HE KNEW: Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal

OURAGE! How can Obama use pseudonym! That is illegal and highly unethical because...I dunno but I don't like Obama so Lies! Deception! OMG!
Because it indicates a desire to communicate in secrecy. Or do you think there is another reasonable reason to do so?

What is interesting is buried in the story. The headline is much less interesting to me than the following:

"Hanley revealed in her FBI interview that she had no idea where a thumb drive she used to store an archive of Clinton's emails had gone. Hanley searched for the thumb drive, which the FBI described as "something she happened to have laying around the house," several times but was unable to find it.

The interviews provide more insight into Clinton's lack of technical acumen. According to the FBI's Abedin writeup, she "could not use a computer"; Hanley said Clinton had no idea what her own email password was, and had to rely on aides."

The above is rather bizarre and also shows the complete lack of concern for classified information.
America elected as president a half black guy. Twice. And a minority of our fellow citizens lost their damn minds and never recovered.
HELLO? Months and months ago, when Hillary's turned over emails from her server were being released via an FOIA request by the State Department, it came out then that the State was not going to release the 30-40 emails between the President and the Secretary per Obama's Presidential request.

So PLEASE TELL US FOLKS who have been following this, HOW IS THIS SOMETHING NEW???? We were told months and months ago that there were emails between Obama and Hillary?

AND the FBI NEVER EVER SAID what Hillary did was criminal! Her server was not criminal, it may have broke a rule but was NOT criminal, for goodness sake!

STOP LYING....can you all ever stop your lying? Or are you just fools and believe everything your right wing media tells you, that you should be outraged at?
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HELLO? Months and months ago, when Hillary's turned over emails from her server were being released via an FOIA request by the State Department, it came out then that the State was not going to release the 30-40 emails between the President and the Secretary per Obama's Presidential request.

So PLEASE TELL US FOLKS who have been following this, HOW IS THIS SOMETHING NEW???? We were told months and moths ago that there were emails between Obama and Hillary?

AND the FBI NEVER EVER SAID what Hillary did was criminal! Her server was not criminal, it may have broke a rule but was NOT criminal, for goodness sake!

STOP LYING....can you all ever stop your lying? Or are you just fools and believe everything your right wing media tells you, that you should be outraged at?
Conservatives can’t stop lying, it’s all they have; most have been lying for so long they don’t even know what the truth is any more.
I'm sorry, you don't receive 30k-40k plus emails as Secretary of State without everyone in gvt who matters, knows about it...that's why she didn't think she was doing anything wrong....how could she, when everyone and their brother were emailing her for 4 years at the same email address....? it could not have been this SECRET server that the right wing made up, and tried to claim....? no one up high, thought she was doing anything wrong!
America elected as president a half black guy. Twice. And a minority of our fellow citizens lost their damn minds and never recovered.

No.....he continues to use the Department of Justice to protect his illegal activities....Fast and Furious, the IRS targeting conservatives...and now hilary using illegal servers......and destroying subpoenaed documents....
America elected as president a half black guy. Twice. And a minority of our fellow citizens lost their damn minds and never recovered.

No.....he continues to use the Department of Justice to protect his illegal activities....Fast and Furious, the IRS targeting conservatives...and now hilary using illegal servers......and destroying subpoenaed documents....

I don't doubt any of it, that's how our corrupt system works. "Both" sides.
Everyone knows Obama and Val Jarrett started ISIS and armed them through the Benghazi Consulate
Everybody knows you are full of shit!
Obama and Hillary are liars, criminals and genuine traitors

and yet dumb donald is the one who illegally bribed a prosecutor and who illegally used money from a charitable foundation to settle personal claims and buy a $20,000 portrait of himself.

take a valium, frank. seriously. you're sounding almost as unhinged as dumb donald.
Seriously Obama has about almost everything and you continue to defend him
Nobody is surprised......Obama lies as easily and readily as hiLIARy.

That's what these people do. They lie.
"When did you personally find out about Hillary's private server?"
"When I, like you, heard it on the news."
Obama used a pseudonym to converse with Hillary on her clintonemail.com site. Lisa Jackson at EPA use a private email account as did Eric Holder. Everybody who was anybody in the entire Obama Administration use a private email account.
A more corrupt, evil hive of 'Scum and villany' we've never seen in American government before and likely will never see in a long time again.
President Obama used an undisclosed pseudonym to communicate with then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on her private email server – shocking her top aide Huma Abedin when she learned of it.

“How is that not classified?” Abedin “exclaimed” to investigators when shown a copy of the 2012 exchange between Clinton and Obama, according to a trove of 189-pages of FBI documents dumped Friday night into Clinton’s use of the private server.

After learning that the president used email with a pseudonym — apparently to try to protect his identity — Abedin asked her interrogators if she could keep a copy of the email.

The FBI documents don’t reveal if they let Abedin take a copy home with her.

Although tens of thousands of Clinton’s emails have been made public since it was revealed she had exclusively used a private email server to conduct official work, emails with the president have been exempt from disclosure.

“This exchange strongly suggests Clinton and the president knowingly discussed classified material in an unclassified setting and hence broke the law,” Raj Shah, the research director at the Republican National Committee, told the Post.

Obama used pseudonym to talk with Hillary on private server | New York Post

So this is what Obama meant when he called fro transparency in government.

Clearly, the need for an independent prosecutor is urgent.
But dont worry...he's not lying about the economy or Iran deal or climate deal or internet deal or you name it.....how bout someone list something he hasnt lied about


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