He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

It's also true that we have the worst tax rates
It's Dumbocrats parasites like you who cause us to have among the worst tax rates in the world. If you lazy, greedy parasites quit mooching - we could drastically reduce taxes.
They weren't taking "long shots" and they weren't using AR-15's. They were using fully automatics. They were using the AK-47 firing the 7.62 round.

Do you realize you've yet to post a single fact?!? Stop making shit up. "Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness".

Excuse me, but doesn't that kick your "assault rifles" aren't used in crime argument to the curb?
Ft Hood: Registered Democrat/Muslim.
Columbine: Too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals.
Virginia Tech: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff.
Colorado Theater: Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign; Occupy Wall Street participant; progressive liberal.
Connecticut School Shooter: Registered Democrat; hated Christians.

Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats.

Also, of the worst killings in the last several decades, only one was a female, all the rest were boys, barely men. Their role models were rappers, action movies, comics and violent video games.

Our problem isn’t weapons, it’s boys without boundaries. Who live in ‘progressive’ households.
Ten feet away, a blind man can kill a dog.

Dogs can run 30 mph, that's 10 feet in less than 1/3rd of a second. Reaction time is 1/2 second. Add that the burglary is probably taking place in an unfamiliar location, and the resident canine has a pretty good advantage.
Start with John Mohammad
Start with some actual facts first....

John Mohammad is a fact. He and Malvo found the AR-15 was a tremendous killing weapons, which befits it's origin as Stoners replacement for the M-1.
Dude...you credibility is shot. You keep throwing shit at a wall and praying that something would stick. You just laughably stated that the North Hollywood Shooters took "long shots" with "AR-15's". Both statements were 100% wrong.
"The crackdown on illegal criminals is merely the keeping of my campaign promise. Gang members, drug dealers & others are being removed!" - President Trump
You summed up in seven words what I've wasted paragraphs explaining.
I've got news for you snowflake - we're still waiting for you to explain something. All you've done is spend paragraphs making stuff up and attempting to pass it off as reality.

Keep reading. You're dismissing the historical uses of AR-15 in crimes. Where the frequency is low, but offset by the number of murders "in one shot"
Ten feet away, a blind man can kill a dog.

Dogs can run 30 mph, that's 10 feet in less than 1/3rd of a second. Reaction time is 1/2 second. Add that the burglary is probably taking place in an unfamiliar location, and the resident canine has a pretty good advantage.

So the dog bites you and then you shoot him. The intruder still won.
They weren't taking "long shots" and they weren't using AR-15's. They were using fully automatics. They were using the AK-47 firing the 7.62 round.

Do you realize you've yet to post a single fact?!? Stop making shit up. "Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness".

Excuse me, but doesn't that kick your "assault rifles" aren't used in crime argument to the curb?
No. Not at all. You said "AR-15's". And you said "long shots". Both statements were wrong. You look like a fool all over this thread.
Ten feet away, a blind man can kill a dog.

Dogs can run 30 mph, that's 10 feet in less than 1/3rd of a second. Reaction time is 1/2 second. Add that the burglary is probably taking place in an unfamiliar location, and the resident canine has a pretty good advantage.

So the dog bites you and then you shoot him. The intruder still won.

One good bite, and the burglar leaves a better blood trial than O.J.. They also end up requiting some of that free emergency room medical care, where the police would be looking for people with unexplained dog bites.
More people die from falling off the bed and falling trees then from someone killing with an AR 15...

Why do you chose an AR-15. You know that the FBI doesn't keep stats on the specific weapon used in crimes, or reported incidents. All they categorize by is riffle, shotgun, handgun. Specifics aren't collected, which is why the assault weapon death tolls are so low. The deaths reported by Toyota Prius are near non-existent.
The chances of dying from someone using an AR 15 are so tiny it does not even matter... people use hammers to kill many more people
But they're GREAT for nutter mass murders...
Most of the mass murders are progressives... fact
Nutjob CRAZIES by definition. The ones who aren't textbook insane are RW a-hole hater dupes (Quebec, SC, abortion nuts) or people driven mad by them and our ignorant ugly American RW propaganda duperie and giant poverty problem. Great job! Anything to save our poor super rich GOPers...,dupes.
Ten feet away, a blind man can kill a dog.

Dogs can run 30 mph, that's 10 feet in less than 1/3rd of a second. Reaction time is 1/2 second. Add that the burglary is probably taking place in an unfamiliar location, and the resident canine has a pretty good advantage.

So the dog bites you and then you shoot him. The intruder still won.
I'll do you one better Ray. You know how this nitwit keeps repeating the lie that "a gun is more likely to be used against you"?

Well...what about when the pitt bull attacks the owners? Bites the master? Mauls the children to death? Oops....looks like rat pack's "solution" is dumber and more dangerous than a firearm! :laugh:
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle… harmless.

It has the same firing rate as the current issue M-16
Right. In both cases - the civilian model fires semi-automatic. What is your point? And what does any of this have to do with illegal aliens? :dunno:

Guns are not only legal - they are constitutionally protected. Invading our country is not.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle… harmless.

It has the same firing rate as the current issue M-16
You don't know a whole lot about firearms do you? An over-the-counter Ar15 is not military grade, it could never pass muster.

Actually you don't know firearms. The average AR-15 costs more than the M-16.

How much is m16 rifle?

Designer Eugene Stoner
Numbers made ~8 million M16 type rifles
Government price (USD) $647 per unit for a new M4

Find an AR-15 for less.

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