HE KNEW: Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal

What was Obamas pseudonym? Butt boy?
That is your MessiahRushie's name for Matt Lauer. Although NOW he condemns anyone who bad mouths Lauer.

February 26, 2009

RUSH: "Matt Lauer sounds like Robert Gibbs' 'butt boy,'" Robert Gibbs and Barack Obama's butt boy. Matt, you do. In the sound bite you sounded like a butt boy. You sounded like somebody carrying out orders. You sounded like somebody defending the realm against one of your own colleagues, against one of your own colleagues who's out there simply asking a question about, what the hell are we doing having to pay for people who aren't going to pay their mortgages? Matt, if there were any decency here you'd be siding with Santelli's original point. But you gotta go out and you gotta defend as a "butt boy" for Barack Obama and Robert Gibbs.

Deflection asshole. Barak the Magic Negro lied again....
What was Obamas pseudonym? Butt boy?
That is your MessiahRushie's name for Matt Lauer. Although NOW he condemns anyone who bad mouths Lauer.

February 26, 2009

RUSH: "Matt Lauer sounds like Robert Gibbs' 'butt boy,'" Robert Gibbs and Barack Obama's butt boy. Matt, you do. In the sound bite you sounded like a butt boy. You sounded like somebody carrying out orders. You sounded like somebody defending the realm against one of your own colleagues, against one of your own colleagues who's out there simply asking a question about, what the hell are we doing having to pay for people who aren't going to pay their mortgages? Matt, if there were any decency here you'd be siding with Santelli's original point. But you gotta go out and you gotta defend as a "butt boy" for Barack Obama and Robert Gibbs.

You are obsessed with Rush.
It pays to know who pulls your strings! :)

By your own people's words, Rush is an entertainer.......hardly one to pull strings. Yet you people gush when Hollywood icons pull up in their yachts to wag their finger about climate change or same people refuse to have wind turbines in their sight lines.
Think of it, an entertainer is your puppet master, that speaks volumes about you.
At any point do Congressional Republicans do a single fucking thing against this scumbag dictator in the WH
At any point do Congressional Republicans do a single fucking thing against this scumbag dictator in the WH
They sure tried, but Obama outsmarted them. Why do you elect such dumbbells? And you are about to vote for another loser!!!
What was Obamas pseudonym? Butt boy?
That is your MessiahRushie's name for Matt Lauer. Although NOW he condemns anyone who bad mouths Lauer.

February 26, 2009

RUSH: "Matt Lauer sounds like Robert Gibbs' 'butt boy,'" Robert Gibbs and Barack Obama's butt boy. Matt, you do. In the sound bite you sounded like a butt boy. You sounded like somebody carrying out orders. You sounded like somebody defending the realm against one of your own colleagues, against one of your own colleagues who's out there simply asking a question about, what the hell are we doing having to pay for people who aren't going to pay their mortgages? Matt, if there were any decency here you'd be siding with Santelli's original point. But you gotta go out and you gotta defend as a "butt boy" for Barack Obama and Robert Gibbs.

You are obsessed with Rush.
It pays to know who pulls your strings! :)

By your own people's words, Rush is an entertainer.......hardly one to pull strings. Yet you people gush when Hollywood icons pull up in their yachts to wag their finger about climate change or same people refuse to have wind turbines in their sight lines.
Think of it, an entertainer is your puppet master, that speaks volumes about you.

I never said that not implied that about myself. You did.....an opinion based on what lies between your ears.
That's Trump's nickname.
No, Obama deserves it. He is the one that gives them weapon caches and bombs their enemies.
Trump is their top recruiter.
So you are saying he hasn't bombed the Syrian army and dropped weapon caches to ISIS
The Syrian army is NOT fighting Trump's ISIS terrorists. The Syrian army is killing its own people and aid workers.
Nice deflection, hack.
It is very troubling, this pattern of pay to play, lack of transparency, etc. And why do they call Crooked Hillary's handler Huma Abedin. It is Huma Weiner. I do remember back when Crooked Hillary was calling herself Hillary Rodham for the anti-Western marriage message, but apparently that name is tainted also.
Why is this some sort of big deal? We were told when the State Dept was releasing Hillary's emails back in 2015, from her private server that there were about 30 or 40 emails from Obama that they were not going to release due to Presidential privilege or something like that.....?

So that right there, was telling us that Obama did communicate with her?
So basically he was in on it.

Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal

President Barack Obama used a pseudonym in email communications with Hillary Clinton and others, according to FBI records made public Friday.
The disclosure came as the FBI released its second batch of documents from its investigation into Clinton’s private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.

Read more: Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal
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