite enjoyed the conversation in that time, particularly the heated debate. It's good to see that there's enough opinion tugging from all directions that the Union will find its way for another generation or two.

Me and my bandoleros fix houses for a living, and when I returned to the States, I was thrust back into the small business lifestyle of thankless self-torture. I love it. It did, however, force a hiatus from USMB for the first couple months of the year.

I've hurt myself in the line of duty :( and am taking a breather, hobbling it off. I've been running at the mouth here, again, where I can't on foot at the moment. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

I'm not a party man, although in high school I was convinced I was Republican. I cast for Clinton (the fall after I graduated), Bush, XXX and Obama, being unable to see the value in re-endorsing Bush or voting for Kerry in my wildest dreams in 2004. I'm happy with my voting record.

I see things through my plight: a microcorperatist who services clients from government and private institutions, the wealthy clear down to the dirt-government-sustained-poor. I root for my clients and my employees, hoping they're rooting for me. I'm only a centerist because I have a foot in part of each wing, and couldn't see having any two on the same side of the aisle.

That's about it.

time to go back to all-lowercase.:evil:
all lower cause is not allowed here....you must conform...post right and spell right...the spelling police are strong in the force
I'm not a party man

Well, we'll just see about that.


How many teeth have you lost?
I kinda figure out that I know one of your split personalities.


How many teeth have you lost?
thanks for the welcome and the concern. they're all in there :D see?. i run with the pretty-boys, but ive probably offered a few thousand brain cells up over the last decade of saturdays.:razz:

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