HE KNEW: Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal

So you guys are saying Obama said he did not know about her server?

And I guess my question is, when it came out MONTHS AGO, when Hillary's turned over emails were being released on the FOIA requests, a big thing came out that the State Dept was not going to release the emails made between the President and Secretary, per the President's request..... Didn't that tell us all then, that the President must have been aware of her server because he was communicating with her via email? And isn't this outrage that is going on now, a REPEAT of the outrage when it was found out that the President was with holding his emails to Hillary from public view?
So you guys are saying Obama said he did not know about her server?

And I guess my question is, when it came out MONTHS AGO, when Hillary's turned over emails were being released on the FOIA requests, a big thing came out that the State Dept was not going to release the emails made between the President and Secretary, per the President's request..... Didn't that tell us all then, that the President must have been aware of her server because he was communicating with her via email? And isn't this outrage that is going on now, a REPEAT of the outrage when it was found out that the President was with holding his emails to Hillary from public view?

It sounds like what you're telling me is that the drumpfodder are now having multiple orgasms.
Even Libs had to KNOW Barry was lyingwhen he claimed to learn from the mefia that Hillary was using her own personal servers and emails.

The only email she was using was her private one. Jo one can honestly tell me they dod NOT think the Sect of State was NOT emailing the President, especially furing any of the Benghazi mess.

Obama knew...Obama lied.
HE knew he lied.
Libs knew he lied.
EVERYONE knew he lied.
So you guys are saying Obama said he did not know about her server?

And I guess my question is, when it came out MONTHS AGO, when Hillary's turned over emails were being released on the FOIA requests, a big thing came out that the State Dept was not going to release the emails made between the President and Secretary, per the President's request..... Didn't that tell us all then, that the President must have been aware of her server because he was communicating with her via email? And isn't this outrage that is going on now, a REPEAT of the outrage when it was found out that the President was with holding his emails to Hillary from public view?
Hillary never turned over all work-related emails/docs, as required by the law.
But dont worry...he's not lying about the economy or Iran deal or climate deal or internet deal or you name it.....how bout someone list something he hasnt lied about
It seems like a really big deal. But I'm not sure if I really understand the implications

It's not a. Big deal. It does mean that she was communicating with the president and he knew she wasn't using s government email assuming it turns out to be true

The big deal is that he looked into your beady little eyes and told you he learned about the Server by watching the "News".


thanks for the beady eyes, thing, wacko. why do you lunatics do that? is it because the voices in your head tell you what people look like?

Everyone knows Obama and Val Jarrett started ISIS and armed them through the Benghazi Consulate
Everybody knows you are full of shit!
Obama and Hillary are liars, criminals and genuine traitors

and yet dumb donald is the one who illegally bribed a prosecutor and who illegally used money from a charitable foundation to settle personal claims and buy a $20,000 portrait of himself.

take a valium, frank. seriously. you're sounding almost as unhinged as dumb donald.
Hussein's a piece of shit. We know that. But sadly, most folks just don't care about this. They're too busy stuffing their fat faces, shopping till they drop, and watching their porn, sports, and reality tv, to care.

Clinton confidante Huma Abedin was interviewed April 5, 2016 in a meeting in the FBI’s Washington field office with FBI agents, her attorneys, and a representative from the Department of Justice’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Office.

During the interview Abedin was showed a June 28, 2012 email sent to Clinton with the subject header “Re: Congratulations!

The Supreme Court ruled that day that the president’s landmark healthcare reform legislation, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, was not unconstitutional.

Abedin told the FBI she had no idea who the email’s sender was and when agents told her it was the president’s pseudonym, she exclaimed: “How is this not classified?”

The confidante also told the agents that the president’s official email account had filters, so that certain emails could not get through to him–which came to her attention because when the former first lady changed private email accounts, her emails were bounced from the president’s official email account.

In addition to the news that the president, like many other members of his administration, used a fake name and his own private email account, it also means that Obama’s public statements about Clinton’s email arrangement were contrary to his own working knowledge and experience.

Obama told CBS News March 7, 2015 that he did not know about Clinton’s private email while she was his secretary of state from Jan. 21, 2009 to Feb. 1, 2013.
uhm what has that got to do with "criminal"??? If I claim to be tall and skinny and 22 years old------would that make me
a criminal?

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